On Vox: Can't catch a break

Oct 25, 2007 06:49

Effing figures.

The teenage boy is refusing to get out of bed to go to school, complaining of lack of sleep due to a headache that he told me the ibuprofen had taken care of when I checked in at bedtime.

Dude. The husband and I have a date here at 11. Go. To. School.

He started angling for this last night, and I said no then. I'm working from home and would like to have the bloody house to myself for once. Some days? Family is not my favorite.

Especially when it defiantly interferes with my afternoon sumthin' sumthin'.

Sumthin'Sumthin' I need to go kick the side of the kid's bed a few more times.

Originally posted on kpacklight.vox.com
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