I'm still alive. SHOCK, I know. -_-;
I grabbed a computer and thought I'd update when I had the chance to. So here I am.
Okay, really, my twin and I have this brilliant idea. It's my idea, but hey. You know. Whatever. We'd like to go to Otakon 2006 as the entire cast from Angel Sanctuary, but we need more people. So, we're looking for people who have the following:
-the cash, ability, and will to go to Otakon 2006
-the cash, ability, and will to cosplay as someone from Angel Sanctuary, not chosen by you, but by me
-ditto with making your own costume
-is okay with spending Saturday travelling around as a group, and being stopped for pictures every three seconds
-is okay with posing sexually with complete strangers
-hopefully already looks like an AS character
-is willing to wear the outit all day
Okay, that's about it. I probably won't be back on until the end of August or beginning of September.
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