oh look, another 3 or 5 surveys

Oct 28, 2006 02:15

1. How tall are you barefoot? 5'5.5

2. Have you ever been cheated on? haha, no

3. Do you own a gun? your chances of being shot go up 33% when you bring a gun into your home. just a little public service announcement

4. If you had a mental disorder, what would it be? ha, a delustional paranoia. you act like everyone else, but you're really really fucking crazy. hahaha

5. How many letters are in your crush's name? like i know how to count

6. What do you think of hot dogs? gross

7. What's your favorite Christmas song? amazing grace or the little drummer boy.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? oj. sometimes coffee but i get really really knarky without my oj

9. How many push-ups can you do? ha.

10. Have you ever done ecstasy? nope. doesnt's seem worth the risk.

11. Do you like DisneyWorld? never been there and probably never will. i don't go on any rides and people in costumes scare me. so really, if i wanted to make myself miserable that's where i would go but i think we all know i would probably just go to sleep instead of going throug the effort.

12. Do you like the rain? sometimes. not when it's really really fucking cold.

13. Do you own a knife? haha. yeah, i bought a knife last week. just one to carry around. that knowledge is going to make some people uncomfortable

14. What do you smell like? japanese cherry blossoms and hair dye

15. Do you have A.D.D.? eh. i'm kinda lazy

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
1. god do i love bob dylan
2. i shouldn't have sat on my foot like that for so long
3. i wish it didnt' smell like paint in here

18. Name the last 3 things you bought this week.
1. food
3. red bull

19. Name five drinks you regularly drink.
1. water
2. oj
3. glacier freeze gatorade
4. limeade when i'm ade t & j's cause they always have it and its delicious
5. coffee sometimes

20. What time did you wake up today? uh. 12ish i think

21. Can you spell? no

22. Current worry? school

23. Current hate? school

24. favorite place to hang out? the candeloris even if jesse doesnt live there anymore. or mel's.

25. Least favorite place to be? work

26. Where do you want to go? canada

27. Do you own slippers? yeah. really neat warm ones my mom bought and then oscar the grouch ones ang got me. i think both really fit who i am, cause i'm expensive, and grouchy

28. Where do you think you will be in 10 years? i don't like to think that far ahead. i think about a week ahead of time at most

29. Do you burn or tan? buuuuuuuurn like the anglo i am

30. Yellow or blue? blue.

31. Would you give up your current life to be a pirate? yes, but only if i didn't have to hurt people. and only stole from the rich to give to the poor. and had friendly relations with the natives. really, i want to wear a lot of make-up, wear ratty clothing and have dreads with no real work to do.

32. Last time your cell rang? uh, it's been on silent. d called me a bit ago.

33. What songs do you sing in the shower? sarah mclaughlin, but i never remember the whole song so just really, all the chorus' strung together. or meatloaf, who i consider to be on the greatest artists in the history of the world

34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? hook man. the monster that i believed my parents stereo equipment turned into at nite

35. What's in your pockets right now? i'm wearing pj pants...no pockets

36. Last thing that made you laugh? uhh. grizzly man

41. Who is your loudest friend? d or jill

42. Who is your most silent friend? uhh. my friends are pretty quiet. it depends on their mood/ level of pmsiness

43. Does someone have a crush on you? thats doubtful

44. Do you wish upon stars? nope

46. What song did you last hear? its all over now, baby blue

48. What song do you want played at your funeral? paradise by the dashboard light by meatloaf. all shook up by elvis. rocket man and daniel by elton john. and a lot of bob dylan. but i don't want a funeral. i kinda just want a concert.

49. What were you doing 12AM last night? uhh well i guess i was here at work. gross. thursday nite i was drunk and dress like a whore

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? that dream...gosh. sejja i hope you call me back cause it's pretty relavent to you.

1. You hung out with? dani before work.

2. Rode in a car with? uhhh. dani i think.

3. Went to the movies with? jamie

4. Went to the mall with? um. it's been so long since i've been to the mall to go shopping. kristin is a prolly a good guess

5. You talked on the phone too? kris

6. Made you laugh? uh. well last nite was pretty ridiculus.

8.Last person you told and/or they told you they Loved you? sejja

W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R?
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? well, i miss my nose ring but ultimately, with my allergies, i think it would just be wasteful to pierce it again, so i guess my tongue

2. Be serious or be funny? well, i don't know. sometimes i wish i didn't feel the need to try and make people laugh all the time but i don't want to be serious either

3. Drink whole or skim milk? fat free if i can help it. it was pretty awful that martin's didn't have the milk i wanted. i was almost crying about it.

4. Die in a fire or drown? uhh. drown i guess. unless i could die of smoke inhalation cause that seems about equivalent in awfulness

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? why are these two together? tuesday for my parents and i usually don't hang out with my enemies.

