More Referendum 71

Aug 29, 2009 08:10

As of right now, with less than 8000 signatures left to check, it seems almost guaranteed that Referendum 71 is going to be on the ballot in Washington state this year.

For those not paying attention, Referendum 71 is an initiative by small minded hateful right wing bigots to repeal domestic partnership in Washington state because it's "too close to marriage".

You know what? Fuck them.

When the battle was over "marriage" because it impinged on their religious views, I could have some sympathy. I could not agree with them, because marriage is NOT a religion only 'rite', but a civil right, I could have some sympathy for the small mindedness of those afraid of change.

But we're talking about domestic partnership here. So you know what? Fuck them. This just is proof of all the hate, lies, deceit, and general doushbaggery of the people on that side of the argument. Every time you hear them say "We'd be ok if only it wern't called marriage", this here is proof of the lie. This here is proof that we have NOT done enough. The fight needs to go on. The fight needs to escalate. These are the people, who manage to convince their children to keep their small minded hate and bring it to the next generation. This hate must end, and the only way it will end is when they can see how wrong they were. They will not see it while it's still a "theory". It must be put into practice.

The way I live my life may not be to your approval.

But you have NO right to tell me how to live mine as a result. The fact that this country allows the majority public to vote on minority rights has got to be the most fucked up thing ever.

referendum 71

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