And the dead shall rise and smell the incense!

Oct 30, 2011 20:00

Operation: Biohazard was a blast!

I was concerned that things would have been to complicated in the game; not only were there were multiple factions an alliances to be made but each survivor had their own random character card objectives to complete. Mine were relatively simple - find food, water and medicine and hunker down. That freed me up to carry out a personal objective: Justin managed to get in as a the unique character of The Doctor (of Doctor Who fame) and I stuck to him to keep him alive. That was a pretty interesting dynamic, he was allowed to stun a zombie with his sonic screwdriver a total of 20 times and chose not to use any other firearms or melee weapons. Since he wasn't an obvious threat, that allowed him a chance to freely converse and deal with the other factions. Myself, I dresses up as a government intel agent wearing the torn up suit jacket from SUMT and on over the ripped arm part with a bloody bandage. This was to be able to complicate my role playing; my natural inclination as to boss people around and the wounded arm made people concerned I might be bitten and a carrier of the zombie virus. We made for a fun team.

Added to the team we managed to pick up another survivor the last (only) STARS member and last remaining Umbrella Black Ops trooper - brokering a peace between the two, which felt very much like a Doctor thing to do. Anytime we stayed in once place too long with another group of survivors I felt antsy... we were too big a target and true to for were were either attacked or the admins would fire off a flare to attract zombies and their cousins the 'hybrid' zombies who ere intelligent, fast and sometimes armed.

One classic bit: We were at the ruins of the Umbrella camp in a large group of survivors and the Renegades faction - lead by the Leary Bros & Val. We had a big bonfire going and an industrial halogen light going - the light being the hybrid zombie's weakness. Regardless, I was getting antsy and I wanted to keep moving. One of our companions asked why, since we had light and numbers and were safe. I put my arm on his should and said:

"Yes, but the super zombies are smart. Eventually they'll figure out how to turn off the generator." And as soon and I said that POOF the light goes out and we hear zombie roars. My little team was already on the periphery and we RAN, my yelling "Nobody here ever saw Aliens did they!"

I kept Justin alive as long as I could and we almost made it to the bitter end; he died about a half hour before the game end, I bought it about 10 minutes after trying to punch through a horde and killed by zombie Durak. Neither of us got our full objectives - Justin's was to pick up a pair of silver skulls and we'd managed to only find one, and in order for me to get medicine I would have had to kill a guy in cold blood, which I wasn't willing to do. Objectives meant raffle tickets for a TON of sponsored prizes. Both mine tickets were called and I won a nice MARPAT woodland camouflaged shirt and a bag of BBS, Justin got some anti-fog wipes and caught a squishy brain toy.

Afterwards we were all exhausted, chilly and hungry. It was after 1:00 in the morning at that point and the game started at 6:00, but we still went out to Perkins for 2 AM breakfast with the Learys. Got to do it again next year, and bring more of the KP crew over!
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