christmas drabbles <3

Dec 28, 2011 17:34

a collaboration between yuri and i for the holiday season, and being super ecstatic that it is our one year anniversary and we have over one hundred watchers before the new year <3

you guys are seriously awesome, it personally blows my mind.

but, anyways, here you guys go. christmas drabbles~ enjoy!

1. jooyeon/g.o - 268 w, pgwritten by douc

There are snowflakes pinned to the walls and fans blowing confetti snow.

“Why?” Byunghee sighs, surrenders and let her drag him into the freezing cold room. “Why couldn’t have we just stayed at the restaurant?”

Her arms are crossed, looking highly displease with his response. “I went through all this trouble for you and that’s the thanks I get?”

A loud, painful smacking sound echoes in the snowy white room; his forearm is slowly turning red and will most likely look like an ugly patch of bloody purple by tomorrow. He winces but reminds himself that this is Christmas, a holy day and remains jolly anyway.

It amuses Byunghee, though he knows he should probably scold her. “I apologize if I don’t see the big deal about Christm -“
Jooyeon smacks his arm for the second time in the last five minute, throws a glare over her shoulder but pour him a glass of prepared champagne nevertheless. “How can you not like Christmas? It’s one of the happiest day of the year - with the pretty, bright lights, delicious food, Christmas trees and little kids giggling in glee all day long. And…”

His mouth curves, amused but not quite smiling. “And?”

“And…there’s that.” Jooyeon blushes crimson rose as her eyes travels up the ceiling and towards the mistletoes hanging above them.

“I like that.” Byunghee feels the vibration of her laugh against his cheek before she smacks a bruising kiss on it, “I’d like more.”

“Yeah?” She touches his nose to hers, wraps her arms around his neck, and whispers, “We’ll just have to celebrate next year too then.”

2. krystal/onew - 362 w, pg
written by douc

It starts with eggnog.

They will share eggnog and fruit cakes, laughter and low lighting. At the end of the night, they will sing at least three carols and laugh over their silliness. Then they will exchange gifts, press kisses on cheeks and sing some more songs.
But Jessica’s somewhere in New York, her parents are devouring turkey in California and the rest of her group members have someone to celebrate with. It was too quiet, painfully so. The last time the building was this silent, they were on the world tour and Krystal wasn’t the abandoned one.

When the almost incoherent sound of shuffling and knocking could be heard from the other side of the door. Krystal almost got her hopes up, almost.


There stood Lee Jinki shivering in the winter snow, hair ruffled, and two cup of eggnogs in both hands with an uneasy smile plastered on his face.

“Oppa, what are you doing here?” she says, trying to look cheerful but failed miserably, her voice was too low and her smile was not any more convincing than his.

"I know I’m not who you were expecting, no need to lie to me, Soojung.” He forces a chuckles and dusts the clump of snow off his coat. “I just thought - no one should be alone on Christmas, I don’t want you to be lonely.”

She's quiet for a very long time, her breathing slowly settling. And then she glances up at him, smiles for the first time of the day, and asks, “Do you want to come in? I would love some help with decorating the tree.”

They do have eggnogs (she hates it and he loves it) and fruit cakes (she asks for seconds and he asks for a refund). They sang five carols, two which she detests and two of those he picked. They don’t share a kiss but there’s the familiar feeling of the unknown, the excitement of it pulling at her like her oldest, most reliable friend.


So Krystal taps at his door at five to one, he yawns but looks more than happy to see her.

“No one should spend Christmas alone, right?”

3. sunny/jonghyun - pg, 278 w, au
written by douc

She’s pretty, he thinks when Lee Soonkyu comes through the door with another eight girl, gifts in hands and more than ready to celebrate Christmas.

She laughs her pretty little head all the way through the night, when having turkey when baking cakes. Even when she embraces Yonghwa and questioned whether he’s got a gift ready for her dearest maknae but of course, he did so she just laughs some more then take another sip of her champagne after another.

While it might not be so apparent to the rest, it was to Jonghyun - she was drunk, Lee Soonkyu was barely on her feet and was attempting to put a plastic, golden star on the top of the Christmas tree. With her height? He thought to himself silently, she was definitely drunk, maybe even long pass that.

“Can I be any help to you?” He finally asks after ten minutes of observing and stifling laughter.

“Hi thereeee,” she says brightly, one hand latching onto the lapel of his jacket as she tips precariously on her heels.
Jonghyun clears his throat and tries again, “Do you want me to put that on the tree for you?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t want more drinks but you can get some.”

