B/c I still don't feel like writing out my opinion of Watchmen. ALTHOUGH I LOVED IT!! Just so complex... and awesome. <3
My name is
I am
active, activist, admirer, adorant, adult, alien, ally, ambigender, ambiguous, ambisexual, anarchist, angel, animal lover, artsy, ask me, assertive, BD, BDSM, babe, bent, bi-romantic, bicurious, bidyke, big sister, bisensual, bisexual, bitch, blessed, bondage, caring, cat lover, chick, complex, confidant, confused, counselor, creative, curious, Democrat, Dr., DS, demon, different, differently-gendered, dominant, dork, dreamer, dude, dunno yet, eccentric, eclectic, esoteric, estranged, etc., fag hag, fag stag, fangirl, fat dyke, femme-loving, fetishist, fey, fightfucker, freak, friend, full of hate, full of love, GLBTQIA, Green, gay-curious, gay-friendly, gaysexual, geek, gender anarchist, gender challenged, gender confused, gender deviant, gender dysphoric, gender nazi, gender outlaw, gender pirate, gender warrior, genetic woman, grrl, grrlydyke, hetero-romantic, heteroblivious, heteroerotic, heteroflexible, heteroqueer, homo-romantic, homoemotional, homoerotic, homoflexible, human, hyper-sexual, Independent, illusionist, impersonator, indecisive, indifferent, individual, ineffable, intelligent, interested, introvert, kinky, knight, leftist, lesbigay, liberal, libertarian, library dyke, lost, Ms., macho, me, metamorph, misrepresented, mistress, misunderstood, mosaic, multifacetted, myself, nerd, no thank you, none of your business, not sure of myself, not sure of others, nothing, obsessed, odd, omnisexual, open, other, outspoken, pan-romantic, parent, part-time, passionate, peopleemotional, peopleplatonic, peoplesexual, person, philosopher, platonic, pole dancer, polysnuggler, pro-gay, pro-life, progressive, queer, queer dyke, queer liberationist, queer-friendly, queer-minded, queerly straight, questioning, quirky, quirkyalone, quiz whore, random, readable, recreational gender blender, romantic, sadomasochist, same gender loving, same sex different gender oriented, self-defined, semi-sexual, sensitive, shaman, shapeshifter, she-geek, socialist, spiritual, stealth, straight?, straightly queer, strange, suicidal, survivor, switch, teh gay, theater fag, trans-oblivious, transtheorist, treehugger, trisexual, trustworthy, twin-spirit, undecided, undeclared, undefined, understanding, unique, unspecified, unsure, versatile, virgin, wannabe, weird, whatever, working class, XO, XXYY, YES!
Who are you? Half of these I pikced for the shit of it. Saw it on
slicensmile and went from there!! That's half an hour of my life I'll never get back. :P