Intriguing. For those of you not a friend of Alana. (there is music. and pictures of naked boys.)
The Potion Makerkpachayagolobkallium is a translucent, gritty brown powder siphoned from the pollen of the eternity tree.Yet another fun meme brought to you by
rfreebern I suppose I do go on sometimes...
and speaking of bad puns, did everyone hear Barbaro's stable?
I know it's been a bit since I updated, but I've been working my ass off at Birdi's-- I'm the only server there who works more than one shift a week.
I also got wretchedly (pun intended) sick last night from a stomach virus. I feel like shit, but I also feel like broke, especially seeing as I tossed up about $30 worth of food and drink last night when I got home, and can't leave Jen high and dry at work tonight... blah.