So yeah, last day of school that fuckin rocks. No finals. yay. : )
Me and Kyle
Vince and I
Mr. Freakin Gill with MRs. Rodgers suction cuppy pen stuck to him
Muah and The Great Farbiona
Dana, Me, and Dahlyn
Luke and Dana rockin out with Mr. Gill
The French Wenchs.
Me and Stasi w/Coach
Me n Selby
Scary Face time.
Me, Josh, n Stasi
Me n Josh
Me n Pat
Me, Mikey, adn Stasi
Me and Mr. Koss
Me, Gary, adn Stasi
Me and T. BOyle
So yeah Weber's butt got us excited
Mr. Shirf!!!
K so I know that's Troy, but I don't Know him
Me n Glenn
Mikey and ME
Me, Litz, n Stasi
Me n Kutchman
Chem Girlies
Me n Zemrose
Me n Dane
Me n Scotty
Capri and Flip-Flops day
Me n Lisa
Me n Shaffer
chillin at the banquet
us and Mr. Thomas
Chem room hottness.
Kyle getting his smartness award from Miriam
Us with Skiles
Ba da da.
That's all for now. YEs I know that was a took FOREVER...but couldn't miss any fun.
<3 comment as much as u'd like.