He sighs, deciding to act on his own accordance and pulls the star out of her tight grip. Smiling down at her in amusement as he easily places the star on top of the coniferous tree. “There you go”

“My hero”, she exclaims brightly, smacking a lip gloss kiss to his cheek before stumbling away into the crowd, not looking back.

She’s pretty, he thinks and runs after her.

4. iu/wooyoung - pg, 269 w
written by douc

It’s all too cliché - presents are ‘anonymously’ delivered to his door a week before Christmas.

“Who is it from?” Chansung asks and jumps at the presents, ready to rip the box to shred.

He pretends he’s uninterested (he badly wants it to be her but he’s not sure to say it so), “A fan, I guess.”

In those span of seven days, it kept coming. First it was a wallet (leather, expensive and just what he wanted), a chess set, wrist watch, sneakers, ties, the book he’s been looking for. It all kept coming until the day before Christmas, nothing came and he refuses to admit his own disappointment.

On the morning of the next day, he was the first to wake. Wooyoung puts on his coat, hands stuff in his pocket and stood umovingly outside of his dorm, unsure of what to anticipate.

Minutes later, a brown curl and a pair of pink gloves caught his eyes. He wasn’t entirely surprise (happy, maybe) when a Jieun and her smiling self appears before him, pulling his awaited present out of her bag. Wooyoung couldn’t help but laugh when she looks around, checking for anyone inside before sliding the object under his door.

She looks strangely proud of him when he taps her on the shoulder, as though he's caught onto something. “You didn’t tell me you were back in Seoul? And all this time, I thought you were partying away in Tokyo.”

His lips curve in a way that can only be described as an invitation. "I like to surprise. Want to come in for a cup of hot chocolate?"

5. seohyun/kyuhyun - pg, 360 w
written by  withoutchange"So, where is my present?" Kyuhyun, as per usual, appears out of no where with his sheepish smile. Among the crowd of idols wishing each other Merry Christmas! - (or being politcally correct: Happy Holidays!) he's able to find her with straight posture, unfazed by the bodies crowding and shoving all around her.

Seohyun, on the other hand, is not so pleased. He's too assertive, she thinks to herself. Unworthy of a present, is the after thought.

"How are you so sure I got you one?" She asks with a taunting glance and continues to wave at the people that pass by. Seohyun is not looking at him, her gaze focused on making eye contact with people when she says, good job today! just so that they know she means it.

Kyuhyun places a hand on the back of her neck and she flinches.

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting for my present," He looks at her, "Victoria gave me a whole tray of kimchi. Do you know how hard that is to top?"

He waits to see if her nostrils flare, a sure sign of envy, but nothing. She always defies expectations.

"I didn't know this was some competition," Seohyun offers a joking smile as she turns and looks at him. She leans forward, careful to be cautious, and her fingers grab his forearm lightly with a squeeze, "Merry Christmas Kyuhyun. Don't get too drunk tonight, okay?"

Kyuhyun just returns the smile, wondering if he thought too much of their little, border-line flirtatious banter (as much as it can be for Seohyun), so he just nods, "Got it. I'll try not to party too hard. No promises though."

And she leaves after that, lost once again in the crowd of holiday cheer.

When he gets into the van and arrives at the dorm an hour later, Sungmin hands him a basket - "Someone left it for you," He says a little hurriedly.
He looks underneath the wrapper and finds a bunch of home baked goods, some a bit burnt, others looking heavenly, a little note on the side, and a laugh escaping his lips:

Try to top that. - Seohyun

6. jessica/donghae - pg, 478 w, time, ticking on me au
written by withoutchange

"So is that what snow looks like?"

"Well, it's what it has always looked like if you're asking me," Donghae looks over his shoulder and out the window. It's really not a lot of snow, but just enough so that his front lawn is frosted white and the window is glazed over with a silver tint. He looks from the clear glass to a not so clear signal on his laptop. His knuckles tap the screen lightly, blinking some, "You look like one giant pixel."

"Really?" Jessica groans. After a few minutes of no words and just thuds, he can actually see something that starts to resemble a face.


"Much," Donghae grins into the little camera situated on top of his laptop.

"Why are you so happy over there? Got another girl waiting for you this Christmas?" Jessica asks, eyes narrowing. She arches a brow and leans into her own camera. In her screen, the background of her house just looks a little empty. A Christmas tree with barely any presents and sunlight peering through her window along with vivacious plants along the side - winter is something nonexistent in California.

"No. Eunhyuk and Taeyeon are hanging out though," He mumbles with a teasing grin. "Jealous?"

The connection goes haywire for a split second, leaving Donghae unsure if she heard him. She just looks blankly at the camera before her shoulders lift and drop, and over the lagged signal he thinks he hears, "Yeah, but that's only because they're with you."

