
Mar 31, 2008 03:31

Dir en greyのToshiya様

今までも、これからもよろしく お願いします
頑張れとっち! ♥

And ahahaha zomg XDD
Shinya didn't forget the promise he made 10 years ago XD
For those who can read chinese → 灰色の銀貨「ねむねむ博士の大逆襲」Vol.38

10 years ago, Shinya said he'd expose some secrets of himself. And he keep up to his promise on Vol.38 of Haiiro no Ginka. Basically, he just talked about how he ended up always being called "Yamo-chan" by the other members. XD

When he was 17, the other members nicknamed him "Shinemon" simply because he goes by the name "Shinya".

One day, when D-san (Die XD) started to play his guitar, he called Shinya "Shinyamon".
But then Die thought wouldn't that be troublesome?
So on the next day, Die started calling him "Yamon" and the other members started calling him "Yamori".

"Yamori" persisted for a few months before the nickname got fixed as "Yamo-chan".

Although he'd wanted to announce some more of his secrets, there's no enough space left (on his section in Haiiro no Ginka).

やばい!"The continuation for this shall be put in the FC magazine when I'm 40 then! See you."

PS: Words become smaller and smaller at the back of his page on Haiiro no Ginka, to show that he's really lacking in writing space.



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