carousel turning

Apr 24, 2011 23:08

carousel turning
2200 w, pg (jiyeon/mir, soyeon/seungho)
au! their adventures at the amusement park.
  • for firequakes 
  • sorry it took me so long ): and if the end seems rushed, it isn't, i'm just braindead

When Seungho offers him the job his resume and qualifications for the position fall a little short of appropriate. "But it's either I hire you or that punk, Jonki," Seungho mutters under his breath while he carelessly signs off some papers. The next thing Cheolyong knows is he's behind an operating machine for the tea cups. He decides that it isn't that difficult and that whoever previously worked at this ride liked gum. He can tell by the piles stuck under the control board. Occasionally, he adds his own mint flavored stride under there, just to leave a mark and prove a point.

"That's really gross," Sanghyun reprimands him with a frown, flipping to the next page in his book.

"Want to know what's gross?" Cheolyong retorts lazily, "is that you're reading a book during the summer at your job, which is an amusement park. That, my friend, is just nasty."

"Seungho lent it to me, it's on quantum physics. He says it applies to all the rides here but that's just logical. Besides, it is really interesting."

"Hm, he never lends me books."

Sanghyun rolls his eyes and looks back down, skipping to a page with spherical figures, "Yeah, I wonder why."

During Cheolyong's breaks he hangs out with Changsun behind the carousel. Occasionally, Byunghee joins them if girls aren't too busy hitting on him by the games. Changsun just leans back in his over sized teddy bear suit, sitting in between the ears of the freakishly large head. Someone would think he would be the guy to work at the game where you test your strength, but he obviously has more appeal underneath a furry animal with large green eyes.

"Don't you get hot in that?" Cheolyong asks with an arched brow. His legs swing back and forth off the rail he's sitting on.

Changsun shakes his head in a yes but he has this big bright smile, possibly bigger than the one on the bear itself.

"Yeah, but, I wouldn't trade this position in for any other one. Maybe the one where you sit in the chair though and get dropped into the water if someone hits the target -"

"No one wants to see you in a wet t-shirt."

But the moment is cut short with a giggle near by. Both of them look over, Cheolyong earnestly wiping off some sweat on his brow when he catches sight of two girls approaching with Seungho. They're both pretty, really pretty. "Her on the other hand in a wet - "

"Now's not the time to be a pervert," Changsun whispers hurriedly before bowing. Cheolyong wonders if it's because he's ashamed of his costume or if Seungho scares the shit out of him. The latter seems most likely.

"Cheolyong, Changsun - this is Soyeon and Jiyeon," Seungho introduces them with slight aggravation hidden between his brows.

Soyeon shoves her hand forward to the both of them. Cheolyong shakes it first and Changsun awkwardly rubs his paw against it.

"Seungho here didn't want to introduce us to his friends, instead he just wanted us to get right to work," Soyeon says with this bright smile. Cheolyong offers a sheepish grin, able to feel Seungho's eyes burning into the nape of his neck. He decides not to say anything embarrassing.

He then looks at Jiyeon, sticking his hand out to her. She shakes it with a small smile and he notices that she has funny eyes. Funny, pretty eyes. "You work at the tea cups, right?"

"Right. Did Seungho tell you?"

"No, my friends come here a lot. They say you're a lot of fun when you yell into the microphone and stuff."

Cheolyong just beams.

After he convinces Seungho to let him show her around, things seem to go smoothly.

"So, I think Soyeon likes Seungho, which is probably why she wanted to work here in the first place," Jiyeon insists with a yawn.

"Really?" Cheolyong is a little flabbergasted at the thought. Seungho wasn't really into girls.

"He never talks about girls. Then again, he never really talks."

"Yeah, but Soyeon talks a lot, so, I think that'll be good for them. If they ever decide to be a them .. well, wait, that doesn't make sense, does it?" She laughs nervously, clapping her hands together.

Cheolyong shakes his head in a no, a smile flourishing on his face. "Maybe, I mean, to the them statement. She's pretty, so, that's a plus for her."

"Oh, you think she's pretty?" Jiyeon asks with her brows arched.

"Well, yeah. Why do you look offended?"

"I'm not offended!"

"Are you jealous? I mean, you're pretty too."

"Why would I be jealous?"

Cheolyong has no response for that, but after a long moment she just giggles, "Thanks though."

He thinks they're going to be good friends.

"So, why are you working here?" Jiyeon asks as they sit in the purple tea cup.

( "I want to sit in a pink - no, purple tea cup! With diamonds because they look classy and cool. Then, you and I could make that our tea cup - the purple, diamond tea cup that belongs to Jiyeon and Cheolyong. We can take a sharpie and write our names on it even, that way, when people are like 'ohhh, your name isn't on it!', we can just point at it and be like .. yeah, what now? Wouldn't that be great?" )

She's lying down on one of the seats, her calves carelessly slung over the edge of the cup. He sits near her feet, flicking at her navy blue converses. Cheolyong shrugs before reaching over to untie her laces. She doesn't notice because she's too busy looking at the Alice in Wonderland painted ceiling and waiting for his answer.

"Well," He pulls on one string, "My sister is famous. Like, legitimately famous for being pretty and acting, and then there's me. I live twenty minutes away by car on a farm and I just needed a job, you know?"  He undoes a knot. "Not that dramatic. How about you?"

"Well," Jiyeon teases, "I used to work at a daycare and then the daycare closed down. Soyeon used to work with me too and then we just needed jobs. So, she contacted an old time high school buddy, Seungho - which, by the way, she seems to have a lot of," a breath, "And bada bing bada boom - here I am."

She sits up after that, hair disheveled. He looks at her and grins, wondering why he feels so comfortable only after knowing her for seventy two hours (not that he's been counting), and it's a good feeling.

