Well, if you haven't figure it out from my lack of postings, I actually got the framing supervisor position at the new JoAnn's. I'm back to full time status and it's hard to get used to all over again after a 2 year hiatus. I'm currently training with a FANTASTIC guy named Richard at the Geneva store. He's got 28 years of framing under his belt and is currently on a major pirate kick. He's also a fantasy/sci-fi fan and every time we work together is such a blast. And yet, we still manage to get things done. So much so that the department is up 51% from last year and we're the #1 framing department in the region. 40 hours a week doesn't really allow for too much free time, and despite it all I'm still pumping out some costumes.
Dragon*Con is in just over 2 weeks. I'm fucking excited as hell for it. I get to experience one of the biggest cons in the country and do it all with a seasoned vet and my lovely lady-wife
stupid_drawings I just hope I can stay awake as much as possible during it. 5 Hour Energy will be my friend.
My costumes for this wonderful occasion are as follows:
Captain Barbossa
Irvine Kinneas
Boggart Snape
steampunk professional gambler/lock picker Lenora Fortuna
pirate Ariel from Little Mermaid
Pride & Prejudice zombie
I'll also bring a few more costume-y casual wears including a goth girl outfit and my Sal from Pineapple Express (which doubles as my pjs!) I'm still debating on bringing Quidditch Harry, but seeing as how HP isn't all that popular I'm hesitant to bring it if I might not wear it. Not to mention how many pairs of shoes I'll be bringing will severely limit the room for another costume I might not wear. Who knows, I might bring it anyway.
Now as far as I know, I'll be attending the Final Fantasy photoshoot, which will happen on Sunday at around 2 pm (Location: Marriot Atrium Lobby Level, carpeted space next to Atrium Ballroom - across from Pulse Bar) as well as the Pirate Party and Yule Ball, which are also both Sunday night. Other than that, my schedule as to when I'll be wearing things is up in the air and will depend on how I'm feeling. I don't plan on bringing any regular clothes except for the ones I plan to wear on the flight there and back home, so this should be exciting.
As luck would have it, I'll be staying once again with
stupid_drawings, her bf, and Tiff from Azk and her bf. Such great people, I can't WAIT for the fun to be had. And it'll be nice to take one more break from reality before the horror of opening the new store begins.