stole it from fil & sejja

Nov 11, 2006 02:42

Part 1: The Birth of You

Were you a planned baby?: i don't think so, i think they only meant to have jean

Were you the first?: nope, last

Who was present at your birth?: i guess my parents and hospital people. it'd be kinda weird if anyone else was there

Were your parents married when you were born? yeah

What is your birthdate?: 04 01 1984

Part 2: The Family

Are you parents married or divorced?: married

An only child?: i wish people would pay attention to the questions they ask, we've already been over the fact that i'm the theres obviously more of us wandering around

If you have siblings are you oldest, middle, or youngest?: gah. youngest

What are your sibling's names?: jeanie beanie

Which parent do you get along with best?: my muder. dad and i only get along on a superficial level as we basically don't agree about anything ever

What do you fight about?: money, job/career, healthcare, politics, usually its about money, no matter what we're arguing over

Do you have step parents?: nope

Part 3: The Friends

Do you have more than one best friend?: yup

What do you like to do when you are together: depends. if i'm with sejja or whorey we just sit around, drinking and watching movies and writing down our great quotes. if i'm with kat its a lot more likely that we've actually made plans and are going to do something.

Do you share the same interests?: mostly. whorey doesnt love harry potter and no one else is as political as i am, but mostly we all basically enjoy the same magical experiences

Which friend can you tell anything to?: depends on what it is. kats not much for sympathy and sejja isn't great when definitive answers are required. whorey it's usually just a matter of gaining her attention for a long enough period of time...

Part 4: Your Personality

How high/low is your self esteem?: its in the lower range

Do you get depressed about things easily?: uhh. i can. the trouble is, usually theres a whole bunch of shit all at once and then i do get depressed. when its just one thing, sometimes i do okay, and sometimes i get depressed just because i think more shit is coming...usually even if i am depressed about something no one really seems to notice, i functino well when im miserable

Are you an extrovert (outgoing) or an introvert (reserved)? extrovert. i have the need to tell everyone every damn thing about myself and when i do get depressed its usually because i'm too far removed from society

Are you happy?: i think this is a stupid goal. all we have are moments. i'm not happy right this second but im tired and at work. but i was this afternoon when i was at t&j's. it's all relative and expecting to that happiness is something to be attained and kept indefinitely is unrealistic

Do you live life to the fullest?: probably not. i sleep a lot.

Part 5: Appearance

Are you comfortable with the way you look?: no. i need to lose weight.

Describe your hair?: tequila sunset. its great,its darker on tbe bottom layers and gets progressively lighter and blonder. i think it looks super right now

How do you dress?: like a hippie or a refugee depending on whats clean and who you talk to

Part 6: The Past

Were you a strange child?: sure. who wasn't? i was probably a little to worried about being responsible and seen as an adult when i was like 6 but whatever

What did you used to love that you no longer do?: hmm. playing with dolls because i had a much simpler view of life then. now im kinda bitter and cynical. the backstreet boys...i wasn't really a kid but i was like 13. i'm really glad i got over than madness

Do you have the same friends?: as far as i'm concerned, i was friends with whorey and sejja before i met them, and i've known kat forever, so yes. when i met sej and whorey it was just kinda like, where have you been?

Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing?: yeah. i am a result of trauma

Part 7: The Future

What is your ambition?: to teach

Are you scared of growing old?: no cause i don't really thing about it. i only look ahead as far my next homework or paper is due.

Do you want to get married?: nope

Part 8: The Outdoors

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?: depends on the weather

Favorite Season: Fall/Winter: was spring and summer supposed to be here and i deleted it? i hate the fall, everything dies. i like the spring, when theres rebirth

Do you like walking in the rain?: i spend one of my best birthdays walking in the rain

Part 9: Food

Are you a vegetarian?: nope but i'm working red meat out of my diet. i still eat it at home and sometimes i buy ground beef for spaghetti sauce but thats abotu it. i'm trying to get down to only eating chicken, turkey and fish

What is your favorite food?: shrimp. mmmm. anything t&j give me is amazing too. i want to eat there everyday

What food makes you want to gag?: veal, snake, frog, fish oil. god i wanted to kill tracy that night

What is your favorite dessert?: anything concerning death by chocolate

What is your favorite restaurant?: thai place

Are you a fussy eater?: i'm kinda in the middle, i'm willing to try a lot of ethnic food and i usually like it, as long as its not something i would consider gross, like frog legs. and i can't eat spicy food without getting sick. which isn't really my choice. so yeah, i'm in the middle of fussiness

Part 10: Relationships and Love

Are you single or taken?: single

If taken who is the lucky guy/girl?:

Do you think love is the best feeling in the world?: wouldn't really know. no one is ever who you think they are.

Do you believe in love at first sight?: absolutely not. there can be chemistry, a recognition. but thats not love

Part 11: Experiences

What was one of your greatest experiences?: dressage at devon 98

What was one of the worst?: anything that happened in 2000. car accident. barn accident. living with certain people

Have you ever thought you were going to die?: i thought i was dead when i was waiting for my dad to get there after i feel out of the loft. when i heard andy's voice i just assumed i was dead.

i'm at work again...killing time. i need to read a million pages so i think i'll do that bob dylan concert which basically takes away the one thing i was looking forward to this semester. but i can't find tickets and i don't have the money to drive home and back here twice in one week either...i might house sit that weekend instead, so i won't be wasting money, i'll be making it, and getting to spend time with sunny and mooshy, which is the best thing next to being with my own dogs. i used to think that if i was gonna live alone, or in an apartment i'd be okay with havinga cat, cause i love cats but living the the devil cat, i'm not sure. ( no offense dani) well, it might not be a fair comparision cause the devil cat wants me to die and if i had my own cat hopefully it would not wish that....sillyolemisserpowapaz doesn't want me to die but he and i have a very specifically odd relationship. we both recognize that we belong to each other in theory, but let each other go as we will. oh well. i have to read song of solomon which i should have finished 2 weeks ago and then a whole bunch of stuff for terri.
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