Community updates. please read ^____^

Jul 26, 2008 19:41

One of your mods here ^__^

I changed the layout, s2 style with sidebar.Now tags are visible there. Header is still missing, it will come. xD

I re-tagged the whole community.
I created new tags , I think they are more organized now.
All the post in the comm has been checked and tagged (maybe I missed a few.. who knows, tag almost 400 posts in one go can let you a bit ditzy xDDD)

I think the tags are self explanatory but I wanted to explain two of the download tags.

download : tv programs → for full programs links. This tag doesn't include the programs Kei host/hosted (SC, ya ya yah, hi hey sey, teppan note). The programs with Kei as host have their own tag.

download : clips/tv news → this is for the cuts from programs as well the short news on the morning programs.

I think the other tags are clear.

Tags is always something complicated to organize so any input on them is welcomed: tags you find confusing, tags that you think should be changed or added, even deleted. Anything, tell me on comments and we'll think about it ^_^


Added a new profile.

The only new rule is that ALL DOWNLOADS SHOULD BE LOCKED. This is only for security reasons.

Other than that , the old rules which are common sense rules:

- Big photos or big posts under lj cut
- Respect towards Koyama, NEWS or community members.
- Credit sources.


If you have a community related to Koyama in a way or other and want it to be affiliate with koyama_daily leave a comment here or contact one of the mods ^__^

And that's it, I think.
Just share the Koyama love ^__^v

☆ PinkuJisatsu

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