#CHANGYOON FICPLOSION CHALLENGE: ii. reading between the lines (1/?)

Sep 20, 2014 10:14

reading between the lines (1/?)
~ 2,806 w, g, (changmin/yoona)
au!old hollywood theater where Yoona is a successful stage actress and Changmin is a newcomer playwright.

■ this is the first part to the second fic exchange with aoza. overall, there are seven prompts and we post one every some friday!
■ #2 - book quote: "You can't measure the mutual affection of two human beings by the number of words they exchange." Milan Kundera, IDENTITY
aff link

“It’s a tragedy,” Her manager says with a drawl, a cloud of cigarette smoke disguising her face as she hands Yoona a copy of the play, “His writing’s not though, I think he’s marvelous - just marvelous!”

Yoona takes it with a grim smile because at this rate, she has her picks of parts; the goods, the bads, the weirds, even the classics. He’s not a bad playwright, so they say in the theatre world with champagne on their lips and pretention intellects on their tongue. He’s fairly new though, and young too; the critics never forget to mention that in the reviews.

“Oh but isn’t he a mystery!” Boa raves, digging through her clutch for rouge, “He doesn’t give interviews, something about privacy and all that nonsense. I personally haven’t seen one picture of him. Have you?”

Yoona shakes her head. “I’ve only heard talks of him but Seung Gi and I did go see his debut play, ‘Winter Falls -“

“Winter Falls Short, oh, yes, yes,” The older woman interrupts, “I personally am not a fan of all sad things but I’ve heard good things. I was told that the audience left the theatre, clutching their heart and completely speechless, too blown away to utter a single word about it for a while apparently.”

“But it is a fantastic play,” Yoona admits, setting down her cup of tea and folding her hands on her lap, “It’s a pity that Mister Shim did not attend the Lee Soo Man Award ceremony to receive the ‘Newcomer’ award.”

“I’ve heard of that,” Boa says, “His trusted colleague received it in his honor - who was it again?”

“Mister Cho Kyuhyun, the director of the play.”

“That’s the one,” Boa claps her hand together, “Of course, he droned on and on about how grateful he was and how deeply apologetic he was that the guy couldn’t make it to this prestigious ceremony.”

“I’m sure Mister Shim has his reasons for not being there,” Yoona offers politely, flipping to page three of the copy, “The reading is rather urgent, don’t you think?

“Reading?” She looks scandalized, “You, my dear, a reading? Im Yoona, you are a star, any production would be lucky to have you even consider partaking -“

“You flatter me, Boa,” Yoona says primly, “But there’s a note attached to the script, see?” She holds up a name card, showing the other girl the perfect cursive handwriting on the back before reading it aloud, “Dear Miss Im, if you should find ‘Disquiet’ to be of any interest then please attend the reading in a week’s time at two o’clock sharp. Signed Shim Changmin.”

“Why the nerve!” Boa exclaims, jumping to her feet, “He is out of his league here! Offering you a top star like you a role and sending out god knows how many other copies of his play to god knows who! How distasteful! This is my mistake, you don’t need to take on someone like this -“

“I think I’ll do it.”


From all across the nation, amateurs, fresh and old faces travel through the wind and the rain and lines up outside the Metro theatre like obedient school girls. Though Boa did advise that she should be fashionably late because it’s within the right of all big stars, Yoona had decided it was best to be professional and arrive at least a couple of minutes earlier than two. Still, it wasn’t early enough because a handful of girls were already waiting outside the big great entrance of theatre four with their fists clenched around the script. Perhaps they’re reading for a different part, Yoona thought to herself as she takes a seat on the little space left on the couch but it has occurred to her that the lines she’s so carefully read over on the cab, are the ones being underlined on all the other pages in the room.

“Oh hello there,” Hwang Tiffany greets with her signature eye smile, taking her hat off, “I’m glad to see a pal here, it makes me less nervous.”

“This is all bit overwhelming, isn’t it?” Yoona speaks up over the crowd of chatting girl and moves over so Tiffany could squeeze in closer, “Which part are you auditioning for?”

“Rebecca,” Tiffany says in-sync with a blonde from the doorway, “And you?”

“Rebecca,” She replies, astonished, “But it’s not a singing part?”

The red head nods in confidence, pulling her coat closer to cover those legs. “It’s most definitely not. You seemed shocked,” She lets out a girlish giggle, says, “If I get the part then it will be my first show off Broadway. No show choir required!”

“You must be nervous,” Yoona finds that that’s her only appropriate response to this piece of news.

Tiffany shakes her head, looking around the now flooded corridor. “My manager got me an acting coach; I’m prepared to be as melodramatic as they want me to be.”

She takes it as a bad joke and forces out a quiet laugh.

