2006.. what can i say? it's been a hell of a ride, and no matter what happened, in the end, i'm glad it did. i've changed and grown so much more this year than i ever thought was possible. ouu and GABI, thanks for that entry, i can totally relate.
for those who didn't yet read..
"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. " -Anonymous.
it's ironic that i would read that.. especially at this moment.. i'm currently in a .. not a fight, really, but a problem with one of my best friends, hopefully it'll pass.
new love? he may not be my love, but i've definately judged him too hard because of the hurt i've been through. i shouldn't have, and i regret ever doing so.
i realize now what i great guy he is and that i've never showed him how much. i really hope it's not too late.
as for loving like i've never been hurt, that's gonna take some guts, but it's wayy too ironic that i read that now. a sign from God maybe? i'm getting kind of scared, last night, i asked God for a sign to tell me what to do, i got one this morning that i shook off, and now this. i'm gonna do it. i'm not gonna wait forever again.
and the last line.. for sure. that's it.
jed; you're such a huge impact in my life. i know you know that and i know i tell you often, but you mean more to me than you will ever understand. you are the greatest friend anybody could ever ask for and more. when we first met, i never once thought we would ever be in the spot we're in now. i can trust you with everything and regardless of my moodswings ans stupid things we both say, i can never stay mad at you for long. you are basically the great thing that has ever happened to me and i thank you and God for that. regardless of whatever may lie ahead of us, you will always be my best friend, and i take that to heart, my best friend, my greatest friend, you are what i NEED in my life. when would i be without you? regardless of all the things that have happened this year, you've been with me, you've been with me when you could have left, and you've showd me more care and friendship and trust than anybody ever has. jed, you are my best friend, never forget that.
2006, thanks for everything, all the tears, all the pain, all the laughs and happiness, everybody who has walked in and out of my life, those who have stayed and those who left without a good bye. thank you for showing me who's really there and who's go where the wind blows them whether it be me or not. regardless of all the drama i've been through, this year, i've stregnthened myself, become more observant and learned that not everybody can be trusted and very few can be. regardless of everything that has happened this year, i'm gonna end this year finally understanding what i did wrong, what i did right and i'm gonna end this year with a smile on my face because i don't have any questions.. maybe one.. but that'll be answered soon.. i hope. i'm so thankful for all my experiences and i wouldn't go back and chance anything. even though it's such an over-used cliche, "i don't regret anything because it made me who i am today." i stand by that 100%. i waited too long and got my heart broken when i didn't tell him sooner, and i learned that i shouldn't wait forever. i used somebody i loved, and i learned that they have feelings that run deep and that they weren't clueless to my actions. i tried to control somebody's decisions and i learned that as much i want ti protect her, she has to make her own mistakes too. i asked myself question after questions but never sought the answer, i learned that i should take things one step at a time. i put my trust into people i shouldn't have trusted and i learned that trust is to be earned and that trust is fragile. i learned that a "sorry" doesn't mean shit until you prove how sorry you are. i vented as much as i could to people i trusted, and i learned that it works bnetter than taking my anger out on other people or using violence. i put my everything into God and i learned that He is always there. on the real; i've learned so many things this year, that i can enter 2007 knowing that i have a little more knowledge, my skin is a little bit thicker, and that nobody is perfect. i learned that i should pick my friends wisely and really hold onto the ones who matter because "those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind". i'm not gonna forget all the pain i've been through, i'm gonna keep it with me, in the front of my mind as long as i possibly can, so i can remember what i did wrong/right and what i can share with others. regardless of anything that has happened, i'm thankful.
2007, i'm ready.
yeah, well, that's all for now folks.