Sarah Jane Adventures Ficathon Entry, Episode 2

Nov 15, 2011 22:43

Title: The Torment of Sarah Jane Smith
Author: Kowarth
Rating: PG
Beta: bolly89
Characters: The Bannerman Road Gang, The Brigadier, The new Keeper of the Crimson Chapter, Gordon Lethbridge Stewart, Canisaurians, The Trickster.
Spoilers: Only for series 5 (envisioned as series 5 story 4)
Summary: The gang discovers the true power behind the reformed Crimson Chapter and the Canisaurian Invasion.
Notes: Covering prompts: 10. The Crimson Chapter has regrouped and is coming after Sarah Jane on Bannerman Road and 35. The Brigadier joins up with the SJA gang for another adventure. (With kisses to 17 and 72 as they involve similar concepts.)
Word Count Part Two: 8502

“Thirteen Bannerman Road is where Sarah Jane Smith lives and its home to things way beyond your Imagination! There’s an extraterrestrial supercomputer in the wall; her son, a genetically engineered boy genius, a schoolgirl investigator across the road, her adopted daughter from another world and a whole universe of adventure, right here, on your doorstep”

The Sarah Jane Adventures

They found Sarah Jane stood in the kitchen. Her bag was on the floor at her feet, its contents spread wide by the impact. She was white as a sheet, her eyes wide and focussed on the envelope in her hands...

“There wasn’t a stamp or a postmark. It was hand delivered.” Clyde realised
“So?” it was Luke’s turn to frown.
“So whoever sent it, and upset her, knows where she lives!”

The back of the van slammed open the instant that he spoke and a screeching metal noise tore through the air. Spindly limbs flailed around the door frame, clicking at the plastic lining. The metal limbs were part of some form of combat jacket, 5 either side of a heavy looking back pack. They hauled out a mostly humanoid frame, bulky in the torso with narrow hips. Snarling, furry, feral faces snapped atop the thick neck.

“Canisaurians” Julia May stated as a matter of fact.
Sarah Jane looked to Sir Alistair with a shrug. He returned the look of bemusement but let her lead the questions.
“I’ve never heard of them. What have they got to do with ancient Italian prophecy?”
“Nothing really.” Gordon admitted. “The Orphans of the Future aren’t the monsters you think we are. We’re a group of like minded intellectuals who can see that there is more to the universe. We’re scientists, innovators and doctors, many of us are working at the cutting edge of modern thinking.”
“And one of you has cut something they shouldn’t?” the Brigadier snapped.

“Don’t fly off the handle, granddad.” Gordon started to stand. Sir Alistair was already reaching for the phone. The patio doors at the end of the room exploded inward, two snarling Canisaurian troopers came stomping through the shattered glass, claws outstretched and sparks flying from the tips of their mechanical tentacles...

The Sarah Jane Adventures
The Torment of Sarah Jane Smith
Part Two
Created by Russell T Davies
Written by Max Kowarth
Director Paul J. Guest

The patio doors at the end of the room exploded inward and two snarling Canisaurian troopers came stomping through the shattered glass, claws outstretched and sparks flying from the tips of their mechanical tentacles. Sarah Jane Smith was on her feet, sonic in hand like a talisman to ward them off but the creatures paid it no attention at all. Julia and Gordon stumbled from their seats and made for the far end of the table. Sir Alistair trapped between the creatures and the rest of the room rose shakily from his chair.

“Watch out, Brigadier!” Sarah Jane implored him. He rose to his full height, just a touch shorter than the slavering jackal jaws of the Canisaurian. His back straightened and he bellowed.
“What in blazes do you two think you are doing! Stand Down at once.” The troopers stopped their advance at glanced at one another. “I said stand down!” the old soldier roared at them. “Are you questioning the orders of a superior officer?”

The Troopers were almost shaking as they lowered their heads and stepped back to the ruined doors. Even the previously menacing tentacles seemed to droop at the commanding presence.
“Do you two have any idea who I am? I am General Sir Alistair Lethbridge Stewart and you two are in very serious trouble. I want to speak to your commanding officer, immediately!” he ordered. The hand he placed behind his back urged the others to leave.

Sarah Jane nodded in understanding and backed away, reaching her free hand out towards Gordon but was surprised to find it taken by Julia instead.
Gordon had taken a firm hold on the back of his chair but otherwise hadn’t moved.
“Come on!” Sarah Jane hissed at him.
“I’m staying with Granddad, get out of here, it’s you they’re after Miss Smith.”
Sarah Jane expected Sir Alistair to object but his attention was fully occupied in berating the troopers for their intrusion. She felt Julia pull at her hand and reluctantly allowed her to drag them back out into the corridor.

“We have to lure them away, before they hurt someone” Julia insisted, her sensible shoes moving noiselessly on the carpet. Sarah at least ha the grace to warn the nurses that they couldn’t use the dining room until Sir Alistair said it was ok.

The same friendly nurse who had welcomed began demanding an explanation when the door to the dining room exploded inward and the first of the Canisaurians began to follow Sarah Jane.
“Brigadier!” she yelled, watching the sparks leap between the tips of the metal tentacles she set her face with determined anger and aimed the sonic lipstick at the roof. Despite the protestations of the nurse the whine of the pocket sized device was a prelude to the sprinkler system bursting into life.
Sarah Jane winced with guilt as the Canisaurian yowled in pain but ran for her car all the same


Sky picked nervously at her lunchbox. Sarah Jane still hadn’t answered any of her texts and there was only so much comfort to be had from the knowledge that Rani and Clyde were equally ignored.
She felt the tingle of incoming signal and scrabbled for her phone.
“Mum?” Clyde and Rani leant forward expectantly, only to settle back when Sky’s face fell. “Oh, hello Luke.” She waited as he spoke. “No, we’re ok. I think it gave up when we got to school. But I haven’t heard from Mum, I’m really worried.”

