Oh my gosh XD <3 The english dubs of the first six Code Geass Sound Dramas are absolute win XDDDD Shirley's imagination is utterly hilarious! XDDD I crack up every time XD <3 And there's something utterly hilarious about Suzaku saying "Come on, Lelouch! Our wedding is about to start!" XDDD And then the end is hilarious XD Conclusion? Lulu in Shirley's imagination is a pimp like his daddy :<; LOL Suzaku sounds adorable as a little boy <3333 And Ohgi freaking out how to change Viletta's clothes off was win, especially when he wierded poor Kallen out XD ilu drunk Tamaki! XDDD I hope the next one has a continuation of STAGE 0.521 Nunnally Vanished though D: I want to hear the rest of it ;O;