Weird goings on.....

Jun 26, 2009 01:40

OMG there was a guy tapping on the window of our house at 1.05am.

I looked out of the window expecting that the tapping was just the cat's tail hitting the window cause he saw something he really wanted to pounce but there was a guy there!!!

I did the short sharp intake of breath thing and clapped my hand over my mouth just incase I did make a scream like noise. He saw how freaked I was and was bowing and appologising profusely. I think he just wanted to chat to the cat. It looked like he was just out for a late night walk, saw our cat and thought how about a chat! ODD?????

I am very wary of noises at our front door so late in the night since Christmas 2007. Little Man's first Christmas and we had a lot of stuff stolen from our front doorstep. Our clothes dryer is in the carport and Little Man's brand new, hand made by his Grandmama's blanket was stolen from the dryer along with some of his beautiful baby clothes.

A week later at about the same time I heard a sound out there but thought nothing of it. Again more stuff was stolen from the carport including my car's Christmas present of new wheel covers. I know it was dumb to leave them out there.

On the same time a week later still I heard a noise and decided to investigate.

There sitting on my front porch was a lady of what I am guessing was Mouri decent or possibly Abouriginal not too sure. She was unfurling a plastic bag and had her shoes off and wasn't too hurried or worried looking. Our front door was open to let the breaze through and it is a one way screen unless you have the light on behind you.

My heart stopped. I can only imagine that if I ever were to see a ghost or something else that shouldn't exist or rightly be there this is how I would feel. I started yelling at her to get off my porch and what was she doing there and how dare she even be there. The voice that I heard coming from my mouth was not my own it sounded more like a banshee I guess and it wasn't spoken it was barked out quite forcefully.

I woke my poor brother up he thought that something was seriously wrong with Little Man for me to be yelling like that. I guess the words were of second concern at that stage. The woman leapt up as she hadn't seen me and was quite ruffled but still a little too calm for me, like she had a story already for such an occasion. She said that she was sorry for freaking me out and she was just trying to escape an abusive male friend of hers. Yeah right by hiding on a porch with the light on. Nah not buying that.

I was rather shaken by the whole thing and yet my Little Man slept through the whole thing (yes I have had his hearing checked). I had to wake My Man up and have him give me a cuddle. There is no way in hell that the two weeks leading up to that that she had nothing to do with it. The bag was to stow more stuff and the shoes off was so not to make any noise. We didn't have anything else go after that night strangely enough.

I am still stung bad bout Little Man's things being taken. It was a lovely patchwork quilt with his name and his first Christmas written on it. All that hard work and love stolen to go to some shit's house and be abused. I told the cops and they informed me of a person of interest who lives or lived 3 houses up from me. I have seen them going to and from their house and a woman who looks rather like her does live there.

Shits me to tears.
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