Star Trek txt convo FOR TEH LULZ

Jun 11, 2009 11:22

This is way more amusing than you'd think.

jelost: Hey finish star trek yet?

kowaiyoukai: Um no? are you fucking KIDDING ME?! i just finished 1x16, the menagerie part 2. Why? are you watching it?

jelost: Lol yeah, got bored. Im exactly where you are, menagerie pt 2 last night.

kowaiyoukai: Oh yay! sa doesn't wanna watch it, she didn't like 1st ep. I think its awesome actually. Spock rocks! kirks a vile fetishist manwhore. Needs moar gay!

jelost: Lol its totally crack. kirk hitting on that kid was creepy though. spock is fun.

kowaiyoukai: IT IS CRACK SRSLY. I can see why its required sci-fi & gay viewing. Spocks my tos fav, kirks my xi fav. Re: kirks sexual creepiness - see my last.

jelost: Agreed.

kowaiyoukai: Lol i keep wondering why kirk was holding that dick-shaped rock. And poor long-suffering spock. if i was him i wouldve dumped kirk years ago tbc...
Also spocks lips are very entrancing and pink. & i constantly find myself staring @ everyones asses and crotches.

jelost: Haha oh the crack. spandex doesnt help either.

kowaiyoukai: Omg when kirk was training with charlie x, i was like theres his dick! its kirks dick! lol! it was very defined. :P

jelost: Lmao, I was busy wondering at the amount of time kirk spends shirtless. he rips his shirt every other ep.

kowaiyoukai: Omg i know right?! the mans a walking sexual plague. Hes always half naked and flirting w whatever passes for female in that ep. I do see ks tho.

jelost: Of course. Theres a ks moment at least once an episode, without fail.

kowaiyoukai: Btw ever notice how only kirks shirt rips, no1 elses? just sayin. & ks makes me happy but i cant c how spock can accept kirks behavior. like jackianto

jelost: Spock seems to think its funny. if he had a sense of humor.

kowaiyoukai: Dude. He SO has a sense of humor. And yeah he thinks its funny now, but when hes a single parent trying to hold his fractured life together tbc...
While kirks sleeping around w sexy chick of the week, he aint gonna think its funny then. IS HE?!

jelost: what? yes.

kowaiyoukai: They adopt a romulan and a klingon to complete their multi-species family. DUH YOU LOSER. Thats canon knowledge 101.

jelost: Oh. I see. well then. :|

kowaiyoukai: And did your yes indicate that you think singleparent!Spock will still find kirks sexual deviancy amusing? bc he wont. He'll be on the phone tbc...
W starfleet asking when his mans coming home and telling them their excuses are illogical.

jelost: Lmao youve been thinking about this.

kowaiyoukai: No actually that kind of thing comes quickly and naturally to me.

jelost: why am I not surprised.

kowaiyoukai: Bc you know me?

fandom: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek

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