May 26, 2006 00:58

OK, so seriously, what's the deal with Michelle Pfeiffer and playing animalistic humans?

1. Ladyhawke, 1985, Isabeau d'Anjou.

Her character turns in to a hawk in the daytime and takes human form at night, when her love is in the form of a wolf.

2. The Witches of Eastwick, 1987, Sukie Ridgemont.

I can't recall off the top of my head, but given the movie's nature... plus, Jack Nicholson was in it, so it's connected even further to the title movie.

3. Batman Returns, 1992, Selina Kyle/Catwoman.

Nuff said.

4. Wolf, 1994, Laura Alden.

Through a twisted plot, we figure out that she's actually the Werewolf that started this shitty movie in the first place. Maybe that's why she hasn't had an animal/human role since.

*waits for the re-make of The Island of Dr. Moreau*

Now. The movie wasn't a total fail-- ok, I can't say that with a straight face.

It had Jack Nicholson, Pfeiffer, James Spader (and we all know how he usually wets my pants), and David Hyde Pierce. Nicholson gets bitten by a wolf he runs over and stupidly decides to go see if it's OK.

Rule number 1-- never go see if an animal you hit is OK unless it's a small rabbit without large fangs (a-la monty python).

He transforms in to a werewolf, has a nasty bite on his hand, gets demoted at work, James Spader gets his job, and thanks to his sharp, wolflike smellflexes, figures out that Spader's doing his wife. Nicholson's wife, that is. He runs off with Pfeiffer, the boss' hot daughter whose horse is severely pissed off at its exposure to werewolves by the end of the movie. At some point they find out that Spader's a werewolf, too, and a fancy eye shot is supposed to suggest to us that he's the werewolf that bit Nicholson. Then there's a werewolf fight to the death when Spader tries to kill Pfeiffer and Nicholson goes all crazy Jack on his ass.

Then they both end up dead.

And Pfeiffer, in a very clever setup, repeats almost verbatim the lines that Nicholson uses when the first signs of his spidey--er, wolfsenses appear.

Then, we think "OHNOES! SHE'S ONE, TOO!" and then we discover that perhaps, just perhaps, she was the wolf who bit him...


You're welcome.

And, I was going to go to bed, and then Interview With a Vampire came on. Damnit.


Are you leaving town this summer at all?
I'm trying to figure out if I should even come to Austin at all

humor, michelle pfieffer, wolf, movies, james spader, movie synopsis, jack nicholson

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