The Edukators

Apr 17, 2009 02:47

Jule: When I was little...
with my friends...
we played house with dolls...
It was so real for them.
They were so into it.
I was never able to forget
they were only dolls.
I always felt like...
More of a watcher than a player.
You know?
I still feel like that.
In real life.

Jan: It's the Matrix.
If you see it,
you can't be living in it.

"The Edukators", 2004


Jule: But I need that job, you see.

Jan: No, I don't see.
You go to all those protests...
against exploitation and oppression...
but you're still
some bastard's slave.
Those protests are totally useless.
The rebellion is difficult now.
Before, all it took was
dope and long hair.
And the establishment
was automatically against you.
What was considered subversive then
you can buy in shops today.
Che Guevara t-shirts
or anarchy stickers.
That's why there aren't any more
youth movements.
Everyone has the feeling
it's all be done before.
Others tried and failed.
Why should it work for us?
For all revolutions,
one thing is clear...
Even if some didn’t work,
the most important thing is...
that the best ideas survived.


Jan: I guess it’s been a while...
Since you did your own wash.
How can someone with your past
live the way you do?
You must have had ideals.

Hardenberg: My father told me:
"Under 30 and not liberal, no heart.
"Over 30 and still liberal, no brain.

Jan: Yeah, right.
But I don't believe that crap.
It's the standard excuse
of guys like you.

Hardenberg: It happened slowly, gradually.
you hardly notice it.
One day, you abandon your old car.
You want a dependable car,
with air conditioning, a warranty.
You get married,
raise a family, buy a house...
The kids need a good education.
That costs money... Security!
You create endless debts,
so you need a career to pay them.
So you do like they do.
Then one day,
to your surprise at the polls...
You vote conservative.


We screwed up.
Kidnapping Hardenberg was wrong.
We did it to save our own asses,
not the world.


Some People Never Change

отжим, фильмы, политика

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