A requiem

Dec 03, 2004 22:44

i just finished Requiem for a Dream. That is the most fucked up movie i have ever seen. now im all depressed. im on alot of drugs right now due to my wisdom teeth getting taken out yesterday. during the whole operation all i did was stare at the dentist's tie. they only took out my bottom teeth, though soon they're gonna take the top ones out too. i dont know why they didn't just do them all, i guess they had outdated x-rays. im listening to all this depressing music, my cheeks are really hot, probably the ex wisdom teeth space is getting inflamed. i have so much work to do: i have a french project due monday, and i have to read 4 chapters of a french book and take all those quizzes. I also have the art portfolio day this sunday, where i go to Baltimore and have all these expert artisans say my work sucks. if they like my work i can go away with a scholarship. i tried for this art contest, sponsored by the nfaa, got the letter today saying basically: thanks for the $40 bucks you gave to try out, your work sucks, and thanks for trying! fuckers. why do i even bother?
my cat is sick, he's been throwing up and having the hershey squirts all over his kitty litter box. i think he also has fleas, which are still alive cuz the weather is still warm. the only good thing that happened today was that robert came over and so did my paycheck. now i can spend all that hard-earned money on people for christmas. and pay back my dad for some stupid shit i did when i was stupid...oh wait, i still am stupid.
i got some really pretty boots the other day...just about the only thing good that happened this week.i hate colleges
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