Donghae sighs and leans back into the chair he's sitting on, fingers pressing at his temple. He looks over across the room, eyes falling on a calendar. "I hope you get my gift in the mail soon," He says.

"I hope it's something nice."

"Don't you have a little faith in me?"

"Of course I do," Jessica says with this small smile that he can actually see, and for a moment his heart feels like she isn't thousands of miles away.

"Say it Jessica," Donghae teases then. She looks at him skeptically, "What?"

"Say it," He whines like a child, another groan carried through the signal.

She pouts somewhat, posture dropping and forehead rested against the side of the camera. On his screen, he can see the sharp features of her face that look tired but beautiful, and he realizes how much he really does miss her.

"I love you," Is what she says quietly. "Three more months."

"Three more months and twelve days," Donghae corrects, his knuckles brushing against the outline of their video call.

"But I love you too. Try not to get too much holiday spirit over there in America without me. Okay? And don't go on any bus rides," He mumbles with a sheepish smirk.

Jessica laughs a little before sitting back up, looking right at him, "I won't. Merry Christmas, you loser."

7. sulli/taemin - pg, 304 w
written by withoutchange

Sulli had always imagined Christmas and the holidays as something of a sacred time, not something filled with schedules and chaos. Krystal is the one who squeezes her shoulders, mumbles things like "Don't worry about it, before you know it we'll be just all home, footsie pajamas and all - and we can just pass out." And other small things like that that get her through apart of the day, but barely through the night.

She finds herself sitting whenever she can, where ever she can: on top of boxes, in the corner of the room, on top of other people, even. Truth be told, she's exhausted.

"Yeah, you kind of look like you're going to die," Taemin says and he sits down next to her. There's obviously no more room on this couch they have decided to occupy, but they both squeeze, and for a minute they both feel warm and a little bit more at ease.

"I think I might," Sulli says with a shiver, looking over.

"Well, at least we could just both die on this couch. Right now. I'm dead serious," Taemin blinks a few times and tries to stretch out.

She laughs a little when he just squishes her into the pile of jackets and other products that occupy the other side of the couch. "It's your sudden growth spurt that makes this so uncomfortable," Taemin points with a grin. "For 2012, I suggest you make the resolution to not grow anymore."

"Afraid I'll be taller than you?"

"That probably won't happen, but sure," He says before closing his eyes. Sulli sits there, eyes flickering open and closed - but the next time she wakes up, her head is situated nicely on his shoulder.

Right at that moment, she thinks that is the most awake she's felt in awhile.

8. jiyeon/mir - pg, 275 w, au
written by withoutchange

"Wait," Cheolyong decides that she looks better with the reindeer ears and he looks better with the santa hat two minutes before they decide to leave for the party.

"You've got to be kidding me," she blinks. The reindeer ears definitely looked better on him. But they're already ten minutes late and they live about twenty minutes away - and she's sure as hell Soyeon won't appreciate their tardiness, but Cheolyong is still staring at the mirror.

"Cheolyongggg," She whines and just grabs his hand and starts to tug, dragging him out the door with her.

"I really don't want to go to this holiday party," Cheolyong protests in a serious manner, arms wrapping around her waist. They waddle to the door in all their discomfort, Cheolyong's chin on Jiyeon's shoulder and a reindeer horn threatening to poke his eye out.

"Seungho will kill you, and Jooyeon and Byunghee are going to be there - it really won't be that bad."

"But it will."

"No it won't, besides, do we have anything better to do?"

Cheolyong has a sheepish grin then, eyebrows wiggling and laugh, "Well, there is a mistletoe - okay, ow."

"You definitely deserved that one."

"How can I drive now? You've basically crippled my arm with your abnormally strong punches."

Jiyeon turns on her foot and looks at him, leaning in almost close enough, but still centimeters away. "Do you want a Christmas present or not?" And it's a small threat, but big enough for Cheolyong to shut up.

"Alright, lets rock this party."

Jiyeon just laughs all the way to the car, and that's enough for Cheolyong as a present already,

♥ : jiyeon/mir, fandom: t-ara, fandom: c.n. blue, ♥ : seohyun/kyuhyun, ♥ : jessica/donghae, fandom: after school, fandom: shinee, ♥ : sulli/taemin, fandom: super junior, fandom: 2pm, fandom: snsd, fandom: mblaq, ♥ : jooyeon/g.o, !special, ♥ : sunny/jonghyun, Ξ : withoutchange, fandom: f(x), ♥ : krystal/onew, Ξ : douc, fandom: iu, ♥ : iu/wooyoung

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