Dec 10, 2009 13:54
Dear Diary,
Very sad morning... My DVR got too full and deleted my recording of the Kristi Yamaguchi and Friends ice skating special, starring the Backstreet Boys.
This was one the universe's kindest acts I've experienced in some time: joining together my love of figure skating & ice dancing, Kristi Yamaguchi (my idol when I was 8 years old, and still not clear on why I couldn't be a Japanese figure skater when I grew up) and the Backstreet Boys (if you know nothing else about me please know that I will always love them).
It was a lovely 2-hour special which eventually aired on the Hallmark Channel around Thanksgiving, taped from a country-wide tour. I don't know what powers got together and crafted the perfect 2-hour special for me (well, close to perfect-- they did leave out Surya Bonaly and Phillipe Candeloro), but I was so thankful. I only got to watch 4 composite hours worth before it was deleted this morning by Adam Lambert on The View.
...As you may be able to tell, I still need a job.
I've been working Front of House 6 days/nights a week at the theatre to pay some bills, have some spending money for Christmas, and occasionally to eat. I'll be relieved for a few days when the show closes and the blisters on my feet relent. Then I'll go back to calmly freaking out about my next source of income for a month. I went on one interview on Tuesday for a VERY important position at the theatre. I don't have it in me to get excited over much job-wise these days, but I do seriously believe this job would change my life. Or rather, my life would have to change for me to do this job, and I'd be very okay with that.
Other than that I am reflecting and
learning and
observing and
thinking and
growing and
trying to process it all in a way that works for me. It has not been an easy past few months but it has been some of the most meaningful.