Aug 25, 2010 16:14

HAS EVERYONE SEEN TOM HARDY NAKED YET?!! Because if not, you know, you really should. Also here!

Read Hyperbole and a Half's This Why I'll Never Be An Adult. ♥

bookshop's Inception post is basically accurate for everyone I've talked to. Except, of course, I ignored the Cobb/Mal and focused on the Arthur/Eames my first time around. My second time is when I noticed the epic het. What can I say? I'm a slasher at heart, first and foremost. \o/

Also, I am now convinced that I will never be able to escape fics I owe people, thanks to the return of bloodsorrow who used to be someone else but is still the same person I owe a Gundam Wing fic to. EPIC FAIL, SELF. EPIC FAIL. I am never writing that fic like ever. Sorry, man. I suck.

... but really, who cares about everything but the first two links? I KNOW I REALLY DON'T.

fandom: arthur/eames, fandom: inception, writing: fic, rl: too busy

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