“So, I was talking to Sooyoung,” her long time friend huddles in, whispering like there’s any secrecy in what she’s about to spill, “Choi Sooyoung, you know the one who used to be a child star then ended up getting typecast for absolutely everything she gets offered?” Yoona nods lightly and Tiffany sits down on the arm of the sofa and continues, “A friend of hers worked as an understudy for Kim Jaejoong in Mister Shim’s last play and god, she told me he is the absolute worst!”

“How so?”

Tiffany sighs, tucking a lock of her shiny locks behind her ear. “He is impossible to please, nothing is ever good enough. “Speak louder,” he says, “Speaks softer,” he says, “Are you dead of any emotion?” he asks, “Sympathy and empathy are not the same” and all that jazz.”

Yoona shrugs with a silver of a smile. “Well, it’s only fair that he demands the best of his actors. It is after all his name on the line.”

“I guess you’ve got a point,” The other girl agrees with hesitance, “But you’ve got to admit, he sounds like a nightmare to work with.”

“I think I’m about to find out for myself,” Yoona mumbles, glancing behind her shoulder to discover that she is now at the front of the queue, the only one in front of her having just entered with the door swinging shut behind her as she goes.

Yoona confesses; she hasn’t been this nervous for an audition since her first.


From where she stands, squinting, Shim Changmin is a lean, tall man with dark hair and even darker eyes. He is sitting on the second row, his long legs crossed and sharp elbow resting on his thigh, a script readily in hand. If he’s so much as glanced at her, Yoona didn’t notice.

“Thank you very much for coming today,” Cho Kyuhyun from the side of the stage, begins with a friendly smile, “We know you’ve had to come all the way from the other side of town.”

“It’s really no big deal,” Yoona says gently, sounding almost rehearsed to her own ears, “I’m glad that I’ve been given the opportunity to read for the part -“

“Starts from the top of age seven please,” Shim Changmin speaks up in what can be considered a hostile abruptness, “Just below where the monologue is, thank you.”

Startled as Yoona is, she doesn’t need to be asked twice. She starts as she remembers; sick to the stomach with sweaty palms and paling face. The lines come as rehearsed; her breath would hitch on the third syllable, rasps on the second line and crack on the fifth. Rebecca; the girl is not sad, nor is she regretful of what has or hasn’t happened. On the third last line of the page, she laughs and runs her hand through her perfectly coiffed hair and down her face. Nothing’s funny about this play but the comedy in all this is ironic to Rebecca but horrifying to the audience -


She blinks against the bright stage light. No one’s ever told her to stop before; the meaning of his request is unclear to her.

“Thank you very much,” He says with irksome flippantness, “That will be all for this afternoon. We’ll contact you shortly.”

Yoona might have not been in her best state of mind on her way off stage but if Shim Changmin’s bothered to lift his head and look at her for the first time; it’s the exact moment that she looks at him for the last time.


“You shouldn’t sweat over it,” Seung Gi tries to be of some comfort, folding his palm over hers, “There are plenty of other roles out there. He could be a one hit wonder; the play might very well turn out to be a total flop.”

Silence reigns and Seung Gi can only sigh then orders himself another drink.

A smile of total adoration graces his feature as he drapes his arm over her shoulder and pulls her closer. “Look, don’t be so upset. Out of the two of us, I should be the one sulking when my own gal won’t even go on a holiday with me.”

“Oh, Seung Gi, I’m sorry,” Yoona turns to him with overdue apologies, “It’s been shows after another, I haven’t had the time to think about what you want -“

“I forgive you,” He says with what seems to be a light hearted chuckle but takes a serious turn a mere second later, “But if you don’t get this part, then you’ll think about it, at least?”

“Of course” is her natural response but it’s all just acting here.

Yoona can only pray for a miracle to land a place in the play.


“Mhm,” Boa hums into the phone, scribbling on her notepad, “Yes, that’s fine with us. Any further negotiation can be dealt with on the first rehearsal; I’m sure you can find time for a break to discuss it.” She clicks her pen and bites her lips, looking more annoyed than pleased with what she’s hearing, “If that’s the case then I can meet you, Mister Cho and Mister Shim before the rehearsal - right, or after. Okay, well, after it is then. Good day to you too. Buh-Bye.”

Yoona looks at her expectedly, a hair brush still tangled in her locks and martini in her hand.

Boa swivels around, beaming before bursting into a squeal, “You’ve got the part! You’re going to play Rebecca in ‘Disquiet’!”

Blankly, “I am?”

“Told you, didn’t I, darling?” She says flippantly, digging through her clutch for a light, “You’re simply wonderful! No man could ever turn you down, especially not one in the institution of performing arts.”

With an inkling of a smile, Yoona turns back to the vanity and puts on her lipstick; a girl needs one when she hears this kind of news.

“I think you’ll find that Mister Shim is a bit different.”


