
Apr 15, 2007 23:30

Well its been a crazy week. Ive been downloading like crazy lately, in prep for yesterday.

I nuke and paved my compy, finally reinstalling windows to replace the bad install from last August. Got rid of all that crap that was filling up my computer that I didn't need. It was nice to have fixed my compy after having fixed my dad's and brother's.

My brother's mobo finally shit the big one, but he had just acquired an old tower from someone, so I swapped out the RAM and HD from the old one and put it in the new one, tripling the RAM and doubling his HD space. Unfortunately, the 512 from the old one wasnt compatible with the new one, so I gave that stick to my dad. When he has time he's going to swap that one for one of the smaller ones in his computer, and give the old one to my brother, which hopefully will be compatible, because Kevin's only working off of 368 right now, which effectively sucks. But if all goes well he should have half a gig when we're all through.

In news that has nothing to do with computers...I finally repurchased FF12. I sold back my old busted copy *snicker snicker* and used a 5 dollar off coupon and got myself a used copy that only took 24 out of my pocket. Im not too upset with that. I also started a new game of Kingdom Hearts, so my PS2 has been pretty busy as of late.

Leslie came over Friday night and we all had a big lame slumber party with movies and junk food and a small house fire originating n the microwave that I take no responsibility for ;-). Lots of fun, which was good, because the next day (yesterday), I had the first of three certification tests for my teaching degree.

I think it went fairly well, at the very least I was completely honest with my answers. Thank god one of the questions didnt ask whether Id jump into a fight to break it up, because I would have to say yes and Id totally get that question wrong. I just think its stupid Id have to wait for a security guard while some kid gets his face pummeled in. Whatever. I aced the essay though, I know that much.

All in all I've been pretty productive. I have to write a research paper on blogging for my computers in the classroom class before this thursday...which is stupid. But whatever.

Oh yeah...also knitting for the NP production of King Lear. The Devil can kiss my ass, he'll find no playground in these active hands ;-).

I think thats least for now, till I remember what I had really wanted to post.

Have fun kiddies!

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