“We aren’t, are we?” Clyde tried to be reassuring but Rani shushed him.
“Ok, just be careful.” Sky put the phone down and Rani nodded at her.
“He’s coming down, isn’t he?”
“Yes. And he says he’s bringing K9.”
“Oh great, Alien dogfight.” Clyde joked. For once, sky failed to see the funny side. “listen, we’re all going back together, they aren’t going to do much in broad daylight, even if they have cloaking devices.”
“Yeah, safety in numbers, Sky. Even if one of them IS Clyde” she rolled her eyes and Sky finally smiled.


Sarah Jane’s little green car roared out of the long drive way and spun neatly onto the main road where upon it slowed to a slightly more respectable, and for that matter more legal, 30 miles per hour. Its driver would normally have continued in her full pelt course (as Mr Smith would happily be able to attest given the number of alterations he’d had to make to speed camera footage over the years) but this time she was left with little choice as she had pulled out into traffic behind a bus.

On the plus side it let both Julia May and herself gather their wits and calm their breathing.
“You knew about these creatures before, how did you manage to contact them?” Sarah Jane demanded.
“It was a project at Cambridge, we were trying to find a way to decode the galvanic waveform of planetary motion so that it became an audible phenomenon.”
“Creating the music of planets? That doesn’t sound like the Orbis Postremo I remember.”
“We told you, we aren’t the same organisation my Mother and her rival fought over, we’re here to expand humanities horizons.”
“Never mind the sales pitch, what do you know about the Canisaurians?”

“Not as much as I’d like. Our equipment picked up signals between a scout craft and somewhere else. They talked to us, learned who and where we are. They said would come to help.”
“And how did you find out about me?”
“They said they had come from the future, had heard of the Orphans and were determined to help. Only when they arrived did we find they were soldiers and they had really come looking for Sarah Jane Smith.”

“And you didn’t think to alert the authorities or try to contact me sooner?”
“Of course we did! There was no reply from your home on Monday.”
“Monday! They’ve been here all week?” Sarah ignored the rest of the woman’s protestations and scrabbled in her bag for her phone to warn Sky and the kids. Her heart sank when she saw the note on the screen: nine missed calls, six new messages, four new answer phone messages.
She ignored them and speed dialled Sky.


Despite all the calls Sky wasn’t expecting the phone to ring and almost dropped it in her hurry to raise it to her ear. “Mum! There are big dog aliens watching the house...”
“Canisaurians, I know.” Sarah Jane had resolved to stay calm but was kicking herself for not staying at home until the kids had safely headed to school. That she would have had no way of knowing about the aliens at that point didn’t matter. “Are you safe? And what about Clyde and Rani?”

“We’re ok Sarah Jane. They made themselves invisible but they didn’t seem to want to come into the school.” In the crawl of traffic Sarah Jane smiled to herself at Sky’s voice. She never expected to be called mum and knew that she wasn’t used to it just yet. The news gave her cause for hope.
“That’s good, it sounds like they don’t want to make themselves known yet. Wait for me at the school, tell Rani and Clyde to wait with you.”
“Ok.” She would have said more but Sarah Jane’s phone cut out.

“Well?” Clyde asked.
“She’s going to pick us up. She said the aliens are Canisaurians.”
“Pick us up, but how do we know it’s safe?” Rani frowned.
“And what about Luke? Nah, I’m going to go straight back and make sure he’s ok.”
“You can’t, Clyde...” Rani started.
“Hey, this is Clyde Langer you’re talking to; I can take care of myself. I’ve got a plan” he winked.

“It’s not 'go back through the park so you can see if the vans still there from down the road' is it?” Rani asked. Clyde’s face fell.
“What if it is, that sounds like a good plan.”
“Sky says they can make themselves invisible. What makes you think being able to see the van will make any difference?”
“It’s a start alright! Then I can call you and let you know if it’s safe to come back.”
“Oh that’s just great that is. What about, if I come with you and...”

“No, someone needs to stay with Sky”
“I’ll come with you; Maybe I’ll be able to distract them again, like this morning.” Sky said hopefully.
“Nah, you’re ok Sparky. Sarah Jane said to wait here.”
“So why aren’t you?” Rani snapped. There was concern in her eyes, almost hidden by her scowl. Clyde could tell and it made him happy to think of.
“It won’t take long; I promise I’ll be careful.” He stood and grabbed his things together. “Anyway it might look suspicious if no one turns up, yeah?”
“Not really.” Rani stood and poked him firmly in the chest. “You better be careful Clyde. Because if anything goes wrong it’ll be your fault.”
“Of course. But what could possibly go wrong?”


Bannerman Road was peacefully idyllic in the autumn light. Leaves blustered their way down the curbs and pooled around the gutters and wheels of the few parked cars. The black van was still parked on the corner, as silent as it had been since the morning. After nearly two hours in traffic Sarah Jane pulled up at the far end of the road and sat, flicking up her watch to scan the area. The van was an instant hit on the results.

