Aug 06, 2005 00:46

ok so let's talk about how mind blowingly amazing the American Idol 4 concert was???


I am in love with singing. Not that I wasn't already. But this further convinced me that i am absolutely correct in having my music obsession. So first of all, God must love me and meghan. Because right after we bought our merchandise we were walking to find our section, they weren't bad seats, like second tier up and off to the side. Probably 300 feet away from the stage. So these two people come up to us and here went the conversation:

Them: Hey is it just you two together?
Us: Yeah
Them: Do you want these tickets? We have 2 13th row FLOOR seats that cost us 400 dollars a piece but our kids couldn't come since they are sick. So they are home with the baby-sitter and we don't want to let these go to waste, do you want them?

So we were probably 30 feet away from the stage. let's talk about the random act of kindness of the century. The concert, was indescribable. Started with an amazing Jessica Sierra, who meghan and I agreed got kicked off entirely too early. She did great, sang 2 songs that I loved on her. Enter Anwar Robinson. Hi perfect voice! Played piano too. I am so in love :). He is such a phenominal singer. I nearly cried! He hit those high notes and i just melted. Enter Constantine Maroulis. In a rather ugly outfit i might add... but he sang funny valentine and 2 other songs. (everyone did three) He was great though. I loved him! Even though he did his rapist eyes. beware. Enter Nikko Smith, what a baller. He is the next usher. That boy can DANCE. and what an amazing voice. ahhh. sang stevie wonders, justin timberlake, one other. SO good. LOVE HIM. Enter Scott Sable, who despite being despised by me during the show, did very well. I was impressed. After his first two songs he did a "Total Eclipse of a Heart" duet with Jessica. *HOLY CRAP* They were like destined to sing together. I nearly cried again. Enter Nadia Turner with her electric guitar. She is such a diva. She sang so well, AND she talked to me! (not meghan) When i was waving like mad and doing "i love you's" in sign lol she said "i got you girl!" and pointed at me! ahhh fabulous hahah.

Ok  Time For Intermission. (You feel like you're there, don't you?)

Enter Anwar on the piano, and Vonzelllllllllllll Soloman!!! She looked absolutely gorgeous; I wanted her dress. She was beyond amazing beyond belief... I LOVE HER. I like freaked out when she came on haha. Then again i freaked out when everyone came out thus far. Oh well, besides the point. She sang "Best of My Love", "Karma" by Alicia Keys, and one other song with Anwar on the piano. She was by far the best, she should have won. She is way more idol than "carrie underwood" ENTER ANTHONY FEDOROV. GAHHH adoramable. He looked SO pretty, and his voice was even prettier. I seriously did cry. I decided it was for him I would go up to the front to take pictures. There was like an aisle that went up to the 4th row or so so you could be really close. There were guards making sure people didn't go up though. So as soon as the scary bouncer guy passed our row going towards the back I ran up there to take pictures of my beautiful anthony!!! and he SO winked at me. ahhh highlight of my life... after about 3 pictures the guards ran up and were all like "find your seat or we'll make you find it" so i had to go haha. But i think i did pretty well with my stealthiness. (word?) haha. Enter Bo Bice on crutches for he has broken his leg. Before singing his advice to the crowd is "It's better to be safe than cool" He sings 3 songs, one being Sweet Home Alabama that everyone went nuts for. The other two were great too, he was crazy amazy.... i loved him sooo much. Enter carrie underwood. ew. one of her songs was okay. Bo comes back out and sings Rascal Flatts with carrie, talk about ruining a song. I'm like a diehard RF fan, I can't believe they would let her sing the song that badly. During the show she did it and i thought it was not horrible, but she sang like half an octave above where she should have so it sounded really flat and/or pitchy. Like it wasn't a girly octave above in order to make harmony, it was like in the middle and sounded awful. Bo did a great rendition of it, but i don't know what she was thinking. Enter all idols, back for a quick encore. They sing a few songs together, take a bow together, and they're off. Time for another show, another crowd. Thank You Detroit... The Music City, blah blah blah. Our best crowd yet (as if they don't say that to everyone) but I was thoroughly impressed. This was an amazing beyond belief concert. And to make it even better, we got free pop tarts because we were VIP Floor level. ahahah. Hooray! Pop-Tarts and American Idol? Throw in Clay and we've got heaven! :-D

All in all, a Top 5 concert I'd say. Maybe Top 3. Good times indeed. The reason these concerts are so amazing is because minus carrie, i would pay to go to a concert for just one of the idols. Instead, you get 10 of them! It's a smorgasbord of amazingness!

Big thanks to our sponsors, we love you. The concert was 5 million times better from 13th row :-D

Wish you would have been there!!!!


Two American Idol Tickets: $105 dollars
Youth Large AI T-Shirt: $30 dollars
American Idol Poster: $10 dollars
American Idol Key Chain: $3 dollars
Having Your Breath Taken Away Countless Times and Realizing Money Means Nothing In A World Filled With Music: Priceless

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