
Jun 07, 2007 12:35

i am in SUCH PAIN right now but... it was worth it, i'd say.

some small but important things i'd forgotten about lives:
- don't stand the whole time. they may start at 4 or 5 in the afternoon, but they go on until 9 or 10 at night. so always sit between bands and sit down if you lose interest in whoever's on stage. my feet were going to fall off practically.
- don't stand next to the speaker. i'd forgotten how bad that was...
- head bang side-to-side! side-to-side! if you have to do a 'front-back' head bang, so it with your shoulders and not your neck. owie owie, neck.
- even if you don't catch the band members looking at you, they *see you*. ooooh, they see you.

so here's the full live report, cuz i basically *died* when i got home last night:

i ended up showing up about a half hour early. i was texting kumi all day and our plans to meet or not meet beforehand changed, like, four or five times. and then, finally, we ended up running into each other on the street in front of the live house. Area is easy enough to get to that i remembered my way ^_^
kumi had to wait for her friend to show up cuz the friend had gotten her ticket. we babbled a lot to each other. i couldn't understand everything she said and i'm not so good at faking it anymore. so a lot of the times i would just be like あ、そうか! or うううん. sometimes my reactions were apparently pretty funny to everyone else involved. sometimes i really had no idea what i was agreeing to.
i got to hear a lot about kazumi... kumi is soooo happy for me that i get to see his band while i'm here. what luck, riiiight? he'd quit being in a band for a while and only *just* joined this one and there's a live while i'm here, isn't that greeeeeat? uh, yeeeeah, suuuure kumi, that's greeeeat.
but the best part of all is... kazumi's FAT now. or at least, that's what kumi tells me. she said it to me, like, five times. she told *everybody* that i was getting to see my 'favorite band member' again except that he's FAT now. she showed me pics of him in his new band and i really don't think he looks fat or anything, but it's just hilarious to me that kumi kept saying that. she made a big deal that she emailed him telling him that i was coming to the live, and, according to kumi, he's prolly gonna go on a diet now just for that live. 元の僕に戻らなくちゃ! suuuure kumi, riiiight. i predict many minutes of awkward conversation on that day...
i also got to hear all about her other favorite bands-- kumi is *obsessed* with sugar. remember the goth cowboy and rooster guitarist?? the random ones i took a film of? with the ant on their chirashi? yes, *that* sugar!! i would totally get to go to one of their big lives with her if i wasn't leaving on the 27th ;_; but i think i'm seeing them at a different live (that kumi can't attend) when i see unsraw so that should be... interesting.
another pair of gaijin showed up shortly after we did. i kept jabbering away with kumi for a while and there was that initial awkward "we're all gaijin and should prolly talk to each other but dunno how to start..." so finally i complained to kumi that i should prolly talk to them and she all encouraged me to. they had come to see panic channel, who one of them had been following for a while now. they didn't seem comfortable using their japanese and i wasn't sure how experienced they were with lives so i told them to ask me for help if they needed anything.
they finally let us in. turns out, if i had known which band kumi was seeing i could have yoyaku'd with them, but with my lawson's ticket i somehow got a super low number and was one of the first in. (in japan, at big concerts, all tickets have numbers and you get let in according to them... except area is super small and there weren't *that* many ppl so it didn't matter) i just went in and stood in the back until kumi joined me. i was then carted around and introduced to everybody and their dog (not that animals are allowed in the live house). of course, kumi had to get fancy and kept saying, in english, "this is my friend from new york, april" and no one could understand her so i'd have to butt in. but i guess it was good cuz it made me use my japanese in front of ppl. however, even once she'd introduced me, everyone kept asking *her* questions about me and kumi would explain.
it turns out, kumi thought i was going to grad school in *japan* next year. why is everyone here assuming that? seriously, everyone in japan that i've told "oh, i'm just here for a month vacation before i start grad school" automatically assume that i'm going to grad school in japan. the woman on the airplane, the guy at the apartment office, now kumi. why would i come here for a month, go aaaall the way back to america only to come back to japan in two months for school?? why would i go to grad school in japan, period??? nobody goes to grad school in japan! not even japanese ppl! besides, it takes *forever* to get a graduate degree in japan. seriously. there's no set time for it. you just stay in school foreeeever.