“They are still here?” Julia asked, still nervously fiddling with her bee pendant.
“They are. I have to collect my daughter.”
“You would put your daughter in danger?” the woman seemed confused and Sarah Jane wondered just how much about her she knew.
“Now, I intend to take her out of danger. The Canisaurians have already shown they are perfectly happy to attack the nursing home just because I was there. I’d rather they didn’t assault the school for hostages.”
“I see your point. I should go.” She reached for her seatbelt But Sarah Jane’s hand caught her wrist.

“Oh no you don’t. You got us all into this; you’re going to see it through. And then you and I are going to have a little chat about precisely what it is you and your organisation thought you were doing. ”
Sarah Jane started the car and reversed back to the corner heading toward the school before Julia could complain.

Just as they pulled out of sight Clyde Langer, hood of his top pulled up and hands plunged deep into his pockets, slunk into view at the other end of the road. He successfully battled to keep his eyes off the van and wandered up to the door of number 13 as if he were delivering a paper or something. He took a quick scan around him, fully aware that alien tech could probably see through the cover of the hedge between himself and the van. Swiping the spare key from its hiding place he hurriedly let himself in and locked the door behind him. He made straight for the attic and burst inside calling for Mr Smith.

The supercomputer trumpeted its arrival with its regular burst of steam as it revealed itself.
“Hello Clyde, how may I be of service?”
“You what? I thought you were supposed to monitor the area for Alien tech and stuff?”
“That is indeed one of the many subroutines amongst the requirements of my daily programming.”
“Then how come you haven’t spotted a van full of Jackal monsters parked outside!”

“The Canisaurians are not using alien technology.”
“All of their equipment is of human manufacture.”
“But from the future right? They can turn themselves invisible. I think” Clyde’s face fell again as his doubts encroached on him.
“That is correct; their suits can exert an energy field that reflects all known light sources. But the technology they are utilising was developed in Canada three years ago. I have been unable to uncover a source of manufacture but it remains terrestrial.”
“What about those tentacles on their backs?” Clyde blinked in astonishment at what he was being told.

“The Octonatic was developed by a Danish scientific research group with the hope of utilising it in NASA extra vehicular activities but so far the only interest in the technology has come from trials on a submersible version for use in repairs to ocean liners. It has yet to pass a successful trail that has been noted on any of the sources I have been able to locate.”
“Wait.” Clyde sat on the steps and stared at the images appearing on Mr Smith’s screen. Prototypes of the very technology he’d seen at work this morning. “You’re saying they are from Earth?” Clyde let this settle in, reaching for his phone.

“Negative, the Canisaurians are from a star system within Ursus Major. Despite their appearance they have often been misattributed with a warlike nature. Generally they are scavengers and mercenaries, offering their services to the organisation most likely to feed them. They have been affiliated with the Pantheon of Discord but due to the time distorting nature of such a relationship it is hard to be certain of the precise details of their arrangement. Legend has it they are one of the few races to have survived the time of the Osirans and therefore a member of their race may have some influence on the Ancient Egyptian figure of Anubis, a god of the dead.”
“This does not sound good.” Clyde admitted and called Rani


“Honestly mum, I’m not avoiding dad at all” Rani sighed. “Sarah Jane’s on her way to pick up Sky and I said I’d look after her until she got here. You know, new girl, big city and all that.”
“Oh you are thoughtful aren’t you my darling.” Gita Chandra gushed over the phone. “I suppose that means I won’t be cooking for Clyde, It’s my special cabbage and mince quiche tonight.” Her sing song tone was meant to make the meal sound even more appealing than she no doubt already thought it was. Gita wasn’t to know that the quiche, with its garish Orange cheese topping, reminded Rani of the worst parts of a Blathereen. Especially the smell.

“Why should you want to cook for him?” Rani frowned. At the other end her mother giggled girlishly and Rani dropped her head into her palm. “He’s just a friend, mum.”
Sky kicked her feet, bored of waiting in the reception and itching to get back to the action. In truth she was worried for Clyde and Sarah Jane. They knew nothing about these creatures, least of all where they might be, or why they were watching the house. She was surprised to hear her phone ringing and fished it from her pocket, excited to see Clyde’s name.

“Clyde! You’re ok!”
“I could say the same bout you Sparky, what’s up with Rani’s phone?”
“She’s speaking to her mother.” Sky explained in a whisper.
“Oh” he replied in a tone that said he perfectly understood and shouldn’t have worried, in fact felt a bit of a prat now. “Listen, I don’t know what’s going down but Mr Smith’s got some news...” Sky wasn’t really listening, a familiar green shape was visible in through the doors ahead of them and Rani had rung off from her call on seeing the small figure racing towards them.
“Hold on Clyde, Sarah Jane’s just arrived. I’ll pull the speaker on and you can tell her too.” Sky leapt up and threw her arms around Sarah Jane as she entered.

“Has there been any sign of them?”
“Not yet, Clyde went to see if they were still at the house but...” Rani started.
“He’s on the phone; he’s got something to tell us!” Sky pressed at her hands free function and Sarah Jane scowled at the phone.
“Clyde, what are you doing? These creatures could be incredibly dangerous.”
“I know, listen. Mr Smith says that their kit isn’t alien; it’s made by us, humans. These guys are just hired muscle.”

“They...” Sarah Jane’s eyes widened and she turned, instinctively back to the doorway. Julia May stood, toying with her necklace, flanked by two Canisaurian warriors.
“How very astute, Your Mr Smith seems incredibly well informed.”
“Clyde!” Rani yelled, intending to warn him. One of the troopers lashed out and swiped Sky’s phone to the ground.

