Oct 22, 2010 20:29
Dear Self Righteous Bicyclist,
As a vehicle on the road in the state of Iowa you are expected to act and abide by all laws and regulations as every other vehicle on the road despite number of wheels, lack of engine and carbon footprint. This means the following
1) You cannot ride on the sidewalk and then decide not to ride on the side walk. No getting on and off the sidewalk. This is especially important in the downtown area where you are prohibited from riding on the sidewalk
2) Stop signs and stop lights are not optional. You don't get to pick and choose because you are on a bicycle
3) You cannot go the wrong way down a one way street. Only pedestrians get to do that, because they have the right to the sidewalk. Not you
4) Speaking of pedestrians, they still have the right of way. Not you. There is no getting around that one. So quit riding on the fucking sidewalk and stop at the fucking crosswalks already
5) Riding under the influence can still get you a DUI in the state of Iowa. It's not a way around the law. Take a fucking cab or walk home.
6) You can start preaching your holier than thou attitude towards the gas guzzlers when you start abiding by the traffic laws. Until then you are a danger on the road, a terror to pedestrians, and just a big pain in my ass.
Thanks for listening