okay, so, after i was paraded around kumi took me up front to wait for the first band. we were standing in front of the stairs up to the first tier there. even tho she didn't know the fangirls she introduced me to them and they invited me to stand right up front. i was like "no no no, i can't" but they insisted, so i said i'd come up once the band had started. how do you explain to nice fangirls that a random gaijin in the front row (esp when they're not expecting it) will FREAK OUT band bois? esp since the other two gaijin were *right behind me*. yeeeeah.
i'll do this by band now:
Sito Magus: the music started and the fangirls *insisted* that i come stand up front... so i did. the band didn't really have that many fans so there were only about five or six of us up front (including kumi and i). i would describe this band as blood before-they-were-good. their schtick was that they were magicians or from the land of magic or something. they were *very* dramatic. i mean, the staging was all perfectly planned out beforehand. the guitarist and bassist just stood there and walked up front whenever they were supposed to and the vocalist either kneeled on the ground or stood, posing dramatically while singing, and every now and then went over to the drums and futzed with the random "magic" stuff they had there. the very first lyrics were "i am alone in a dark room..." and then i stopped listening.
it was really hard for me *not to laugh* during this band. they weren't doing anything funny, it was just the fact they were soooooo serious about their uber gothiness and it was just hilarious. i don't know what they must have thought of me cuz i kept having to screw my mouth up so i wouldn't *laugh* (esp since i was in the front row... i felt bad for the guitarist cuz i was smack dab in front of him and he didn't know what to do about it).

apparently, the vocalist really *was* casting sidelong looks at me (i caught him at it a few times but he quickly looked away) cuz later on kumi told me that he'd asked her to introduce us. tho, by the end of the live, the band had already "gone back to the land of magic" cuz they were no where to be found (i had even filled out their enquette! damn them). i'm sure if i went to another one of their lives i could make friends with the fangirls and stuff... i just wish i liked their music more.

L'eprica: i actually really, really liked them! but now i can't remember so much about their stage show. the singer had aaawesome make up on, tho. lotsa black eyeshadow all around his eyes and some big feathers around his right one and he was wearing white contacts. their costumes were simple-goth, like alice auaa type stuff. i know i really liked their music and bobbed my head, but they didn't really have any head-bang or furi worthy songs so i just stood and listened.

Schwarz Lilie: this was the first headbang worthy band! omg, they were such fun. they dressed and acted like black sabbath era ozzy, it was claaassic. apparently they have an alter-ego band that's just them-as-drag queens. i want to see that sooo badly.
they had about 2 rows of saizen and some of kumi's friends were standing down there so we went to join them but then they all shifted around. i really wish japanese ppl wouldn't do that to me. i didn't know if they had all moved cuz i came down or if it was that they just lost their nerve for standing in the front. cuz then i was the closest to the mosh pit area and too shy to get into it completely. besides, there was some guy standing right in front of me who was part of the saizen but not getting into it completely so i was kinda blocked from it myself.
i truly went all out with headbanging and stuff, tho, which was well worth it cuz it was fuuuun. but i'd forgotten the painless headbang technique... which is why my neck hurts like a mofo right now.

Panic Channel: this was the one band i'd actually heard of prior to the live. i'd listened to them once and hadn't been that impressed, tho i knew they were quite popular. i can see why now-- they put on quite a show. they really get the audience riled up. tho the singer was definitely not the best one of the night (not that he was bad, mind you). i stood on the second tier off to the left (where we'd put our bags) since my gaijin friends were gonna stand up front, and apparently there had been some unrest lately amongst the fangirls so i didn't want to get in the middle of it.
they were quite fun, tho, and the damn second guitarist kept pointing at me (that was his thing, he had this "cool" face and he'd point at ppl in the audience then flick his hand upwards, which might have meant "come to the front!" but i really wasn't sure what the point was). it was like "yes yes, i see you too, quit pointing at me, point at your japanese fans right next to me so i don't get mobbed!" this one also had the sluttiest costume which was a little... ew. i didn't approve of it entirely. ファちゃん、リカちゃん you guys prolly would have liked it ^_^
i didn't headbang all out for this one cuz i was already feeling pain from schwarz lilie, but i did all the furi (damn did they have a ton of furi!). at the very end of the last song (after a looooong interlude of gyaku diving) there was one great big head bang moment, where everyone in saizen holds hands in a circle and head bangs in unison. the girls on the second tier i was standing next to offered to hold hands with me to do it! i was very happy. they must have noticed me getting into it.

my gaijin friends left right after that, but came over and said good bye first. i was glad that i was able to be friendly with them, cuz i know there are some gaijin in the scene who don't like fraternizing with other random gaijin. so i always try extra hard to be nice to whoever i meet even if i don't entirely approve of how they're acting (brittany spears reject at narciss, anyone?). hey, we're all gaijin, we should stick together. i was surprised at how early they left, tho.
by this time kumi had entirely abandoned me. she's really weird like that. but i think she wanted me to enjoy all the music, tho i would have been just as happy standing out in the lobby chatting in japanese. so i was kinda ウロウロing in the corner by myself for a while. shoulda talked to other lone fangirls in japanese but didn't get up the guts to do it yet.

