been awhile, eh?

Nov 14, 2005 20:50

let's play 5 minute catch up...

got married, it was fucking beautiful. it had to have been the most beautiful day of my whole entire life (thus far, cuz i'm sure when i give birth to a child that will all change). we are working seriously on renovating the new house. first thing installed was heat pump & AC. it had radiator heat, but with fuel prices going through the roof we just decided to take out our first home equity line of credit & put heat pump into the house. they did a good job trying to keep the historical value of our house & stuff, i'll give them that.

we painted the dining room this rustic burgundy this past sunday. it's fantastic. it's so warm & i think it will promote conversation in that room, not that it didn't just makes the whole downstairs feel warmer, considering it was ivory everywhere before. after christmas is over, we're going to tackle the living room with paint, though we haven't decided what color yet. but i'm all about earth tones people.

we've gone to a shitload of home VA Tech Hokie games, which I'm sort of glad that part of the year is coming to a close. it's so hectic to be driving every weekend to & from blacksburg. don't get me wrong, i fucking love it, but by this time in the year, i'm worn out from doing it SO much. we flew the company small plane to williamsburg on saturday to visit with his mom & brother. that was fun. it was a good day to be in the air (with not a breeze in the air). it was calm, peaceful & truly made me feel like a bird.
we came home & he blew leaves around with his new yard tools & i washed clothes & finished this ridiculously awesome book i'd been reading.

girls, if you haven't read it already, please fucking read this book & share this experience with's SUMMER SISTERS by Judy Blume. It's the best fucking book I've read. I don't know why, but I felt closer to the two girls in that book...I cried for 45 minutes after i finished reading it...what the fuck...i don't do that normally when i finish a book....i was sad to be done with it. how about that. there's my 5 minute catch up with me. how the fuck are you???

huggles & smoocharoos
kellfire red
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