Jul 01, 2009 00:33
You will be sorely missed. I never thought that you would die much less the way you did. I am saddened by your absence. The fact that there will be no more art from you. I feel cheated by the fact that there is now absolutely no chance of meeting you. I have dreamed that we were good friends and hung out together before your performances, you were a gentle soul in my dreams and I don't doubt that you were in real life. I hope that you are in a good place or at least coming back to us again in one form or another.
I was a little saddened also at the news of Farrah Fawcett's tragic passing. It was almost a side note that she had lost her fight with cancer. Yeah I know that I am writing about her second here too but I don't hold her in as high an influence in my life as the entertainment world did. I just would have thought that it should have been announced in order of passing not so called rank of importance or so it seemed.
RIP Farrah Fawcett
I am not doing this because everyone else is (anyone who knows me would know that I am not such a sheep) but because it is the right thing to do.....