This is a liberal media?

Apr 17, 2008 12:39

Well the liberal media is weighing in on the Philadelphia debates hosted by ABC, and it looks like contrary to opinions on countless blogs, journals, websites, and even people attending the event in person ... the debate was both substantive and enlightening.

The New York Times called the debate "tense" with Senator Obama delivering "arguably one of Mr. Obama’s weakest debate performances." The authors then proceed to give the readers two pages of detailed descriptions about how the two candidates were sparring and struggling to respond to intense questioning by the moderators. There was no mention of the audience heckling and booing the moderators for asking inane questions.

The Washington Post called the debate "potentially pivotal." They further assert the questions that have been dominating the Democratic primary these last few months are questions about "gaffes, missteps and past statements that could leave them vulnerable in the general election against Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the presumptive Republican nominee." So according to the Post we (the people supposedly selecting the candidate) are more concerned with whether or not Obama will wear a flag pin on his lapel than, say .... the Iraq War, or the looming economic depression that will hit if we don't do some major adjusting for real numbers (see "Numbers Racket" by Kevin P Phillips in the May edition of Harper's Magazine). Really? Do you seriously think we are that dumb and/or shallow?

So far all the papers and news outlets I've been reading through (CNN, MSNBC, Boston Globe, The LA Times, etc) have talked about the debates as if honest questions were being fielded by candidates responding in all seriousness. In short, they're trying to keep the illusion this is a horse race alive. They're struggling to keep this alive by completely ignoring opinion polling and onsite commentary by witnesses to the debates which have given the sham a resounding farting noise in the general direction of Stephanapolous & Gibson and ABC in general. Actually, that's not fair as the Washington Post did in fact run an opinion piece calling the debate a debacle buried deep within their web page.
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