“Hey! I’ve only just replaced that.” Sarah Jane complained. To Sky that sounded like she was making light of a deadly situation. “You didn’t have to go and wreck my daughter’s phone, you could have just asked nicely.” Julia nodded at her and the storm trooper marched over, one electrically charged tentacle flashing out to sever the pocket of her waistcoat and drop the sonic lipstick into its furry palm. Then it took Rani’s phone from her palm.

The Canisaurian growled at her and she wrinkled her nose at the stench of its breath. “Bring them.” Julia May ordered and turned on her heal. The trooper at her side keened at her and she waved a hand dismissively. “The boy is of no consequence, we have what we came for.”
Sarah Jane nodded to the girls “We go along for now”

“I don’t get what this is all about.” Rani admitted.
“It’s about me, about something that happened a long time ago. Something that’s come back to haunt me.”
“The Dauntless?” Rani guessed “I found a report online...” She fell quiet as the colour drained from Sarah Jane’s face at the very mention of the name.
“No, not the Dauntless, earlier than that.” She broke off as the Canisaurian pushed her outside to where the black van awaited them. The back of the van was filthy and smelt just as bad to match the dust. Sarah Jane witnessed the sonic lipstick tossed back and forth between the troopers before Julia snapped her fingers and it was deposited neatly into her palm.


Clyde was frantic. When the phone had cut out he’d ran down the three flights of stairs to the front door before realising that he needed something substantial to take on one of the storm troopers. The stand by the door had an umbrella, a bent golf club and a bunch of plastic daffodils with a UNIT ‘caution’ label attached. He ran for the kitchen and grabbed the stoutest frying pan he could see then started for the drive again.

At full pelt he nearly collided with Haresh Chandra as he stepped from his car. The two looked at each other for a moment before Haresh’s eyes travelled up Clyde’s arms to the frying pan.
“I suppose you a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, Langer?”
“Course I do” Clyde nodded. It took a second look by Haresh for him to put the pan behind his back and smile confidently. “It’s like this...”
“It’s Friday, I have more than enough to look forward too over the next two days. Just try not to get anyone hurt. Yourself included.”

Clyde nodded sympathetically. “Mrs Chandra cooking tonight, sir?” Haresh just shuddered and closed the car door in reply.
Once he had headed down the path to the door of number 12, Clyde turned to check on the black van, only to find it had been replaced with Gita’s ‘Bloomin Lovely’ transporter van.
“Well that’s just great, how am I supposed to find them now?” He reasoned that if they had been at the school when they were attacked then it would make sense to try there. But the time it would take to get back they could half way to Wimbledon or a dozen other places.

The clatter of an engine broke through his thoughts and reminded him to get out of the street. He turned to see the battered yellow nose of a yellow Volkswagen and the serious face of Luke Smith behind the wheel.
“K9!” Clyde yelled and ran to climb in the passenger seat.
“Good to see you too Clyde.” Luke frowned.
“They’ve got the others, and I have no idea of knowing where they’re taking them.”

“K9, can you find mum?”
“Affirmative, the psycho spore of the mistress is on file. Calculating route.”
“Sounds like my mum’s sat nav.” Clyde laughed to hide his fear.
“What are you doing with a frying pan?”
“Best I could find in a hurry.” Clyde shrugged.
“Mum won’t approve. You know how she feels about violence.” Luke reminded him.

“I wasn’t going to hit anyone with it!” Clyde retorted, blushing at being found out. “It was y’know, defence.”
They sat in silence for a couple of seconds until K9 spoke up, making Clyde jump. “At the end of the road, turn left.” Luke put his foot down.


Rani lent across the back of the van, eyes on the passenger seat where Julia sat. The gang had caught each other up on the events so far today and now Rani was already plotting what to do with their pooled knowledge.
“So this Keeper woman had it in for you and now so does her daughter? Where does Sir Alistair’s grandson fit in?”
“I hope for his sake that he’s been duped. He seemed genuinely concerned about the Brig.” Sarah sighed and looked between their captors. “I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that she’s working to her own agenda, even I fell for it. She can be very convincing.”

“Would need to be to get these lumps working for her.” The trooper nearest Rani scratched at its behind and grunted. Rani wrinkled her nose in disgust.
Sky was drawing in the dust on the floor of the van with her fingers. “I think there’s something more.”
“What sort of something Sky?” Sarah Jane asked earnestly. They knew that she was sensitive to electrical impulses but this close to the storm troopers back packs that made anything Sky felt unreliable at best.

“I don’t know for sure. It’s like a telephone signal, but that doesn’t make any sense.”
“The Bee.” Sarah Jane deduced. “She’s been playing with it all day. Maybe it’s some sort of control device for these poor things.”
“Poor things! They’ve dragged us off to who knows where...”
“But they are just as much slaves as the Scullions were.” Sky pointed out. It was obvious that she now felt as much sympathy for the Canisaurians as she had to the cyclopean light sculptors who had been enslaved by the Serf Corporation. The same itchy trooper yawned at them, a dollop of drool splashing down over Rani’s boot.

“This is all theory, we need to get that bee to be certain.”
“And how do you plan to do that?” Sarah Jane asked pragmatically.
“We’ll think of something.” Rani smiled “we always do.”


