Fear (Heart's Engine Series: 01.)

Jan 22, 2011 10:56

Fear; Heart's Engine 01.
Rating: pg-15 - Genre: tragic, angst, hint of romance


The clock had struck midnight and Seohyun knew that this would be the moment; it would start all over again - the monumental three hours - which she will have to bear hearing her mother’s horrified screams replay over and over again like a broken record. She could picture it in her head when she closed her eyes, in her dream - and when she wakes up, she will realized that it all wasn’t just another nightmare. It was all the unfortunate reality.

She bit her lips harshly, the bitter smell of blood filling her senses as she reached for the small pills on the night stand along with the half empty glass of water nearby. Gulping the down nervously - one by one, the ears piercing scream continues on. Seohyun slowly lied down, pulling the cover over her head as she goes, trying to fall asleep in the midst of all the terror.


It was six thirty in the morning, Seohyun calmly descended down the stair in her cream summer dress, not a hair frazzled, not a crinkle on the dress. Mother was in the kitchen, making porridge with a bright smile that a perfect housewive should have on. While father was seated on the couch, reading today’s newspaper contently. Everything was back to normal by the morning, like every other normal day. The beds were made before six, breakfast before seven and they were all out of their perfect little household before eight.

A perfect crime, wasn’t it?


“How did you do on your literature test today, darling?”

Father asked in his usual sickly sweet tone, a rather forceful smile appeared on mother's face as she placed the bowl of freshly made salad on the empty space of the table. Seohyun could see the nervousness in her mother’s eyes. I’m afriad too mother, possibly more than you are. She wished she could say.

“It went perfect, father”

She could hear mother’s sigh of relieve when a sastisfaction smile came in sight. It almost disgust Seohyun for a second. How the monster could still smile after all he has done this past few years. Then she remembered. She remembered that word such as 'disgust' won't be able to fix anything.

“Honey....today I found the prettiest little dress for our Seohyun, its just perfection like our daughter here”

“Of course, I’m sure she will be breath taking at the meeting like always”

Later that night, Seohyun didn’t need any pills nor did she woke up to tears, sliding down her cheek. Father was content, mother was sound asleep in bed and her fear was
starting to lessen, even disappear. Maybe safety is slowly approaching.


“Oh, Seohyun dear”

Jung Sooyeon’s mother called, slurring her words as she did so. She obviously had a bit too much to drink for herself. Seohyun smiled at Sooyeon who only could give her an apologetic smile, trying to hold her mother up straight. Fidgeting with her newly bought dress as she accepted the glass of punch from the tall waitress with a polite smile before slowly approaching the Jung’s with an angelic smile like her mother had taught her long before.

“Why can’t you be taller Jung Sooyeon, like Seohyun here.”

“Mom, seriously...stop drinking. You’re embarrassing me, stop please.”

The two mother, daughter started bickering playfully and all Seohyun could do was smile. She was too late, they were too late to be such a perfect family like the Jung's are.
“Hey......miss me?”

Seohyun smiled disappeared almost immediately when Lee Donghae appeared in the corner of her eyes, wrapping his arms tightly around her friend’s waist. Smile, she told herself but instead a small, horried frown appeared.

“Yah, yah, don’t do that when my parents are around”

She could feel her heart racing, her palms sweating profusely, she could hear a bomb
slowly ticking away in her head. Her mouth gaped open to say a word of greeting but no sound could be heard. Other guests stared at her oddly, waiting for a word to be heard from her.

“Are you afraid of boys or something? Guess it’s true then, I heard your dad beat the crap out of your fucking mum every day”




Seohyun could hear it loud and clear as she watched the blood run down her arms. It was some what intriguing; the smell of fear was oddly pleasurable to her. She could hear the alarming footsteps, the sounds of heels clicking farther and farther away, the horrified cries from younger children in the room. Just like mother’s screams at night, the sound of rushed foot step, the sound of the door banging loudly when she tried seeking for help. With a small smile, she slowly bent down to collect the pieces of the broken glass that cracked into pieces in her tight grip seconds ago. Traces of blood could still be seen, how dirty? Without realizing, a small laugh escaped her mouth and soon the whole room was filled with her maniac laughter. She smirked at the girl trainee who was just smiling smugly to herself previously, her face turned incredibly pale as Seohyun turned around to face her. Seohyun could sense a scream stuck in the girl's throat as she took long strides toward the smaller girl. Happiness, that’s what she felt when she forcefully yank the other girl’s dress and smudges the blood all over the.....let her take a guess? Prada? Fall collection? Who cares? It was new, it was cream, it stains. The girl screamed over and over again. Music to her ears, Seohyun would say.

“I’m sorry about that but father would be the least bit happy with me if my dress is stained. How bothersome is white dresses? Don’t you agree?”

