Aug 27, 2010 23:35
I got told off by a silly little checkout chick at Tar'get today. I think the silly little shit was having a bad day, either that or she had a bad smell under her nose? So I ask one of the plebs where I can get a catalog, I get pointed to the service desk which used to be where you walk in but is now at the far end. I make a bee line for it which takes me up the isle of the checkouts which is the out way.
Silly bitch says "Excuse me this is the way out you have to go back out and around." Now I know that seems nice enough but the tone and the totally disregarding the customer in front of her to point rudely the way out and then the obvious way around like I am a simpleton was what rubbed me the wrong way.
I said "Don't be ridiculous!" And continued on my way.
It was late in the afternoon there were three customers in line and a clear path to my destination. Had it been busy and crowded I probably would've gone round. I had been on my feet all day walking everywhere with Little Man in tow. I was in no mood for that kind of shit. And when your shortest path is up the wrong way and it does no one any harm or put anyone out in any form I will go that way.
When I went to pay for my items I was of half a mind to try and avoid her register but she did it for me. If I was to have been served by her I was going to tell her some good advise. But when it came turn to serve me she procrastinated by fiddling with her bags which were obviously already on their hooks and ready to go. What a gutless wonder. I was waiting to be called but I should have just walked up to her like a rude customer.
By the way there is no signage to say that you aren't allowed to make a bee line for the service desk and even if there was I would now ignore it to make a point.