(and I'll kneel down) and I will wait

Aug 16, 2014 18:58

(and I'll kneel down) and I will wait
~ 975 w, g, (minho/krystal)
and since she knows she’s got a face that stuns the heavens and hell, Minho doubts she’s shy about showing it off.


Minho doesn’t want to be that type of a boyfriend - the type that spends half his day thinking about what his girlfriend is up to and who she’s with. Yeah, you know the one. In fact, he’s the type of boyfriend that shoves his joy under the rug when she calls, makes her wait on dates and acts like her home cook meal doesn’t impress him much when in truth, he won’t shut up about it to Taemin for the rest of the day, if not week.

It’s just not a particularly attractive trait for a man to care so much, nor is it a very masculine one either. But then again, not every man will have the fortune (and misfortune) of dating Jung Soojung. She hides behind her hair when he looks and since she knows she’s got a face that stuns the heavens and hell, Minho doubts she’s shy about showing it off. It’s a boost to his ego to know that he can make her blush, even when it’s over a long distant call. When she’s mad at him, he takes pride because she never cares enough about other guys to slam doors and send angry text messages.
Soojung’s like that - the girl of your dream with a summer smile and celestial sphere eyes.

She picked him out of the bunch so he can’t be such a bad catch himself. But she’s the best of the best, the eleven out of ten, the ideal type - Minho has known for a while now that she is it.

It explains why the moment she’s out of his sight, he’s a nervous wreck. It’s then that she’ll catch some others love struck grin, be the apple of someone else’s eyes and laughs at lame jokes he didn’t tell. I like you the best, Soojung tells him when they were only friends and she tells him now that they’re more but sometimes when she’s away, he counts down the days with worst case scenarios that only she can dismiss.

It’s been two weeks and tonight the wait will be over and it will be the end of useless thoughts and restless nights. Minho sits on the couch with a knot in his stomach, sweaty hands bouncing on his lap and shaking legs. He stops counting the amount of time he’s glanced at the clock in the past half an hour; it’s only making things worse. Soojung’s late by twelve minutes already (she’s usually making herself at home in his kitchen by now).

As a fun way to kill time, Minho begins to come up with reasons why she’s still not here. She could be stuck in traffic, Seoul in the night time is even busier than it is in the day time. The flight was delayed; nothing’s ever on time anymore. Or it could be that she’s decided somewhere along the way to catch up with that band guy with his drum sticks and his one-sided crush on her (is it one-sided?) Minho laughs at himself then; a kind of pitiful, contradictory laugh that won’t make it through the walls.
Minho shrugs on his coat and head for the door because he refuses to wait around for her like an idiot. With more aggression than intended, Minho pulls the door opens and stalks down the corridor. He doesn’t dare to look at the mirror as he passes it, his reflection is of a man that needs to get a grip so instead, he punches the button and waits for the elevator to arrive.

He’s not made the visual for nothing, it can’t be that hard to find himself another girl if she can find herself another boy. (but can anyone else learn how to kiss him the way she does? Will there ever be any other that can look like a Christmas morning on a Monday morning? How does he find someone else that can him sick in the best possible way by only walking pass?)

In his opinion, the ‘ding’ sounds more like a time bomb rather than the opening of doors.


He’s stopped breathing all together then.

Soojung blinks at him, all flushed with her a pale blue cardigan slipping off one shoulder. Then she dazzles him with her smile like a welcome home present when really, he should be the one to give her something and not the other way around. “Did you come out here to wait for me?”

“No,” he denies quickly and unconvincingly, “You’re - uh - later than I expected.”

She steps out of the elevator and nudges him in the rib with her elbow and Minho thinks nothing’s changed at all since they’ve met. “You haven’t seen me for two weeks and that’s the first thing you think to say? Seriously, Minho? No ‘I miss you’? No ‘how are you’? Not even a ‘hello’?”

And before Minho could do something he’ll live to regret like wax poetry about how head over heels in love he is with her, he pulls her in by the arm and crushes her against his chest. It should be a dead giveaway that he can’t think straight when she’s not around and when she is, it’s not any different either.

“Okay then…you’re weirder than the usual today,” Soojung says with what sounds like a protest in her voice but sneaks an arm around his waist anyway, “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay,” Minho mutters in between pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, “I’m better than okay - I’m great.” He can’t help but smile and laugh and do it all over again, “Next time you go away, instead of making me wait around, how about you take me with you?”

He’ll never know if she’s laughing at him or with him when she whispers, “You know what, I think I should make you wait more often.”

Ξ : douc, fandom: shinee, ♥ : krystal/minho, fandom: f(x)

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