6 students from HCI came to Binus School Simprug..
and bla bla bla...
plus, I'm kinda sick..
so I cant do anything right now,,,
AND I just realized that I've been tagged by
n4_ch4n and
teeyaz about 1 month ago..
while I have time, I'm going to do it now.. ^^v
A . List 7 facts/quirks/habits of yours.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever who wants to do it"
1. I love the colour YELLOW and don't know why.. xD
2. I've always had trouble refusing something.. which is BAD,, I think..
3. I'm a big fan of YUI and other musician-singers
4. I hate it when my mom nags..
5. I want my own space, coz I think my room is too small
6. My life long dream is to exterminate all the cockroaches in the world..
7. I am random and I LOVE IT!!
and now I tag anyone who wants to do it.. xDD
and some more.. ahahah~
copied this from
teeyazit's just cute.. so I wanna do it...
If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie!!!
Opening Credits:
You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban >>> ummm... okay, my mom DID raise me up...
Waking Up:
HA.RU.NA.TSU.A.KI.FU.YU - Ya-ya-yah >>> IDK.. xDD but I like the song... xD
First Day At School:
Himitsu - Arashi (nino solo) >>> EEEEEEEE?? nani???
Falling In Love:
Too Shy - Hey! Say! JUMP >>> DEFINITELY!!!! xDD
Fight Song:
Teppen - NewS >>> hahahhaah~ YEAP..
Easy Lover - Phil Collins >>> ROFL...
Mafuyu no Nagareboshi - NewS >>> didn't suit the theme,, but the song IS SWEET!!
Life's OK:
Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Unknown >>> OK... that means life's okay rite???
Mental Breakdown:
Aruite Yukou - Playzone2007 >>> NANI??!!! okay, I'd have to move forward after a mental breakdown.. xDD
Shine - Clay Aiken >>> okay...
What Dreams Are Made Of - Hilary Duff >>> uugghh....
Getting Back Together:
More Than Words - Westlife >>> that seems okay...
Best Day of My Life - Jesse McCartney >>> Definitely.. ahahhaha~
Final Battle:
Death Scene:
Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion >>> does that make any sense to u???
funeral scene:
Goodbye Days - YUI >>> eeeeeeeeeee????
okay.. that's for today...
maybe there'll be more... wtv...
and keep the randomness goin!!! xDDD