A N S W E R. T R U T H F U L L Y.
1. Do you like anyone? eh. i'm not really sure

2. Sun or moon? moon. i don't identify with the symbology of the sun.

3. Winter or Fall? uh, well i dislike the fall for personal reasons and i'm not crazy about winter cause it's so damn cold and wet, especially here. home it's more just cold. so, i like the spring

4. left or right? left

5. 10 acquaintances or two best friends? 3 best friends

6. Sunny or rain? well, i like both and we need both.

7. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? chocolate. chocolate. chocolate.

A B O U T . Y O U.
1. What time is it? 2:48

2. First Name? e l i z a b e t h

3. Where do you wanna live? nova scotia

4. How many kids do you want? 9

5. Do you want to get married? no. i want a partner and that means not getting married-male or female. marriage is about ownership. and money.

6. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl it

7. Have you ever eaten spam? no. i don't think i could

8. Favorite ice cream? hmm. mint chocolate chip by turkey hill, it's simply the best

9. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? corn flakes. like i can afford more than one box of cereal at a time

10. Do you cook? not really. sometimes i heat something up or boil it. sometimes i go to sleep instead of eating.

1. Kissed someone? nah

2. Sang? probably

3. been hugged? ummm. no

4. Felt stupid: sure

5. missed someone: yes

6. Danced Crazy: no

7. Gotten your hair cut? nope

8. Cried: nope

9. Lied: uhh. yes

11. been kissed: nope

. S T U F F .

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? nooooo

2. Do you have a Dog? well i have furphy. and then devydawg and hollyb too. technically they're not mine, but i don't live my life adhereing to technicalities

3. When's the last time you've been sledding? i don't know. the last time i can think of was when i went with the valkos. i think i was still living on carson street then so that had to have been 6 or 7 years ago

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? well, i kick out sometimes and snore. so its really a matter of someone being able to deal with me

5. Do you believe in ghosts? sometimes

6. Do you consider yourself creative? well, i am the girl who wallpapered her bedroom with tin foil. so no

1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering? on the door hook

2. What kind of mouse pad do you have? the one dell sent me. i can't afford to buy a mouse pad. and anyway, my old one was a pic of me and bear and i don't really see how you can top that so i don't even try

3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush? i comb it when it's wet but only brush it if i'm gonna straighten it

4. In your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celebrity? angelina. matt damon. brad pitt

5. You have a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue? uhh glue.

6. Chicken or pork? chicken. i don't eat pork

7. By the time you get to school, is it still dark? it's usually just staring to lighten up

8. If you had a choice to be a unicorn or mermaid which would it be? yeah, i think a unicorn too, whorey.

9. What color is your underwear? blue

10. What time does the sun usually set? 5:30 ish? 6? i don't know

11. What/who do you think of last before you go to sleep? i usually fall asleep watching a movie so i don't have to think

12. AC or fan? fan's are better for the environment. however, i greatly enjoy working in ac

13. Do you wear braces? no

14. Can you do a hand stand? i think a better question is do i want to do a handstand. and the answer is no

15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair? like my dads, only with mutton chops

16. What level English are you in? so a highschooler made this survey. awesome. i'm on your mom's level of english

17. Jessica Simpson or Alba? gross. neither

18. Which subject is worse, English or Math? math cause i can't do it

19. What's one thing you really want to do this very moment? SLEEP

20. What movie are you embarrassed to admit you've watched? i don't know...spice world

21. CD player or iPOD or MP3 Player? well, i want an ipod

22. Would you rather spin upside down going 30 miles or drop 400ft? i don't think i want do do either of those at all

23. Whats your favorite shape? lines, so can i draw stairs. endless amounts of stairs

24. What do you have planned for the weekend? visibility tomorrow. hopefully sleeping.

25. Have you ever gone ice skating? sure, way back in the day

26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper, what would you do?
draw stairs and flowers

27. Is it always easy finding your remote every time you want to watch TV? in my room, usually, in the living room, not always

28. How was your day? well, i got some sleep. did a whole bunch of nothing. and then couldn't really sleep before coming to work. so it wasn't awful but i really shouldn't have bothered to get out of bed at all

29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut them? i'd been really good about not biting them but i got stressed out and did...so now i'm starting over again

30. Describe your handwriting: it's pretty distinct in all its variations

31. Do you consider yourself a stalker? no?

32. Do you bruise easily? rather easily. i usually never know where they came from

33. There's nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you do? drink excesively

34. Do you know more then 3 myspace codes? no

35. You have an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be? uh, type it. why would anyone write out an essay?

36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home? no. i wear pajama pants i stole from kris

37. Describe yourself using three words: sleepy, lazy, sleepy

38. Do you use deodorant? yes

39. Do you like ice in your drink? not really

so. that was probably pretty awful for everyone. but i'm really really tired and have nothing i want to do at work. lots of stuff i should be doing. anyway, i really wish i was asleep right now.
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