Star Trek: We Reach Our Apogee Slowly (Part 10b), eventual Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura, R

Sep 25, 2009 11:08

Title: We Reach Our Apogee Slowly (Part 10b)
Author: kowaiyoukai
Rating: R
Pairing: eventual like whoa Kirk/Spock (STFU), Spock/Uhura (blame JJ, not me)
Warning(s): Angst, meta, language, attempts at witty banter, overly-important tone, intentionally confusing parts, potentially OOC everybody
Spoilers: Star Trek XI (2009) (a.k.a. Star Trek XI, Star Trek 2009 ( Read more... )

fanfic: star trek, fandom: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek, fanfic: kirk/spock

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christycorr September 25 2009, 16:39:50 UTC
OH MY GOD, this is TORTURE. Slow-burning, positively sadistic torture. SPOCK, YOU IDIOT. Aaah! It's like you're trying your darnedest to subvert the huddling-for-warmth trope by killing us with UST. Jesus.

Okay. Ahem.

"I would prefer for you to be out of those clothes," Spock said.

Several seconds passed.

"Oh G-god," Jim said. "I'm d-dead. I'm d-dead and I'm hallu-lucinati-ting."

^ this cracked me up so badly. Oh, Spock, why so clueless?

The bridge idiom! Their theoretically possible scenario! Why on earth is Spock the Second pink? And you changed the order of things-I thought you weren't allowed to do that! *grins*

'I'm a doctor, not a deep-sea diver slash a witty phrase slash Klingon warship repairman slash stereotypical action movie hero!'



kowaiyoukai September 25 2009, 17:38:42 UTC
Thanks a lot for commenting! ♥ MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! *clears throat* I'm sorry, I meant, oh. That's very sad for you. *evil glee ensues*

I enjoy killing people with UST. I DO IT FOR SPORT. *takes out UST shotgun and aims to kill*

Spock is so clueless b/c if he wasn't there would be no story. There is your answer.

I assume Spock the Second is pink b/c it was Jim's turn to go and he thought it'd be funny. WHICH IT IS. XD

YOU LOVE THE DOCTOR LINE. Don't lie about it like that. <3


christycorr September 25 2009, 18:15:13 UTC
*laughs* Yes, I've noticed! Jesus Christ, girl.

I knooow. I'm just saying. Ack. Damn you, Spock.

It is, it is XD And yes, I do. That was a "*dies laughing*" *dies*, not a "*dies writhing in agony, overdosing on UST*" *dies*, even though it COULD HAVE BEEN. *glowers* You should edit the fic title or something, and add, "(Slowly being the operative word)". Hmph.

I love this fic, you know that. i don't mean a word! ♥ Keep up the escalating UST!


kowaiyoukai September 25 2009, 19:35:35 UTC
LOL, but it makes us all happy to be inundated with UST. *rolls around in it gluttonously*

I knew you knew. But I said it anyway b/c I knew it wouldn't be helpful at all. XP

LOL, I figured as much. Hey now, I DID put slowly in the title AND eventual before the K/S. What more do people want from me? XD

I do know that. ♥ You liar, you mean every word but you want it all anyway. The UST will be escalated to the point of you ripping your hair out to relieve the pain. LOOK FORWARD TO THAT. \o/


christycorr September 25 2009, 19:38:09 UTC
Ripping my hair out? You mean it gets worse than this? Oh my God, you're a horrid person.


kowaiyoukai September 25 2009, 19:41:02 UTC
LOL, this is the EASY part. We're only in the middle of part 10. There's going to be 25 parts while Spock's with Uhura, and more afterwards--JUST THINK ABOUT THAT AND ALL I COULD DO WITH 25+ PARTS OF NOT GETTING THEM TOGETHER.

*cackles evilly*



christycorr September 25 2009, 19:47:27 UTC

Well, fuck.

I never do this with ficwriters, because God knows I hate it when people do it to me, but GO WRITE, girl. The faster you write, the faster things will get there but then it'll end and I don't want it to end-shit, I'm torn.


kowaiyoukai September 25 2009, 19:50:25 UTC
LOL, that was the reaction I was hoping I'd get. BTW, saw you're following me on twitter. I'll follow back next time I sign in whenever that'll be. Your tweet about Apogee amused the shit out of me, tho. XDDD

I'm writing, but this is a long fic, h'okay? It'll take time. And you'll slowly feel the pain as the UST sucks out the very essence of your life from your bones, leaving you a withered and decaying near-corpse desperate for K/S pr0n that I refuse to provide.


Not that I've thought about it or anything.


christycorr September 25 2009, 19:57:19 UTC
I meant to follow you before, but I always end up forgetting-I only remembered this time because I mentioned you *laughs*

I know it'll take time, don't worry. And just in case I haven't stressed this enough: that's appallingly unabashed sadism right there. You're heartless. But you have a Harry Potter icon with a Dr. Horrible quote, so I can't even muster the strength of will to say I hate you. :D


kowaiyoukai October 31 2009, 17:09:28 UTC
HOMG this reminded me to go onto twitter and fix my account. *headdesk* I'll follow you then.

Also, I am quite pleased with being sadistic. It makes me feel all tingly inside. And I would LOVE to be heartless, but only Kingdom Hearts style and a Nobody would be even better. (Sorry for the KH reference which you probably don't get... BUT I HAD TO.)

Do I suck a lot if I say that I've no idea where your Slytherin icon's quote is from?


christycorr November 1 2009, 13:09:16 UTC

I know exactly what you mean. And yeeeah, sorry, that one did go over my head. :|

No, it's not a direct quote of anything (to the best of my knowledge), just a general (true) statement. *grins*


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