“Don’t you agree?”

Nobody in the room dared move, not even breath. The parents and trainees watched in utter shock as the once girl trainee, they recalled as 'near perfection' turned into this
horrid 'thing' infront of them.

"Don' you agree?"

She shouted loudly, imaptient for an answer. The terrified girl squealed in surprise, nodding her head like a violently. It was a beautiful sight. How such a well palnned evening or should she say the supposedly, perfect evening? Either way, it had now turned into everyone's hell hole.


“Good and oh, would you mind disposing this for me? I was taught to always clean up my crime scene. Dauhgter like father, I think I've heard that somewhere before. Oh, that was you. In the locker room, remember last week?”

Seohyun smiled deviously as she shoved the pieces of the broken glass, carefully wrapped in the white handkerchief into the other girl’s arms. Swiftly turning around to face the mirror, quickly fixing her hair, checking if there were any crinkles or dirt on her dress. She could see their reflection, fear. Afraid now, are they?

What a beautiful sight, it was.


“I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one here that didn’t attend that stupid, stuck up party.”

Seohyun eyes widened as she started to tremble uncontrollably. The sound of a woman's screams echoed throughout the whole corridor. One hour, fifteen minute and twenty five seconds. It was the exact time her screams has lasted, it almost amazed Seohyun how the woman lasted this long and hasn’t lost her consciousness yet but there were times, where it lasted longer than this.

“Hey....are you okay?”

It had come to her attention that it was a man that was speaking to her, his fine leather shoes was well in her view. Seohyun didn’t dare look up nor did she dare speak, she hugged her knees tight, and brrought it closer to her body as she continue to stay silent. Breathing seemed to become more and more difficult at his present. The stranger was coming closer and closer, Seohyun can already smell his sickening clogne.

“Y-Your arm, it’s bl-bleeding....”

“Don’t touch me.”

Seohyun screeched as she hurriedly scurried away from him, quickly pulling her bleeding arm away from his grasp. She was sure; he wasn’t one of the SM’s trainees. There were too many flaws, his hair was messy, he wasn’t even wearing a proper suit. There was no possibility that he was one of them, imperfection was written all over him. Slowly her hand moved to the back of her dress, searching for the piece of the sharp glass that she had been hiding all this time.


He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, got on his knee as he moved closer to where she was sitting. The loud screams continued on, her head started to spin violently. There was a sound, followed by a click and suddenly everything became a blur.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Red liquid and this time, it wasn’t hers. It was the unknown stranger’s blood, her mouth fell gape opened as she dropped the piece of glass. Words of apology waiting to come out but no sounds were made.

“Stay still for me, okay?”

Seohyun didn’t dare move as he messily wrapped the handkerchief around her wrist,
tying a loose knot one last time before sitting down next to her. He smiled. It was a genuine smile, not fake, not forceful, just simply a smile. And for a second, everything seemed alright.

“It’s okay, I’m going to be okay and you are going to be fine too.”

“I’m Jung Yonghwa, you?”

Seohyun wasn’t sure if that night, Jung Yonghwa ever realized the reason why she was shedding tears or what was her reason for slashing his hand. They didn’t speak nor make eyes contact, she didn’t give him an answer when he asked for her name instead she crawled away and hide in a corner. They sat there near the elevator of the third floor of the extravagance hotel as they let mother’s scream of pain and sorrow filled their ears.

"Are you afraid?"

"I suppose you can say that."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Afraid of...."

I fear of your kind.......

Maybe Jung Yonghwa didn’t need her to say, “My dad isn’t the guy everybody thought who he was” or admit that she was indeed terrified of his kind for him to realize that Seo Joohyun was just really just a girl with a fragile heart.

"Am I too late to save you?"

"Don't bother. You should know, sometime somethings are too late to save.....Yonghwa."


“Seohyun-shii....perhaps there’s a certain someone you would like as your partner on the show?”

“Eh? Do I get to pick?”

“Ne, we can’t guarantee that you will get the same partner as you might have requested  but you can give it a try, if you want.”

“Then....it would be nice if my husband on the show is Jung Yonghwa.”


A/N: This is a part of my 'Heart's Engine' series. It's concentrated on the human emotions and all of them are going to be fairly angsty and tragic. I think I'll write about five-six oneshots for this series, it's not all going to be the same pairing so I won't PM but if you want to be then just tell me in the comment :) Each one shot will get darker and darker as this series come closer to an end. I started with Seohyun because I feel she represent purity and perfection, I thought it would be a nice contrast. Anway...thank you for reading and if you can drop a little commenting, telling me your opinion would be lovely <3.

Ξ : douc, fandom: c.n. blue, ♥ : seohyun/yonghwa, fandom: snsd

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