The van rattled to a stop and the doors flew open, troopers forcing the girls from the rear doors in a cloud of protest. They had come to rest in a deserted car park overlooked by a boarded up shop front. Sarah Jane took a sharp look around her but failed to recognise the place. So much of London was being boarded up and abandoned these days. Shops in particular seemed to be vanishing at a rate of knots. This place seemed fairly new. The graffiti was everywhere some of it seemed to be in place before the boards were put up.

They watched Julia step from the front of the van and stride purposely toward the building, waving the troopers after her.
As they drew closer to the ruined edifice something leapt to Sarah Jane’s mind. “Pegrum Electricals, I was here three... no four years ago, tracking a meteorite.”
“Something alien?” Sky asked.
“I never found out. Someone beat me too it.” It was obvious now that that someone was likely to be The Keeper.

The inside of the store had been left in something of a hurry. Occasional boxes were still on the shelves, most emptied of contents. From the looks of the signage it had been an electrical store. Televisions, vacuum cleaners, computer parts and a smiling cartoon table lamp were predominantly displayed on the walls. That made sense to Rani. If the woman was an electronics genius, why not make your home in a ruined electrical shop.

“Is it just me or is this all a bit too Batman?” she asked with a sigh.
Sarah Jane grinned at her, understanding the reference perfectly.
“What’s a Batman?” Sky asked innocently.
“In this context? You’d be better off asking Clyde.” Sarah Jane smiled. “But you may be in for the full 3 hour history when you do.”

Sky smiled at the implied safety of being able to chat for so long about something apparently inconsequential. One of the troopers blundered into a section of shelving and snarled at it, bringing the tentacles to bear and shredding the box section into tiny chunks. Sky yelped as one flying piece of shrapnel tore through her coat. Sarah Jane yelled “Hey! Watch what you’re doing you big oaf!”

The Canisaurian merely barked and pushed them ahead of it.
“Pay attention that man!” bellowed a voice around the room. The trooper stood straighter and herded the girls towards the voice. Sir Alistair and Gordon Lethbridge Stewart were tied, back to back on a pair of swivel chairs that had been behind the tills in their former life.
It appeared that the troopers had lost interest in them now that their task was completed. Sarah Jane allowed herself a hug of her friend while Rani set about their rather crude bonds.

“Sky, this is Sir Alistair Lethbridge Stewart, one of my oldest friends.”
“Less of the old, Miss Smith” he smiled. Sky wondered why he was concerned; he was obviously of great age as far as she could see.
“What happened?” Sarah Jane asked, cutting to the point as the ropes reached the floor.
“As soon as you left the creatures gave up menacing us and just carried us out instead.” Gordon muttered bitterly. “Are you controlling them or what?”

“Actually ‘my King’, that would be me.” Sneered Julia contemptuously. “There was a reason the Crimson chapter called their leader The Keeper.”
“We were trying to better mankind! What have you done, Julia, what have you done?” He called after her as she turned on her heal.
“Steady on Gordy, we’ll get to the bottom of this don’t you worry.” Sir Alistair promised as he tried to stand. The effort was too much for him and he slumped back into the chair, the cane falling from his numb grip. Gordon place a supporting arm around his grad dad’s shoulder and Sky placed a consoling hand on the old man’s. It was a shock for them all, to see him so weak. Sarah Jane’s face grew dark, her lips a thin hard line.

“I’ve just about had enough of this.” She vowed and turned towards Julia.
The Keeper had let herself into a room at the back labelled ‘3D Experience Suite’. The power was still on in there as a pale light and a gentle thrum of speakers invaded their senses. The Canisaurians shuffled on the spot. Rani nudged Sarah Jane.
“Something’s got them rattled. First that one attacks the furniture and now this. It looks like the year nine disco over there.” Sarah Jane nodded her agreement and pointed at the floor, urging the others to stay where they were. She tiptoed her way over to the door of the 3d Suite and listened intently at whatever may be occurring inside.


Outside the Shop Luke’s yellow beetle pulled up alongside the van. While Luke helped K9 out of the little car Clyde made sure that van was empty. As an added precaution he also searched the cab for keys but drew a blank. He hefted the frying pan in his hands and turned towards the abandoned shop.

“Why don’t you leave that in the car?” Luke suggested
“It’s comforting, ok?” Clyde defended
“Just be careful. Last thing we need is you braining mum” he groaned and knelt to confer with his robot companion. “What’s in their K9?”
“Sensors confirm the presence of the mistress, mistress Rani and mistress Sky, Sir Alistair Lethbridge Stewart, two unknown humans and multiple Canisaurian life signs.”
“Ok, so we rush in an...” Clyde started.
“...get ourselves blown up” Luke interrupted pragmatically. “We’re supposed to be the cavalry Clyde, we’re here to help, not get ourselves caught. We have to try and give Mum an advantage.”

“Alright, yeah. We’ve got to shift the balance of power.” Clyde nodded to himself without any idea how he might actually accomplish such a thing.
“Of course! We can cut off the power to the building!” Luke grinned.
“Just what I was thinking, your skills are growing, my young padawan.” Clyde clapped his friend on the shoulder in the hope of hiding the truth.
“K9, can you find the junction box for the building?”
“Affirmative, I am already scanning now master Luke” the dog admitted, his ears swivelling around on his head.

“Wait, won’t they have their own power source?” Clyde thought aloud.
“Even if they do, cutting the power should set off an alarm somewhere.” Luke reasoned. “Just enough to cause a distraction so you can go in with your secret weapon.” He grinned and nodded at the frying pan. K9 set off without warning and the two lads followed after him, keeping their eyes open around them.