"Not that dramatic," Jiyeon reiterates with an affirming nod to her statement.

Cheolyong chuckes before standing and jumping from his seat onto the netted platform. He can see all the intricate wires underneath, the stuff that Seungho likes fixing when it breaks down, and then he starts walking away with heel toe steps.

"Yah! Where are you -" And when Jiyeon tries to stand she finds her laces of both shoes tied together. She only screams and he only laughs, louder, and louder, and eventually her screams turn into laughs too.

Night time is when the amusement park looks the prettiest. Everything seems to illuminate the sky, as if it were still light with these deep shades of purple and bright spurts of orange.

Jiyeon looks especially happy that night, a little girl who has just seen a rainbow - happy, and when Cheolyong tells her that she just stumbles over words, "It's even better than that!"

"What could be better than a rainbow?"

"Seungho and Soyeon holding hands!" She exclaims with a nod of her head, donning a wide grin.

Cheolyong assumes she's into romance stuff like that then: holding hands, kissing on top of the ferris wheel, normal sensational love traditions. But nevertheless, he grins too.

"Really?! Yes! Changsun owes me five bucks then," He replies wistfully.

Jiyeon blinks a few times, "What?"

"Him and I had a bet that Seungho wouldn't ever like a girl until .. forever. Well, I said he would like someone within a year, he said within three - but, that isn't important right now. Where'd you see them?"

It obviously wasn't that important to Jiyeon at that moment either as she just punches his shoulder, "Well, they were on the rollercoaster and I was at the controls with Sanghyun. They were holding hands on one of the loops, I saw it!"

"Wow, you must have good vision."

"I know! It was great!"

Cheolyong decides not to tell her the theory of maybe she was scared, instead, he just stretches his arms out forward. "We should go celebrate," He exclaims with a nod of his head.

"We should?"

"We should. I'm thinking that when we get off of work in ten minutes, you and I go on every ride."

Jiyeon laughs, light and cheery, as if gravity didn't hold her bones down.

"Sounds like a date," And she disappears back to where ever she came from, leaving him without another word.

Ten minutes can be awhile, Cheolyong realizes. Although he's only operated two spins on the tea cups for the past ten minutes, it occurs to him that those cycles take awhile. Maybe forever. And then forever ends and they're standing pretty close to each other behind the carousel.

"So, where to first?" Jiyeon asks with these bright eyes.

Cheolyong shrugs, "Up for a roller coaster?"

Jiyeon nods and they sprint off to conquer their first ride.

She screams like a banshee, but it isn't like he's any better. In between all the screaming and holding onto each other, there are a lot of laughs. Most of the time, neither of them can breathe after each ride because they're too busy laughing their lungs out.

Cheolyong is hunched over, one hand on his knee and the other in Jiyeon's. She has her back arched and a hand over her stomach, eyes closed tightly. When he stands back up straight he can see that her eyes are water rimmed from the light near by.

"Hey, Jiyeon, we're holding hands."

"Hey, I guess we are."

He looks around with his other hand curled into a fist hidden in his pocket. Her hands are soft, contrasted to his slightly rough ones. "It's from all the farm work," Cheolyong explains.

Jiyeon snorts and nods her head before taking initiative and leading him down the strip of games.

"Win me a prize and I'll give you a prize."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, that giraffe," And she stops midway in front of one of those games where you have to knock down cans with a bean sack. Conveniently, it is also Byunghee who is working there.

When he knocks down all the cans except one they all groan in unison. When Jiyeon looks down for a moment Byunghee takes this opportunity to knock the can over before gasping loudly and chucking. Cheolyong tries not to laugh too hard.

"I guess are groaning just kind of made it fall over," He mumbles nonchalantly before unhooking the giraffe. Byunghee winks at Cheolyong before handing it to Jiyeon, the rainbow smile back and smeared across her countenance.

"You two kids have fun."

The ferris wheel had the shortest line and the amusement park was about to close anyways, so it's their last stop. They sit across from each other, Jiyeon giggling and hiding her face behind the long giraffe neck.

"Why are you giggling?" Cheolyong asks, folding his arms over his torso.

"Because I'm happy. Why? I'm not allowed to giggle?"

Cheolyong shakes his head and she kicks is shin lightly. He merely chuckles and looks out the window, pressing his palm against the thin glass.

"Are you afraid of anything?" He blinks a few times before looking over at her.

Jiyeon tilts her head, thoughtful for a few seconds.

"Not really, well, not at this moment. Except one thing."

Cheolyong looks slightly offended, "What? Are you afraid of me?"

She chimes with a laugh, shaking her head, "You're a loser, but no. I'm afraid of giving you your prize."

Cheolyong remembers, instinctively leaning forward. His elbows rest on his knees, "I almost forgot! You do owe me a prize after winning you that cool giraffe, with no help from Byunghee mind you."

Jiyeon tilts her head, "What? Nevermind, but okay. It's really scary though."

He stares, "Well, you're not going to stab me or anything, are you?"

"Why are you so weird?"

He sighs, "Okay, okay, what is it?"

"Close your eyes."

So he does and she does too, even if she does open them last second just to make sure she doesn't miss his lips. When he realizes that she's kissing him, he can feel his face flush red - but when she pulls away in a few seconds he can feel his face drain color.

Cheolyong scoffs, still perched forward. Jiyeon's face is still close, eyes blinking furiously.

"Well, that was pretty scary."

She groans and hits him, causing him just to laugh again.

"Really scary," And he leans back forward to close the space in between them.

♥ : jiyeon/mir, fandom: t-ara, ♥ : soyeon/seungho, fandom: mblaq, Ξ : withoutchange

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