So ya…What’s up? Hehe.
Has it been so long my young lovelies??? It has hasn’t it…
Well what’s a boy to do? How can daddy make it up? ;)
If you know me, you know my posts took a little time to do and were lengthy to one degree or another. Furthermore, in the uncountable events that followed my last post, it became impossible to keep up.
Oh, there were so many things I wanted to share with you, both good and bad, both tragic and beautiful. I tired many times to express them here, but I kept falling short, finding a reason to stop…a reason to forget, and then it was gone…swept away by time like sand castles on the beach. After some time, I realized some things couldn’t be said (not by words or even pictures) for they were meant for one’s heart and one’s heart alone. Those memories of the many moments from the months that were, I hold only in memory…where they bask in their perfection…where they will eventually fade and die with me.
Ah…so much change. To the disbelief of many, I no longer drink, go out, and party every night of the week. And although I still go out every once and a while, the domesticated life here with niki suits me just fine and I say thankya. In truth, I do miss it from time to time, getting happy-drunk and laughing with and at my friends and at myself but life’s full of doors and I had to open and enter a few (as well as close and walk away from some) in these past months to be where I am now. No regrets for the most part, however, I do miss many of you and I feel that sadness for being so absentee. And for that, I am sorry. Wish I could have been there to console you in your times of need, for I know many of you have endured so much as well. I wish I could freeze time of go back, but time is like a one-way train, isn’t it? Nonetheless, it is my deepest hope that all of you are doing well. Some of you, I hear, are doing very well and that brings a warm smile to my face. Some of you, I know, have wandered into the wilderness and for that my heartaches. It all just life though isn’t it?
…Everything necessary and so essential to the whole.
Nonetheless, it’s good to be back. For how long, I can’t say…but won’t you walk with me once more? And perhaps you can find it in your heart to call me friend once again.
[…I hope you find the hand to lead you through the wilderness…]
[…and when you’ve come safely through…]
[…I hope you see that the hand was none other than your own.]