The end of the daemon AU recs from crackvan

Feb 28, 2013 12:34

I've been reccing HDM crossovers this month at crack-van, specifically daemon fusions. So, this post is just to have the last few fics I didn't read for various reasons posted--along with why I didn't read them and why some fans will want to anyway.

As some of you may know or have figured out, I'm OTP-centric. I have plenty of fandoms I won't read because I'm just not interested, and I have plenty of pairings I won't read because I don't like them. But in the interest of reccing daemon fusions fully, I've compiled a list of other daemon fic that I have not read (and so cannot actually rec) but that appears good to other fans. Please use your judgment before diving in to any of these!


Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Length: 83,873
Rating: M
Author on LJ: xanthe
Author Website: Xanthe's site
Summary: Most people never touch another person's soul...but when a 20 year old Leroy Jethro Gibbs meets an 8 year old Tony DiNozzo, it sparks an event that links them forever.

Why I didn't rec this, but it still deserves a mention: I actually hate NCIS. I sat through 15 minutes of 1x01 and just couldn't take it anymore. Sorry, everyone else on the planet who is in love with this show. But since the fandom and pairing are both insanely popular AND this is on every daemon rec list I can find, I'd say check it out if NCIS and/or Gibbs/DiNozzo is your thing.

Soul Deep on AO3, on FFN, and on Xanthe's site.


Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Length: 111,464
Rating: M
Author on LJ: blind-author
Author Website:
Summary: His Dark Materials AU. John and his dæmon, Amarisa, have never quite fit in, largely because she settled as a wolfdog. Sherlock and Raniel are similarly isolated, mostly because the woman they call Mummy is a witch. These two men and their dæmons end up sharing a flat together and the rest, as they say, is history. And with a witch-clan out for John's blood and a man known as Moriarty emerging from the shadows, they're certainly not going to be bored.

Why I didn't rec this, but it still deserves a mention: We're not supposed to rec WIPs, and anyway I've never read this one. This fic is specifically more of a crossover with the entire HDM world, not just adding in daemons. It's another that's on every rec list, so give it a try if you're interested.

The Republic of Heaven on AO3, on LJ, and on FFN


Fandom: House
Pairing: House/Wilson
Length: varies
Rating: varies
Warnings: varies
Author on LJ: lit-luminary
Author Website:
Summary: varies

Why I didn't rec this, but it still deserves a mention: Basically, this is a series of somewhat related shorts (yet another one) in the House universe that include daemons. House isn't my fandom--I only watched the first three seasons and yeah, I ship House/Wilson, but it's simply not something I'm interested in reading. However, this fic has turned up in several recs, most recently from flywoman who reminded me of it, so I'm passing it along.

Daemonverse masterlist


Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel

Why I didn't rec this, but it still deserves a mention: Look, I hate destiel. Like, literally, I loathe and despise the pairing. It fills me with disgust and this sort of terrible, terrible hope that it will never come to pass, because I might stop watching. It's rare that I hate a ship so much, and I try not to talk about it, but it's true. Part of it's that wincest is my SPN OTP, Sam and Dean are so obviously in love and have been from 1x01, but another part is that I see Castiel as being either asexual or only vaguely heterosexual, besides the entire problem of his body not being his, oh and Dean not trusting supernatural creatures--but I digress. Since I'm not into it, I never read the fic. Regardless, in the interests of being fair, here are the two destiel daemon fics that people seem to like and I kept stumbling across. Don't say I never did anything for you.

- The Importance of Souls by cloudy-fic (it's a series)
- daemonverse!ficlets by andlightplay


Fandom: Avengers
Pairing: None (or so it says, it's actually Tony/Pepper)
Length: 6,002
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/A
Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: N/A
Summary: Tony falls through the space between worlds. As a result, he can see daemons. It kind of freaks him out. (It's stranger and more beautiful than he could have ever imagined.)

Why I didn't rec this, but it still deserves a mention: I love Avengers, and Tony's my favorite. The concept of Tony being able to see daemons after falling through the portal really appealed to me. However, this fic is incorrectly tagged as gen. It's actually Tony/Pepper. One of my biggest pet peeves when reading fic is incorrect tagging--especially assuming "gen" means "het pairing"--especially when said het pairing is one I personally despise and, in fact, avoid at all costs (I'm a 616 fan--Steve/Tony and Pepper/Happy all the way). The unpleasant surprise had me cringing, triple-checking the tags, and then quickly skimming through to the end. So, if you enoy or are ambivalent about Tony/Pepper, go read this fic, but if not, avoid it.

elioenai by anonymous


Also: have some Walking Dead daemon AUs: i followed fires and fallen empires, both by zihna. I haven't read either, but I'll get around to it. And, come on, THE WALKING DEAD. What more do you need to know?


Okay, that's it! Go in peace, fellow daemon AU lovers! ♥

his dark materials, fic recs

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