Rehearsals are unconventional - very eccentric, true to the renowned style of the playwright.

“It is certainly a lovely day out,” Yoona comments, throat dry from the combination of her second cup of Mocha and the sublime presence of Shim Changmin, “But you’ll have to forgive me, I still don’t know why you’ve brought me out here.”

The restaurant was absolutely divine, cramped and loud but still, divine. It’s very unusual for the likes of him to hang around this kind of environment, Yoona thinks. If past experiences have indicated anything, it’s that writers like their peace and quiet with scraps of papers and a ball point pen. The scene is sociable but he’s yet to say more than a few words (an inquiry about her drink order).

Changmin looks distant. “It’s rowdy in here, isn’t it?”

She nods.

“This will be what it’s like on stage during the climax scene,” he says over the loud giggling of the group of housewives seated on the table behind theirs, “Loud and distracting.”

Yoona chuckles a little. “I do know how to raise my voice. You don’t have to worry about that, Mister Shim.”

“Changmin seems less convenient in the long term, don’t you think?” He asks with an arched brow, “Anyways, it doesn’t matter how loud you can be. It’s about the rawness of your voice when you speak.”


“You’re a very experienced actress; I can tell from your audition,” He rests his chin on his knuckles and looks at her for the first time since their meeting, “You’ve had the proper training from, most likely, an acting coach that’s regarded highly in the business.”

“Yes,” she answers honestly, her interest peaked by his odd but true observation, “You’re correct, I’ve been trained in acting since I was a little girl.”

“Of course, you were,” Changmin mumbles, “My compliments for your use of the stage and your voice projection.”

“Thank you -“

“It’s curious how your techniques are almost flawless, yet,” He pauses, biting the insides of his cheek, “Yet you lack the necessary emotions or possibly, the ability to express it, so that it reaches your audience.”

Not like she hasn’t heard that one before, Yoona presses her lips into a grim, straight line. Emotions, emotions, emotions - they talk of it like the gods and angels. Often enough, the reviews will read seamlessly with opening lines like “the performance given by Im Yoona is faultless but -“ She’s never perfected the arts of shedding tears like a crushed soul or loving looks of a crazed woman.

“You’re not shocked,” Changmin breaks the ice, “Or nearly as offended. Very good, I admire that trait in actors, unfortunately not many in this profession can take criticism very well.”

“Oh don’t you worry,” Yoona ducts her head, a small laugh tickling at her throat, “I’m very well aware of my flaws; critics only serve as reminders to me.”

He gives her a strange look. “If you know then why haven’t you fixed it?”

She blinks. He can’t be serious.

“Fixed it?” She echoes, her voice raising, “That’s silly for you to ask. If I could ‘fix it’ then I would have, Mister Shim, I enjoy delivering lackluster performances as much as you enjoy watching them.”

“Now don’t be too hard on yourself,” his effort in comport is appalling, “Lackluster is going too far. You just lack the heart and soul of the character you’re portraying. Which might explain why you’ve been type cast from the very get-go of your career.”

Her shoulders draw up, spine tensing, ‘’Type cast?”

“Well, do you not agree?”

No. But has she? Yoona has never played anything short of the leading woman, that can’t be a bad thing. She tries not to line them up in her mind; the egoistical version of her would like to go on thinking that she has variety when it comes to roles - Amelia Sedley is every actress’s dream, she was the youngest to have ever played Juliet, and Melanie Hamilton, the turning point of her career that many aspire to play on this very day. And they’re great parts except - sweet, genteel, two dimensions, weak.

“I thought so”


“You’re reading it wrong,” Changmin cuts her off mid-way, pulling out the pencil he’s tugged behind his ear and scribbles on his page, “She’s cautious, not afraid. Do it again.”

With a shaky breath, Yoona reads the line for what seems like the tenth time, “It would, yes, it would be wonderful if I can maybe - oh, what am I saying, I think I must have lost -“

“Cautious doesn’t mean awkward”

“I think it’s about time we take a break,” Kyuhyun suggests, his gaze catching hers for a split second as if he was trying to offer his deepest apology, “We’ve been going over this scene for about three hours now, I think we’ve tire out Miss Im by now.”

Changmin turns to Kyuhyun questioningly, skepticism written all over his face.

“How about we run over Mister Choi’s line?”

Choi Minho, who had been occupying himself with the sports section of the newspaper, looks up with a half-hearted smile and straightens enough to not seem completely aloof.

The playwright’s eyes lands on her once again and she gulps, the now familiar feeling of insecurity that comes from battling with those hard, dark stares he sends her way ever so often, clenching tightly at her chest and suffocating her.

It’s taken Yoona two decades on stage and the right man to see that she’s accomplished nothing worthy of a standing ovation.

Ξ : douc, *ficsplosion, ♥ : yoona/changmin, fandom: snsd, fandom: dbsk

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