Sarah Jane watched the largest of the troopers stare at her. She took another step towards the doorway and noted something close to alarm cross the creatures muzzle. Clearly they had standing orders not to disturb the keeper and they were not about to disobey just to make sure that she wouldn’t get too close. Rani was suddenly at her side, having come to the same conclusion.
“I thought I told to you to stay put”.

“You pointed at the floor, that’s not the same thing.” Rani grinned cheekily.
“Then stay quiet.”Sarah Jane ordered, leaning towards the door.
Julia’s voice was quiet but clear, she was reciting a series of numbers. It reminded Rani of watching Clyde doing his math’s homework. The 3D suite consisted of a metal bar where a sofa sized seat had once stood and a large screen on one wall. Julia was knelt with her elbows on the bar, staring at the screen.
Sarah lent sideways, trying to get a view of the screen. It had to be on; there was a pall of light washing over Julia. With a nod to Rani to keep watch Sarah Jane slipped inside the room.

Sky handed Sir Alistair his cane, feeling sorry for the elderly gentleman. “Will you be alright?” she asked earnestly. Gordon snorted, lifting his head to watch the storm troopers. Sir Alistair beamed at her and winked, leaning to whisper “Always let the other fellow underestimate you.”
Sky tried to hide her smile, feeling suddenly at ease with Sarah Jane’s old friend. Then one of the troopers whined and she was brought rudely back to the situation at hand.

“What’s the play Grand dad?” Gordon whispered.
“Not my move, Gordy. This one’s down to Miss Smith.” Sky could tell he was concerned but tried not to let that show. “I hope I can count on you.”
“Sure Grand dad”

“Are you there?” Julia asked the screen. “I have brought her, as you asked. You were correct in your theorem that the presence of my chapter would lead to miscalculations on her part. However there have been... complications.” Sarah Jane stepped further into the room to see precisely whom the keeper was talking to. She had a fairly good idea who she would see on the screen and was thus rather miffed to find only static.

“No” Julia implored the static. “The white chapter did not take well to being deceived. The puppets you sent me are proving unreliable... no my lord it is not an excuse!” Julia raised her hands to the static before bowing her head.
“You can’t simply be mad; the Canisaurians had to come from somewhere.” Sarah Jane reasoned to herself aloud. Julia scrabbled to her feet.

“Of course, my sponsor has been of great aid in the advancement of human knowledge. And he has asked for so little in return.” She smiled, her eyes captivating but not entirely focussed.
“And what he asked for was me. Threatened, confused and dragged out into the middle of nowhere by your hired thugs?” Sarah snapped.
“She called them puppets.” Rani frowned at her from the doorway. “The way she snaps her fingers...”

“You’re using some form of mind control, that’s abhorrent, and just like him.” Sarah Jane’s lips were thin, as angry as she was indignant.
“Like who?” Rani wondered.
“Oh think about it Rani; A mysterious threat from someone out of my past, enslavement of a lesser species, using my friends as part of a trap. You can’t tell me that doesn’t remind you of something. What did you have to do? What could you possibly trade with it? Was your life really worth more than any others?”

The sparkle of the static on the screen coalesced, the black dots reforming into a solid shadow leaving a blank white sheet of light behind it. The Shadow spread its cloaked arms, lifted its hooded head to reveal the sunken withered features of the creature Sarah Jane been expecting. “Well, well. Sarah Jane Smith, what a pleasant surprise.” It hissed at her.

“The Trickster!” Rani managed to gasp. “What’s he doing here?”
“He’s causing trouble as usual. What I want to know is why?” Sarah Jane set her hands on her hips and stared defiantly at her nemesis. Despite her posture there was something that hinted she was equally terrified.
“For once, Sarah Jane Smith, this is nothing to do with you.” It turned away from her dismissively, reaching its taloned glove toward Julia.

“This is not the point in which the future changes. That is long past, Julia died during her mother’s experiments with bio weapons. I thought she deserved more, to fulfil her destiny in expanding the horizons of humanities ingenuity.”
“Since when have you been a benefactor of Earth?” Rani scoffed.
“And you didn’t think it at all possible that she might use this advanced knowledge to get revenge on me for her mother’s death?” Sarah Jane narrowed her eyes at the creature.
“I have not once mentioned your name in her presence.” It smiled that sharpened toothed smile.
“That doesn’t answer the question.” Rani pointed out.

“I have done everything she has asked of me. When her human cohorts would not test the equipment she had developed I loaned her my Canisaurian platoon. When the power source of those delightful prosthesis they are wearing failed to be adequate I led her to the meteor under this very room and the powerful energies contained within. What she does with them... is entirely a matter for her.”

“She can still renounce you, still give up your lies of a perfect future and set humanity on the right path.” Rani yelled at the creature
“The right path?” The Trickster spread its arms in joy. “Be my guest, convince her that she should never have taken my offer of salvation.”

“We can’t do that, Rani. We can’t.” Sarah interrupted
“What, why not?” the girl asked in confusion.
“Because of when her timeline changed.” Sarah realised. “Shortly after I met Julia’s mother I took part in that commercial space shuttle flight.”
“The Dauntless, yeah I found that out.” Sarah Jane spared her a furious glance; evidently she had been trying not to use the name.

