Still Not Dead

Sep 07, 2009 00:03

HI again people! I'm at jelost's house again for the week, this time with siriuslyyellow in tow. Here's what I've been doing that you probably don't care about:

- playing Arkham Asylum. HOLLA BACK!! This game is FUCKING PHENOMENAL!! I am loving it. I'm 43% done with it so far, so I'm looking forward to finishing it. Plus, now I can access the section where you can play as the Joker since I'm at the internet now. \o/ I am kicking ass and taking names with solving the Riddler's challenges. XD

- finished watching Oz and I fucking loved it!! Keller/Beecher FTW!! NO SRSLY THO. Where are the fanvids when you need them? ALso finished Band of Brothers (have I said that already?) and loved it!! Winters/Nixon FTW!! Yes I ship them even though it's based on real people and no I don't feel bad about it at all. XP

- currently watching: Animorphs (shipping Tobias/Rachel & Jake/Marco--that last one by accident--they are WAY more slashable in the TV show than they were in the books) & Psych (I am confused about my ship at this point. Probably Shawn/Lassiter even though I'm not convinced yet) & Farscape (John/Aeryn (sp?) totally rocks!). But soon I will be watching SGA and life will be a happy place for me.

- read Hush. Um, WTF it was so not as good as I thought it would be. Batman needs to stop chasing after Catwoman and accept that he and the Joker are in love already. FOR PETE'S SAKE.

- my cell phone is no longer alive due to lack of money. DX No tweets or contact with the outside world for me. *headdesk* Am possibly getting a job to correct the situation, but that would mean less time for writing, which would SUCK. *le sigh*

Things you might care about:

- Apogee 10b is coming along. I re-wrote it b/c of a few comments that had me thinking about something else I should do, but I'm hoping it'll be done soon.

- Apogee BB is totally stalled b/c of 10b, which means either I'll finish it in a rush of staying up all night four nights in a row or I won't finish it at all and put it out later myself.

- working on my first ever fanmix for a fandom I'm in but not currently ficcing for, and it's almost done! \o/

Um, I think that's it? I'll reply to the comments I've gotten these past two weeks later. Right now, I think I'm off to write. Or sleep. Not sure yet. We'll see what happens when I get to the air mattress and have to make the decision to fall upon it or walk by to my computer, which I brought with me for writing purposes.

Just wanted to update now to say I'm alive and working on shit and there's no need for panic. :P


rl: video games, writing: fic, rl: fandom shows itself, rl: too busy

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