2008.02.18 KちゃんNEWS + videos

Feb 18, 2008 17:41

Here's today's Kei-chan NEWS and the guest is Massu. He hasn't been on the show for awhile. :3

He played Taiyou no Namida and Bambina ♪

If anyone would like a streaming link, let me know.

A little over a week ago, Koyama was on a show to promote Loss Time Life. On the show he had to do some school exercises. XD It's a fairly short clip but Koyama is really cute here.
[TV] 20080208 taisou no jikan- Koyama.avi


credit: baidu

Also I uploaded the 1280 by 760 version of the second episode of Loss Time Life here for anyone who likes high quality.

Enjoy :3

download : radio, download : clips/tv news, download : drama, drama : lost time life

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