“It was a disaster; the last orders of the previous Keeper, Julia’s mother saw a gunfight break out on board. The ship was out of control... I remember something coming towards me and” she paused, the distress of recalling the events evident on her face. With a shuddering breath and a nod she finished her tale. “I don’t remember getting back to Earth but I was the only survivor.”
“Oh, and If Julia dies you think that perhaps you wouldn’t have survived the disaster?”

The Trickster laughed, confirming the concept as effortlessly as it could.
“Three times you have turned my playthings against me, forced them to undo all my good work. But now, Sarah Jane Smith...” he left the sentence hanging and waved his hand towards Julia.


Around the back of the building Clyde had found a ragged hole covered with a tarpaulin. If he had known about the meteorite he would have recognised this as its entry point to the building. He hadn’t been the first person to find the entry way judging by the remains of a fire inside. Luke clambered in after him.
“I’m not going to get K9 up here.” Luke admitted “I’m going to signal him when we know it’s safe to disable the power” he pulled the dog whistle from around his neck and nodded towards the door that led deeper into the building.

From their vantage point they had no difficulty in spotting the Canisaurians, towering over the wrecked skeletons of the shop fittings. Clyde looked between his frying pan and the slavering monsters patrolling the room and shrugged.
“I don’t see mum!” Luke pointed out.
“Or Rani.” Clyde admitted, his tone causing Luke to break a cheeky smile. “Look!” he hissed and pointed to the desk where Sky was talking earnestly with Sir Alistair and a younger man.

“Then they’ve got to be here somewhere.” Clyde reasoned, holding Luke back from running to his sister. “Can we do anything without knowing what’s going on.”
“We can rescue Sky and Sir Alistair.” Luke pointed out. “Then we can work on a new plan?”
“I hope you don’t make things up as you go along at Oxford.” Clyde muttered.
“All the time” Luke grinned “It shows initiative.” He lifted the dog whistle. “Ready?”
Clyde nodded and lifted his frying pan like a baseball bat. “Let’s do it.”


“So what now, drag us out here to kill me, or hand me over to him?” Sarah Jane snapped at The Keeper.
“I haven’t decided. Once you are out of the game I will be free to expand humanities horizons. I suppose I could just eliminate you and your meddlesome children but the authorities might pay attention to that. My Lord here has prepared this room to transport my Canisaurians to and from their home. I could just lock you all in and see how well you fair on their planet. Or perhaps I will rob you of your will and use you all as my personal slaves.” She glanced from her necklace to the Trickster for approval.

“I’m not the only one ready to stop you, you know!” Sarah Jane retorted.
“Why yes, there’s always UNIT...” Julia smiled thinly and toyed with the bee, striding to the door of the suite. The nearest Canisaurian roared and turned its sparking tentacles towards Sir Alistair, Sky and Gordon.

Sarah Jane glared at the Trickster. It stood, feigning disinterest as it gloated at her helplessness.
Then everything seemed to happen at once.


Rani shoulder charged Julia sending the pair of them crashing to the ground. The Canisaurians all swung towards them. Luke blew his dog whistle to signal K9. The Canisaurians roared and turned as one to face the doorway from which Clyde was charging. The lights went out as K9 did as he was instructed, fusing the junction box outside.
Gordon and Clyde collided with the nearest troopers creating yowls of pain.
The room became lit by the thrashing tentacles of the troopers. Rani grabbed the bee, lifting it up and causing the Canisaurians attention to return to her. Luke, while still running to release his sister, blew his dog whistle again, distracting the creatures further. The creature Gordon was struggling with let him go as the whistle came closer, crashing to its knees. Sky grabbed at her phone as the Canisaurian dropped it, scooping up the sonic lipstick in the process.

Julia snatched at Rani’s hand causing half the platoon to turn toward her while the other half focussed on Luke at the rapidly advancing Clyde. However Rani was the strongest of the pair, pulling back, away from Julia’s grasp caused the chain to break and the bee to fly into the air.
Sarah Jane leapt for it, hands outstretched only for her leather jacket to be caught by the Trickster’s talon. Her fingers smashed against the bee, diverting it across the room to where Clyde swatted it with his frying pan.

The bee crashed to the ground in front of Sir Alistair. Sky was the first to pick it up, trembling in terror at the sensations running through her.
A hand closed over hers and she looked up with a glimmer of fear.
Sarah Jane Smith sensed rather heard the fear in The Trickster’s hissed ‘No!’ she had turned to confront it when a voice rang out in the hollow hall.

“Stop this at once!” General Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart stood proudly, the battered Bee necklace hanging from his raised hand. “I’ve just about had enough.”
“Brigadier!” Sarah Jane grinned. Gordon, Luke and Clyde stepped away from their opponents as the Canisaurians hurried to obey the old soldier.

Sir Alistair made his way carefully over to Sarah Jane’s side, ignoring the keeper as she struggled up from the floor. He stood squarely in front of the Trickster where he watched from the door of the 3D suite and eyed him with disdain.
“I take it this is our opponent?” he glowered.
“Sir Alistair, meet the Trickster.” Sarah Jane sighed.

“Ah, yes. The Doctor warned me about your lot.” He raised the Bee. “I take it this is one of your trinkets?”
Sarah Jane felt the rush of air and nudged Sir Alistair’s arm just in time to stop Julia from grabbing the bee back; she sailed past with a scream of rage, straight into the dark folds of the Trickster’s cloak. Sir Alistair stepped back as he watched the woman pass straight through the creature before him and sprawl on the floor of the room beyond.

