Still no completed fic.

Mar 14, 2011 12:31

Like a boss.

I got Pokemon, so I stopped existing there for a bit, and then I beat pokemon, but my party is lacklustre, so I continue to play because it's what I do. Fairly convinced that no matter how old I get, or how little free time I find in my possession, I will always be playing Pokemon. It satisfies the inner evil genius, because it gives my mind something to chew, digest, strategise and conquer with. (Ignore that dangling preposition. I find them so ugly.)

I love it and I kind of want a Pokeball tattoo, but that can wait. I need other tattoos first (like the Litany Against Fear, and Apollo in the original Greek on my ring finger.)

But yeah, Fic got outlined and then not written.

I had my first day of work yesterday, in which I watched training videos and filled out paperwork. Today is my first day where I actually shadow another server and see what it's like to serve people. Based on my personality, I think I'm actually going to enjoy this job. I was told not to hate my position in life, to which I was quite confused. A serving job is still a job. It's not glamorous, it's not high-paying, but it's a job. Why would I resent that?

workshit, pokemon is the best thing ever, tattoos

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