If anyone would like to get me a gift for my Bday here is my wish list and I have also created a Chip-In for those that would like to throw money at me so I can go with ease to Yaoi-Con's 10th Anniversary!
crawfordnokoi.chipin.com/yaoi-con-10th-anniversary-trip For those that want to give an actual gift:
If you've talked to me recently you know I'm obsessed with BJDs (Ball Jointed Dolls), so in that theme:
Size SD, MSD or Yo-Sd (I have them all) Boy stuff as I am more particular in what my girls wear:
Clothes (cool, gothy stuff)
Amazon Gift Card
Game stop Gift Card
Final Fantasy XIII figures (All I have is Snow so have fun!)
Sephiroth from Dissidia trading arts Vol. 2
Kingdom Hearts 2 Formation Arts Set
I really like Serah's Engagement Pendant from Final Fantasy XIII
Loveless Book charm from Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Star Wars:
Obi-Wan Episode 1 FX Lightsaber
Darth Vader Toaster
Hope that helps some of you!