MuniMuni: this was the band that kumi told me i could eat a bento while watching... okay, maybe an ice pop. they turned out to be... special. they didn't entirely fit in with the evening's entertainment. all of the other vocalists that night had the usual gothic visual kei sound, but this guy... didn't. the vocalist/guitarist and bassist both had beards, which i didn't approve of at first but i got used to them by the end.
the best way i can describe them is that cali gari threw up on mr. children but with a heavy metal twist, and with only about 1/4 the talent and awesomeness of either of those bands (and yes, i just used cali gari and mr. children in reference to the same band, that's how random and mismatched this band was).
despite the initial odd reaction, tho, by the end i realized i was really enjoying them. they were totally freakish in how they acted in stage. they had over the top gothy/bondage costumes but kept doing weird anime-like poses. and the vocalist had a really deep, super dramatic voice whenever he MC'd but then he'd say things like 愛してる and blow kisses at the audience. it was straaaange.

emmuree: last but not least, the band kumi had actually come to see!! she came in after munimuni and took me up front with her. i tried to demure to, like, the third row of saizen but then kumi made everyone move over so i could stand right up front, smack in the middle. i think she was actually the head fangirl for this band, tho she had introduced me to someone else who she claimed was head fangirl earlier.
i really liked this band too, from the very start of their set actually (most of the other bands had taken a few songs to grow on me). it was slower v-kei type stuff at first, and the vocalist was a little weird. weird in the awesome way. he had a super long alice auaa knit shirt on with a while skirt underneath and no shoes. his hair and make up were ryuutaro-esque and he had a really beautiful voice. he reeeally got into his music, too. with the slow/sad songs he would writhe in pain and during the harder, faster songs he squirmed and flung himself about the stage. i love vocalists like that. kumi totally cried during one of the slow songs (she'd told me that the bad was like that). i was happy that, at the end, there was a couple head bang worthy songs that i could get into ^_^ tho, i felt bad for their guitarist cuz a. his look totally didn't fit in with the rest of the band and b. his guitar was messed up for the first half of the set.
apparently they are doing a coupling show with munimuni which is... random, cuz the two bands don't entirely go together. but this vocalist then kinda immitated what the last one had said, with the whole 愛してる thing, but he had an even deeper, more dramatic voice so it was just funny (which i think he meant it to be).

so with that, the live ended. i filled out enquette for everybody... except panic channel, but they didn't haaaave one. basically, i had filled it out for three of the five bands and then i felt bad going over to the goods tables and skipping munimuni, so i wrote something quick on their's too (i had to cut myself short or else i might have written "please shave". seriously, i wrote けっこうおもしろかった。。。以上). kumi kept calling me えらい for having filled them all out.
the two guys from schwarz lilie apparently flipped out after i gave them my enquette (or so kumi told me). apparently they went やった! and knocked over their poster-sign-thingy in excitement. i did notice them knock over *everything* on their goods table but had no idea it was related to me at the time. kumi told me afterwards.

so we said our お疲れさま's and left. i told kumi that i hadn't eaten dinner yet so we went to the noodle place nearby. kumi and yuko-san totally remembered us all going there together before! that made me so happy. kumi asked me a few more questions about what i'd been doing and what i wanted to do while in japan and told me to email her again later. so does that mean *i* have to invite her out to do something instead of waiting for her to invite me? i guess so... well, i'm busy for the next few days so it will have to wait either way.

i ate, went home, arrived in my room at about 11 and contemplated going to the sento to ease my aching body but... i was just too dead. everything hurt. i wanted to email ppl and write in my LJ then but... i couldn't moooove. i didn't even shower, i just washed off my make up, changed, and passed out.

tonight is danger gang 無料 live at narciss!!!!! ドキドキしてるよ! tomorrow is GOZ VII at shibuya o-west. saturday i'm going to my host family's house for dinner!!! sunday i *might* go see siva, not sure yet. yay for 5 days worth of excitement after bumming about all alone for a week.

at this point i might just bum about in my mansion until i have to go to the live today, cuz there's not really time to go anywhere interesting unless i get all dressed for the live beforehand. and the only place i would really go would be harajuku or shinjuku and... i kinda went there for the past two days. heh.
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