Aug 29, 2005 21:01
My selfrespect has gone down a little bit since I got this and I'm only fueling my self-hatred by keeping this thing updated. I am now officially a nerd ass. As you will find out I like to write about whatever is on my mind like right now I think sour bright-crawler worms are the best candy in the world right now, but I can switch gears and start talking about somehting as random as ice skating with a blind person with one leg. Actually that last thought made me laugh a lot. Does that mean I'm a terrible person? I think not.
So I'm starting to put my hair in the now dubbed style called "ko-hawk". I've been wanting to do it for a while, but my sister just now cut it so I could do it. A few others said that they liked it but I'm sure there are just as many who don't and at least it's nice that they don't say anything about it. I like it so screw you guys. My band is going to be playing a fairly big show soon with a our friends and great lovers called the Dexter's, and a touring band called "Against All Authority". The club expects 100-200 kids there so that will be fun. Oh yeah, that's going to be September 4th at the Redrum if you guys want to go, it shall be a good time.
Well soon I will make my LJ more fun, ie. pictures of small children or mullets or whatever. I'm sick of typing. And gummi snacks almost rival the greatness that is Laffy Taffy.