the world knows except us

Feb 13, 2011 21:16

the world knows except us
2199 w, pg (lizzy/mir, taeyeon/onew, lizzy/onew, nana/mir)
highschool!au the school knows they like each other before they do.

cheolyong is the one that kindly informs lizzy that she's gawking. again.

"he's not even that cute," he tells her plainly, picking at his food. he's kind of lost his appetite after three slices of pizza.

she blatantly makes the point to ignore him, letting out this dreamy sigh, and cheolyong kind of wants to puke.

"he's so cool," she mumbles under her breath, her eyes not leaving that specific direction where lee jinki stood tall, a wide smile clad with broad, black rimmed glasses, a buttoned down shirt, and khaki pants. she merely squeals.

he just chokes on his water.

"you call that cool? if he's cool i must be like .. freezing."

"will you shut up?" lizzy shoots him a glare before finishing up her peanut butter sandwich. she watches closely as he associates himself with kibum and minho, her heart racing out of her chest and into her throat.

"you know, if you really want to do something about it, i can always ask kibum to hook you up. besides, the kid owes me some favors," cheolyong points out.

lizzy simply shahes her head, her eyes flickering over to the girl approaching their group. her fingers find the ends of her hair and pull, a grimacing expression taking over her previously bubbly one.

cheolyong stares, "..what the fuck are you doing?"

lizzy hangs her head down, gesturing at the girl.

"that's taeyeon. kim taeyeon. everyone knows she likes jinki and that he likes her back. it's a known fact around the school."

"well, can you blame him? she's really cute -"

"no, i can't," and without another word lizzy just picks up her lunch and leaves cheolyong at the table, oblivious to anything he's done wrong.

cheolyong rips off the valentine's paper taped onto the front of his locker, making a note to mentally beat the crap out of the person that put it up there in the first place.

seungho, the boy with the locker right next to his, inconspicuously glares at the kid.

"what's with the pout?"

"i hate valentine's day."


"because i never have a valentine."

and it gets awkwardly silent after that, but it really isn't awkward for either of them.

seungho was never the type to say much, so mir simply fills up the silence with endless rants on how im jinah won't even looking in my direction! lizzy is no help to me! isn't she supposed to be my best friend!? why can't she hook me up with one of her friends! like jinah! she hooked up byunghee with jooyeon! and then seungho just rolls his eyes and tells him to, shut the fuck up and take getting a valentine into your own hands, before he walks away to bother soyeon.

cheolyong figures he has a point, but he still sneers and tries to curse at seungho in english, ultimately failing. he looks at the crumpled piece of paper in his hand before straightening it out,

roses for cheap! five dollars for a whole bouquet! get your deal now at the school's main office.

cheolyong mumbles something about how he should go beg sanghyun for some money, so he goes to find the tall lanky kid hiding in some corner.

lizzy has some speech mentally prepared and on index cards when she sees him during chemistry.

"hi jinki! i need some help with this one equation, so you mind helping m-" "hi!" she's cut off when her gaze falls upon the adorable kim taeyeon, a cheesy smile plastered on her face.

she tries hard to not bite the shorty, or kick her, or cause her some physical pain - so she doesn't smile back, "hi."

"you're lizzy, right?"


"oh, don't be silly! i see you hanging out with cheolyong all the time - are you two dating?"

lizzy feels like this girl is hovering too close, so she shifts a little bit in her chair with a glare like daggers. ew, cheolyong? her? dating? never.

"uh .. no. we're just really good friends, best friends even. we've been best friends since middle school, and .. and he's funny, and a lot of people make fun of him for being so loud and scared of needles, but it's not his fault he got like twenty shots when he was a kid! but, ew, i would never date him - wait," lizzy breathes, realizing she's just gone on some rant.

she continues with the stolid expression.

"why do you ask?"

taeyeon giggles, and lizzy finds herself cringing. inwardly, physically, if anything it's all over her face, because this girl's laugh is too light and too cute and too likable, and she wants to punch her.

"kibum always says you guys are going to get married one day. i'm pretty good friends with him, so i just wanted to ask myself. gossip is lame anyways, but you're pretty and he's cute - you guys look good together."

"thanks .. i think."

and she's about to open her mouth and continue conversation, but the bell suddenly rings and her eyes flutter. "oh, well - alright, i guess class is going to start soon. i hope we can become friends lizzy," taeyeon offers a small smile and lizzy reluctantly accepts and returns it with a smile of her own.

"okay .. so maybe she's not that bad," she whispers to herself, watching her walk away and take the seat next to jinki.

lizzy snaps her pencil in half.

"i think i'll ask him to be my valentine," lizzy sits next to cheolyong under the tree, her hands sinking deeper into the snow.

his teeth are chattering, his face is flushed red, and so is hers - but she doesn't care.

"well, that sounds brilliant."

"why don't you ask jinah?"

"who said i wasn't going to?"

"i didn't," and lizzy looks at him with a sharp glance, but cheolyong is too busy emanating frost into the air.

"you know, i can't believe we've been friends for years, and you've never once -" he just cuts her off.

"why can't we just talk inside l - li - lizzy?" cheolyong asks, narrowing his eyes as he sinks into his jacket.

lizzy looks at him, "we always sit here and talk though."

"not when it's below zero degrees outside."

"well .. i guess you're right," lizzy just stands up and straightens out her skirt before looking down at him.

he sprints back inside.

conveniently, just .. oh so conveniently, jinah is the one selling the roses at the main office.

