In the last three years I have spent my life working in the natural foods industry. All of last year I have spent working in the altrenative medicine and nutrition department. There are some things out there that do work and work just as well as the prescription your doctor will prescribe you. An example of this is tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil is a natural anti bacterial and anti fungal remedy for toenail fungus and foot fungus. If you were to go to the doctor he would more than likely prescribe you a cream. That cream's main active ingrediant is going to be tea tree oil. So this is a case where you can save yourself some money and head to the health food store.
Not all cases are like this and more and more often I have customers that are running to the internet with their health problems than they are to their physician.
More and more often I see friends on my facebook throwing up links to this "study" and it just so happens to agree with what they want to believe.
First off, it's clear that I need to send a direct reminder to the world that NOT EVERYTHING YOU READ ON THE INTERNET IS TRUE!!!! People lie everyday and a lot of times they do it on the internet.
I'm going to pull up a website as an example of complete and total bullshit. If you click on the various articles on this website you will notice a common theme in all of them. A complete lack or source or citations on where they find their facts, studies and information. The few sources they do link to contain no peer reviewed studies, just more articles that happen to agree with their message.
I'm not saying all scientific studies have actual validity to them. But it is important to read through them and look to see if this study has the evidence to back it's conclusion. Yes, in the science world we are also guilty of skewing information to fit our message, everyone is. Hence why it's important for you to read and decide for yourself.
A perfect example of this can be found
Unfortunately you are unable to read the study for yourself. I happened to read it back in college. The important thing here is to look at the conclusion they came up with. Now, what this summary doesn't say is that the kids that were pooled for this study were all currently participating in a juvenile at risk after school program. All of the students being surveyed had run ins with the law. They didn't run around and find kids in a school with tattoos and piercings, they found ones that were already considered "at risk". Making this study entirely worthless.
The point I am trying to make here is to think for yourself and question what you read, even if it does happen to agree with what you believe. I'm not asking you to question the laws of gravity here or to ponder the absolutes in mathematics. What I am saying is the that the world is full of ignorant, manipulative lying sacks of shit who all have voices on the internet. So next time you throw that link to that unbelievable article on facebook, take a moment and dig a little deeper. Check other sources if they list any, and cross examine it. Google is a wonderful search engine, which allows you to find just about anything but it does not yet have a bullshit filter.