“Insubstantial as well as irritating, how do we get rid of him Miss Smith?”
“I honestly don’t know this time.” She admitted.
“There is nothing you can do that will not increase my power, Sarah Jane Smith” Gloated the Trickster. “Whatever move you make only glorious chaos will ensue.”

“Well, one thing at a time, eh?” Sir Alistair decided. “You there, Langer wasn’t it?”
Clyde stepped forward “Its Clyde, yes sir.”
“Bring that pan over here.” He ordered, dropping the bee to the floor and placing his foot on the chain. Clyde grinned, raised the pan and slammed it down hard over the little golden insect.

The Canisaurians who had been standing awaiting orders started to howl, clawing wildly at their backs desperate to remove the back packs. The equipment began flailing around them, shredding the remaining shelves. The Trickster threw back its head as if breathing deeply, its awful laugh echoing around the empty room. In the distraction Sky ran to Sarah Jane, placing the sonic lipstick in her palm. Sarah Jane smiled gratefully at her daughter and called for everyone to stand back.

After taking careful aim at the remnants of the bee the tip of the lipstick glowed crimson and its tiny whirr built to a crescendo.
The Canisaurians turned as one and marched towards the Trickster and the 3D suite. The creature’s laughter faltered at the sight but it was too slow to move out of the platoon’s way. One by one the creatures strode through the Trickster, each passing body making the eternal weaker as if they were taking something with them.

Luke ran to join Sky in hugging Sarah Jane. Rani found herself embracing Clyde as much in fear as delight. Gordon stood alongside his grandfather, a deep bruise blooming along his cheekbone. When the last Canisaurian had entered the tiny room the Trickster slowly stood up until it was straight. One taloned hand reached out almost pleadingly towards them. Somewhere in the room behind it Julia May started screaming. Sarah Jane stepped forward anxiously but the scream stopped suddenly.

A brief pin sharp silence filled the air until the Trickster broke it upon a howl of rage and faded from view like a morning mist.
Sarah Jane continued on into the 3D suite, despite the protestations of the others. The world held its breath until she called from inside.
“Someone call an ambulance!”


The ghostly car park had become a hive of industry in the course of the last hour; Police cars, two ambulances, the owner of the store, a representative of the security firm (a rather brusque Welshman in thick rimmed glasses that made him look unfortunately like Ronnie Barker), a repair truck that had come to see about the damage K9 had caused to the junction box and a pair of passersby who were just wandering about aimlessly in the hopes that the local news would be interested in their grainy mobile phone footage.

The sun was barely visible over the tree line and the first few of the evenings fireworks were breaking in the distance.
Sky Smith sat in the front of her brother’s battered yellow Beetle and watched the pattern of the blue lights and sparkling fireworks play across the roof. Somewhere outside Julia May was being treated in the back of an ambulance, Clyde and Rani were getting their story straight with the police and Sarah Jane Smith was diplomatically attempting to keep them all out of trouble.

She had organised Luke to take Sky home while the rest of them would go back to the school in Gordon’s van to collect her car. She promised pizza for everyone but Sir Alistair politely declined.

K9 was sat in the back seat quietly. Unlike Mr Smith he had no problem talking to Sky but had fallen silent when she asked him too.
There was a knock on the window and Sky smiled up at Luke.
“Hang in there, Sky I think it’s almost sorted.” He grinned.
“Why is Sarah Jane in trouble? She saved everyone!” Sky frowned.

“The police aren’t likely to believe the bits about the invisible jackal men, so she’s doing what she’s good at, She’s telling them the story they need to hear.”
“Is that what being a journalist is about?” She asked brightly. Luke looked uncertain and leaned closer.
“I shouldn’t ask mum that, just in case” he winked.

“Hey gang, family meeting?” Clyde beamed, dropping a friendly arm over Luke’s shoulder.
“Just making sure Sky’s ok.” Luke explained.
“You really got the hang of this big brother thing.” Rani approved.
“Not that Sparky needs looking after.” Clyde nodded at her with a twinkle in his eye. Sky smiled back at him, just a little flushed. A cough behind them caught their attention. Sir Alistair was frowning at them and a trickle of fear washed across the four children.

“You do realise just how dangerous you’re actions today were Mr Langer?” he growled.
“It wasn’t just Clyde Sir...” Luke started to defend his friend.
“No, it was the bally lot of you!” Lethbridge Stewart barked. “You wouldn’t last a moment under my command.” His face slowly lightened with the chuckle he was no longer able to conceal. “Undoubtedly that suits Miss Smith down to the ground.”

Sky knelt up on the passenger seat and tilted her head at him. “Does that mean you’re not angry grand dad?” Her innocent question caused everyone to turn her. She cowered back into the car “What did I say? Gordon calls you grand dad.”
“Well, that’s because he’s my grandson.” Sir Alistair tried to explain. Sky clearly didn’t understand. “My daughter’s son?” he prompted.
“Oh.” Sky said quietly, the single syllable drawing upon her every feeling of isolation on this alien world.

“You are kind of our grand dad though.” Luke interrupted “Neither of us really has one.”
“Sounds like you’ve been adopted Sir Alistair.” Sarah Jane patted his back as she arrived, dazzling him with an affectionate grin. “I, for one wouldn’t object.”
“Alright, but I must say discovering three grandchildren in one day is very probably the most extraordinary moment of my life.”
“You aint seen nothing yet.” Clyde promised, only half joking. He still got the laugh he was looking for.

sarah jane, fic

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