"jinah," he blurts out, blinking profusely. she only arches a brow, "cheolyong, right?"


"you're going to buy some valentine roses for someone?" jinah asks with a curt smile, tilting her head to the side. all be it, it's a sales tactic: charm the customers, take their money, and then ask them to leave.

the charming part worked on cheolyong as soon as she looked in his direction.

"y - yeaaaaaaaah," he shoves his hand frantically into his pocket, searching for that five dollar bill he ripped out of chansung's hand.

jinah pays no attention, doodling on her notebook, "who for? lizzy?"

he freezes.

"lizzy? ew. wait, what?"

jinah shrugs, "you two are always together, and i think she's ditched me a couple of times for you. i mean, you guys like each other, right? the whole school pretty much knows."

she looks up, "anyways, five dollars for a bouquet - get your deal now." jinah smiles and cheolyong's heart doesn't skip a beat like it usually does. instead, he just drops the five bucks on the desk and takes the flowers before leaving in a rush.

"so, you'll never guess who came by to get your flowers today," jinah says to lizzy as they walk home.

the brunette's eyes immediately light up, throwing an urgent glance at the blonde, her expression smeared with curiosity.

"jink -"


and the awkward silence creeps in when lizzy just stops walking. she stares at jinah as if she's stupid, because she just has to be. "what?"

"well, don't you two like each other?"

"you're the second person to say something like that today! what is up with you guys!?" lizzy asks with a frown, shaking her head.

"i don't like him! and besides! he likes you! it's all over his face, all the time -"

"no, he doesn't like me," jinah corrects, shaking her head.

"he thinks i'm hot. but you? he probably thinks you're .. well, something more than that," she looks at lizzy pointedly, but the younger girl simply scowls and ignores her, walking home as if her life depended on it.

cheolyong wakes up with the sun in his eyes the next morning, a frown immediately creeping onto his face.

when he looks over and squints really hard, he can see that it's monday, and that it's the fourteenth, and ultimately this means it's valentine's day.

when he squints even harder, he can see red roses scattered on his desk. so he grimaces and looks to the side a little - and, "shit, i have ten minutes to get ready for school."

but he goes back to sleep for another fifteen minutes anyways.

"they're homemade chocolates."

"for cheolyong?"

"no! for jinki!" lizzy looks at jinah who sighs and rolls her eyes, putting her ear bud back in before blasting music.

lizzy just shuffles to her feet from the chair before exiting their homeroom a second before the bell rings, going off to find him. she has the heart shaped box in her arms, hugging it tightly to her chest as her eyes search for the male.

and then she sees him, and her heart kind of doesn't break.

it's supposed to be like porcelain cracking, her heart that is, but it isn't, and she's surprised she isn't crying. instead, she just watches from the corner of her eye, because she doesn't only see jinki - but she sees taeyeon in an empty classroom.

he's holding her, she's holding him, and on the desk she sees a box of candy and a teddy bear and they look very much in love.

so lizzy sucks it up and keeps walking, wondering why it doesn't hurt as much as it probably should, why she's smiling, and she just drops her chocolate into the next garbage can she passes by.

cheolyong leans by the lockers, his presence unknown to lizzy as she walks by with her head down.

he just goes to the garbage and picks her box right back up and holds it underneath one arm before walking in the other direction.

"are you crying?" cheolyong asks when he finds her on the bench outside the high school.

she hides her face in her hands, clearly embarrassed, before shaking her head in a no.

"i think you're crying."

"well, i'm not."

"then why do i see tears?"

"because of your face."

he can't help but grin at her witty comments, but it isn't like she can see it when she turns her head away when he sits down next to her. he pulls at the braid in her hair before sighing.

"you even did your hair all nicely too, didn't you?"

"will you just shut up bang cheolyong?" lizzy asks, serious this time.

but he doesn't, instead, he simply sighs. "you know, you look really pretty -"

"you know, we've been friends for years, and you've never once told me that," she finishes her sentence from before, days before, actually - only yesterday, but it's one thought of many that she's had about them for awhile.

cheolyong suddenly falls silent.

"and you know? a lot of people think we like each other - but we don't. because you like jinah, and i .. i thought i liked jinki, but i don't! because i didn't cry!"

"you're crying right now."

"but not because of that!" this time she's yelling at him.

"i'm crying because i just realized something! that's it!" and then she hits him for no reason, but he doesn't flinch, he just stares at her having her ongoing mental break down.

but cheolyong knows lizzy, so he gives her a few seconds to breathe, to clear her head - and it turns out she needs a few minutes, but for once, he's patient.

when she's calm and he's smiling, he asks, "what did you realize?"

and he wonders if she's realized the same thing that he has, so he waits a little longer until she says it.

"i think i like you," she mutters under her breath, and cheolyong just feigns stupidity.

"wait, i'm sorry - what?" he leans in, his hand arched around his ear, gesturing for her to speak a little louder.

she jabs him in the side with her elbow, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

"go away."


instead, cheolyong pulls out the bouquet of roses and flashes it in front of her face, offering a cheesy grin as well.

"happy valentine's day," he says a little shyly, and lizzy tries not to smile too hard.

"weren't those supposed to be for jinah?"

cheolyong just shrugs.

"sure, she's pretty, but i think you're kind of beautiful."

♥ : lizzy/onew, ♥ : nana/mir, ♥ : lizzy/mir, fandom: mblaq, Ξ : withoutchange, ♥ : taeyeon/onew, fandom: after school

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