Dec 28, 2004 22:49
Yeah, Christmas was pretty good to me. I just got a lot clothes and money. But, with the money I bought a cd player and two cds (Switchfoots The Beautiful Letdown and Modest Mouse's Good new for people who like bad news). That made me really happy. But yeah, I slept in til like 1:30 on christmas and ate dinner. Then I went to my moms for like an hour. I miss my little sisters. But, we had a lot of church this week it was crazy. But last sunday morning our music sucked. Everything was way too loud and you couldn't hear the singers. I'm at Geralds right now and hes watching tv in the other room. But what makes me really happy is that Ryan has a drum set now. Lets see...I play bass and guitar...gerald plays guitar...and Ryan has a drum set...I smell a band coming on hehe. I really hate the college is coming so soon. I have to send all this crap out and I still haven't finished my camp application. So hectic I know. Well anyways...imuna(im gonna) go now. so...