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Jun 24, 2007 23:52

i went to see naoki's live today. and he and his guitarist left before even coming out into the live house!!! so i didn't actually get to talk to him, i just got to stand awkwardly in the front row while ~ef~ performed. he's sooo getting a sad email to make him feel guilty.

HOWEVER, in spite of this, i actually pulled a rather decent demachi (and i didn't even have to wait out in the cold to do it). there was this other random band whose name was saimon (from the 'sai' in saitama and the 'mon' in monkey. yeah, i don't get it much either), and they went on first. i think it was their first live too. they were... special. some of their songs were pretty v-kei, but there was this one super oshare song that was was, basically, the stupidest song i have ever heard. not the *worst* song, mind you, just the stupidest. there were stupid hand movements, too. aaanyway, in the middle, the singer told some random story to kill time (it was the night of band members talking too much), and he talked about how he woke up the other day and his jaw was stuck open. he didn't know what to do so he called the japanese 911 but they couldn't help him cuz he couldn't talk. i was like "holy crap, that's TMJ he's talking about >_<". well, i was awkwardly standing next to this singer while somewhat chatting with oneesan so i turned and asked him about the jaw thing. and thus did i have a long and rather pointless (but fun) conversation with him and his band. i had forgotten the trick to talking to band bois... when you first talk to them, make sure you know what you're gonna say. then, once you have their attention, just say whatever the hell is on your mind. really, i said some super random stuff, and it all went fiiiine. it was just like old times.

i also wrote something really odd and in english on their enquette, just cuz. i wonder if anything will come of it.

i had one of the members of the secret band drop his stack of cds all over me and then drop them again when i handed him the enquette. i felt a little bad cuz i didn't even stand for their band, but i filled out an enquette just to be nice.

also, i've only been here a month, and i've already seen a repeat band. i did all their hand movements from the way back this time and the vocalist got so excited. he kept trying to get the 'ppl in the back' to respond but i was the only one responding, so he kept saying 後ろ、弱いね. yeah, well, it's 弱い cuz the gaijin is the only participating.

after the live, i sat for a really long time in mcdonald's playing itadaki street. i totally kicked ass the second time around on this board, mwa haha.

earlier in the day i went to harajuku and got some more omiyage and a top at algonquins. now i only have 1 omiyage left to acquire! this is good.
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