Oct 21, 2007 20:34
So I decided to do more stick shift practice tonight by driving friends to the nearest Starbucks for a cup of delicious Java chip frappucino. Mind you, I haven't been sticking to my drive a little a day routine. It's been about four days since I last drove, so I figured a quick little drive would brush me up.
A little drive turned to driving to a whole other city, then driving back on the freeway to get back home. I've never driven on the freeway in a stick shift, much less driven in a busy commercial area with multiple stoplights. I killed the car in an intersection and managed to have enough inertia roll me past it before I was able to turn the car back on, shift to first and drive off. I took the slow lane for the entirety of the freeway in 4th gear- every time I took it to 5th and tried to downshift whenever traffic slowed down, the car would lurch and shake as if threatening to die in the middle of a frikkin freeway. The clutch is in- what more do you want from me!?
I am seriously considering making a sign for the bumper of the car that reads: CAUTION learning stick shift!