did this because I'm a lemming and well cuz I'm a little miffed X_x So here I is in all my striped glory pixel-i-fied. BUT! I searched high and low for a skin tone feature on this doll makey site and lo and behold I find nothing NOOOOTHING. They have shoe optiions up the ying yang, but only ONE skin tone?? So I tanned up the skin with good ol' photoshop :D
I left the legs white since my legs are always covered by stockings or pants and never see the light of day. So I'd say the pic is pretty accurate ;3
Anyhoodle, I guess I'm just kind of "whut up doll makey site?" Since they assume the general public is white. Yeah yeah I know I sound like some minority with a chip on my shoulder, but seriously, when the only option for darker skin looks like they plastered mud on your face it makes you wonder... >.>
bah. Anyhoodle, my roomie cooked up a boy version of herself in this dollmaker thingy and it got me wondering, so I began tinkering with the boy section..If i was a d00d, what would I look like? Hell, could I pull this look off in real life? I dunno, but I envision myself as a surlier version of myself, always muttering under my breath and such XD